Armed Fantasia & Penny Blood

A project in Tokyo, Japan by Double Kickstarter

Funding Successful

Explore the westernpunk wilderness of Armed Fantasia and defeat the evil lurking within Penny Blood in this JRPG celebration!
Backers: 17920
Average Pledge Per Backer: ¥21168

Funded: ¥379,328,385 of ¥100,000,000
Dates: Aug 29th -> Sep 30th (32 days)
Project By: Double Kickstarter
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Last Updated: October 2 @ 10:11 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood Delayed to Unknown Date

March 15th - via:
Hello. This is Kaneko, the person in charge of total game design and scenario writer of Armed Fantasia. Today, I have an important announcement to make. When we held the Kickstarter campaign for Armed Fantasia, we announced the game was scheduled to be released in March 2025, but after much discussion among the team and the developers, and as a result of the current progress of the project, it has been decided to review and postpone the launch date of Armed Fantasia. (Read More)

Wild Arms Spiritual Successor ‘Armed Fantasia’ Celebrates Summer With New Swimsuit Artwork - Noisy Pixel

August 2nd - via:
Armed Fantasia, the spiritual successor to the Wild Arms series, takes place in the land of Londenium. The protagonist, Ingram, decides to leave his hometown after his grandfather passes away. He then becomes a Pathfinder, a profession utilizing ARM (Aether Reaction Maximizer) weaponry to rid the world of Anomalies. (Read More)

Penny Blood Reveals Halloween Art, Development Images & Announces Composition Broadcast

October 27th - via:
The development team behind the upcoming Shadow Hearts spiritual successor, Penny Blood, posted a new Kickstarter update detailing the ongoing progress of the project. (Read More)

Devs share progress updates on Armed Fantasia & Penny Blood

October 27th - via:
As you might remember, both Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood are coming to a Nintendo platform following a Kickstarter success. (Read More)

Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood Kickstarter Update Shares Concept Art

October 27th - via:
A new development diary appeared for the twin Kickstarter for JRPG’s Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood, including concept art for a transforming weapon and a wind-powered monster. The Armed Fantasia update is written by Hiroki Ishii, while Matsuzo Machida penned the one for Penny Blood. (Read More)

A Concept Art Shared in the Armede Fantasia and Penny Blood Kickstarter Update

October 27th - via:
A new development diary was printed in two Kickstarters for JRPG’re Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood. In addition, drawings were developed by a power generation engine to transform the weapon into an un-powered monster (SIF). (Read More)

Penny Blood September 2023 Update

October 1st - via:
A new month means we get a new update for the Shadow Hearts spiritual successor Penny Blood. Penny Blood was a part of a double Kickstarter along with Armed Fantasia. There will be another update for that game as well. (Read More)

Special Pre-Stream Update

September 30th - via:
Special Update: Closing Stream and Golden Ticket Concert Info Wow. The last 2 days have been amazing. We have no idea how this thing will end but thanks to your support we have become the 16th most funded video-game Kickstarter in history. Not bad... (Read More)

Worldbuilding Wednesdays #5 / 水曜日:世界観設定 #5

September 28th - via:
This is it. We are hitting turbo on the campaign and not holding anything back! This is our and your last chance to push for any extra content you can. It's worth noting while tiers may seem expensive due to needing some margin in order to develop... (Read More)

Armed Fantasia & Penny Blood double Kickstarter closes in on its final 48 hours, special events and more detailed

September 27th - via:
In honor of the double Kickstarter wrapping up, the dev team is going to host a special stream to share their thanks with supporters. Along with that, a backer-only concert will be held as well, but that comes one day after the Kickstarter ends. (Read More)

Mechanics Mondays #4 / 月曜日:ゲームシステム紹介 #4

September 26th - via:
Our final Mechanics Monday. You’ve seen core systems, mini-games, customizations... A JRPG fan’s dream. But even though this is our last Monday of the campaign, we have a big, big week planned for you. As we’ve stated throughout the campaign,... (Read More)

Feature Fridays #4 / 金曜日:特別企画 #4

September 23rd - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります All good things must come to an end and alas, this is our last Feature Friday. What, you say? There is one more Friday left? Why, yes there is, but we have a very special announcement. In... (Read More)

Armed Fantasia Introduces 6 Party Members; Renders & Profiles

September 22nd - via:
The official website for the recently kickstarted successor to the JRPG Wild Arms series, Armed Fantasia, has been updated to highlight six of the title’s party members, with three being completely new reveals. (Read More)

Worldbuilding Wednesdays #4 / 水曜日:世界観設定 #4

September 21st - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります It’s our fourth Worldbuilding Wednesday as we gear up towards the final stretch. This will complete our roster of main characters for both games and show off some of the coolest character... (Read More)

Special Discord Q&A Update

September 20th - via:
Hello, everyone! And welcome to a special Tuesday update! We’re going to post the contents of the AMA sessions from the Discord here so that everyone who wasn’t there will have a chance to see everything that went on! Q&A #1 Question: Are... (Read More)

Mechanics Mondays #3 / 月曜日:ゲームシステム紹介 #3

September 19th - via:
We have begun the latter half of the campaign! You’ve cleared stretch goals, seen great new art, more music, and cool collaborations. But we aren’t finished yet! With only over 10 days left and your help we'll see how far we can go together!... (Read More)

