Legendary Heroes, Villains, and Lairs

A project in Salt Lake City, UT by Dragon Scale Games

Status: Active

5e compatible heroes, villains, & battlemaps to drop into your current campaigns along with loot, lore & creature stat cards!
Backers: 118
Average Daily Pledges: $219
Average Pledge Per Backer: $43

Funding: $5,048 of $1,000
Dates: Jun 4th -> Jul 4th (30 days)
Project By: Dragon Scale Games
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Latest News

Stretch goal #2 unlocked!

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Stretch Goal #2 is unlocked! We'll get to work right away building these unique NPCs that work in teams and get them added to the manual. We've already got these special teams sorted out and chosen, and we think you'll love em! In the meantime, we... (Read More)

A little under $500 away from stretch goal #2

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
We're well under way drafting, refining, and play testing the NPCs and the maps in Legendary Heroes, Villains, & Lairs and we think you're gonna love it. We are putting in lots of good lore too so there is depth to the NPCs to draw upon to... (Read More)

100 backers! -- Let's celebrate with something extra.

June 14th - via: kickstarter.com
We crossed over the 100 backers milestone today, and we thought it might be cool to do something fun for it. So we're going to include a d100 chart or random loot. These can be treasure items, mementos an NPC might carry, or... lots more! We'll put... (Read More)

New stretch goals announced!

June 11th - via: kickstarter.com
The voting results are in and the next three stretch goals are going to be as follows:#3NPC companions/teams. This stretch goal unlocks when we hit $5,000 and consists of several NPCs that work as teams. Think Butch and Sundance, but with swords and... (Read More)

Stretch goal 1 unlocked!

June 9th - via: kickstarter.com
We have unlocked the first stretch goal! The Legendary Companion Pack -- several furry and scaly friends, the lore behind the animals included, plus an additional battlemap is officially unlocked and going into the Legendary Heroes, Villains, &... (Read More)

Stretch goal 1 almost unlocked - time to vote for the next stretch goals!

June 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Friday! As the week draws to a close we are very close to unlocking the first stretch goal -- Legendary Companion Pack -- several furry and scaly friends, the lore behind the animals included, plus an additional battlemap!The options for the... (Read More)

Funding update and first stretch goal announcement

June 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Good morning and thank you for the amazing support we have received! We are so thrilled to see we have blown right past the funding goal so quickly!We also want to announce the first stretch goal:  Stretch Goal 1: Legendary Companion Pack (Unlocks... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!