Feature Fridays #3 / 金曜日:特別企画#3

September 16th - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります We are over the halfway mark and already showed off some amazing musical developments on Wednesday…but we have another big collaboration to discuss on this week’s Feature Friday!... (Read More)

Worldbuilding Wednesdays #3 / 水曜日:世界観設定 #3

September 14th - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります We have reached 200 Million yen and doubled our initial goal with half of the campaign left. The more backers we can pick up the better so let's keep getting the message out! We are at our... (Read More)

Mechanics Mondays #2 / 月曜日:ゲームシステム紹介 #2

September 12th - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります We are a full 2 weeks into the campaign now! You’ve started clearing more individual stretch goals and might actually make it to the next Combo Stretch goal soon! As always, the middle 2... (Read More)

Armed Fantasia Reveals New Gameplay Showcasing Environments

September 10th - via:
The development team for the upcoming Kickstarted JRPG set to be a spiritual successor to the Wild Arms franchise, Armed Fantasia, recently shared a brief video showcasing some of the game’s current playable state. The environment is primarily highlighted, with a desert incredibly reminiscent of the vibes Wild Arms gives off. (Read More)

Feature Friday #2 / 金曜日:特別企画 #2

September 9th - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります Feature Fridays #2 We are closing out our second week with some more developer interviews, shout-outs to content creators, and introducing another indie Kickstarter campaign!  CAMPAIGN... (Read More)

Worldbuilding Wednesdays #2 / 水曜日:世界観設定 #2

September 7th - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります We are at our second Worldbuilding update and this one provides a ton of new information about both games! CAMPAIGN UPDATES Chat with the Creators Kaneko-san and Machida-san will both be... (Read More)

Mechanics Monday #1 / 月曜日:ゲームシステム紹介 #1

September 5th - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります Week 1 is over and we finally got some rest over the weekend… (Just kidding, we’ve been checking the campaign, discord, and twitter every second just like you!) CAMPAIGN UPDATES We’ve... (Read More)

Feature Friday #1 / 金曜日:特別企画

September 2nd - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります Hey there backers! Thanks for joining us on another awesome update to close out the week. CAMPAIGN UPDATES SOCIAL MEDIA GAME We are nearly at the end of the week and both games have... (Read More)

Worldbuilding Wednesday #1 / 水曜日:世界観設定 #1

August 31st - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります CAMPAIGN UPDATES Thank you again for the support! We’ve cleared our first two goals which means these projects will be coming to consoles! Seeing the large amount of people supporting not... (Read More)

Armed Fantasia & Penny Blood Kickstarter hits console goal, will come to a Nintendo platform

August 31st - via:
The joint Kickstarter for Armed Fantasia & Penny Blood has been a smashing success. It took roughly 24 hours for the campaign to pull in the $750k for base funding, but that was just the start of things. $1,000,000 was needed to bring these titles to consoles, and as of today that stretch goal has been smashed. (Read More)

Minimum Goal Reached! Update Timeline Details!

August 30th - via:
※日本語のアップデートは下の方にあります Wow! Launching a crowdfunding campaign is always pretty scary, especially considering the doubt generated by news on the Japanese yen and economy in general. But thanks to everyone’s... (Read More)

Penny Blood - Kickstarter campaign trailer

August 29th - via:
YUKIKAZE has released a trailer for Shadow Hearts spiritual successor Penny Blood alongside the game’s “Double Kickstarter” campaign launch with Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness today. (Read More)

Armed Fantasia & Penny Blood By Wild Arms & Shadow Hearts Creators Hitting Kickstarter Next Week

August 27th - via:
Creators of classic JRPGs are going to ask for the fans’ support next week as two new games will jointly hit Kickstarter. (Read More)

Wild Arms Spiritual Successor ‘Armed Fantasia’ Reveals Official Kickstarter Trailer

August 27th - via:
The official trailer for the Wild Arms successor, Armed Fantasia, has been released. A variety of combat footage and general scenery is showcased, providing a great early look at what backers should expect from the full release should it reach its goal. And, well, let’s be honest here, it definitely will. (Read More)

Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood - Double Kickstarter campaign interview with Akifumi Kaneko and Matsuzo Machida

August 26th - via:
Wild Arms creator Akifumi Kaneko and Shadow Hearts creator Matsuzo Machida are back with new large-scale RPGs Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness and Penny Blood, and are asking for the community’s support via a “Double Kickstarter” crowdfunding campaign launching on August 29. (Read More)

Wild Arms and Shadow Hearts creators to launch Double Kickstarter campaign for spiritual successors Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood

August 26th - via:
WILD BUNCH Productions, a company founded by the core team that created Wild Arms, and YUKIKAZE, a company founded by the core team that created Shadow Hearts, have collectively announced spiritual successors Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness and Penny Blood. A “Double Kickstarter” campaign to fund both of these “large-scale Japanese RPGs” will be launched on August 29. (Read More)

Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood Coming to Kickstarter from Wild ARMs and Shadow Hearts Creators

August 26th - via:
The talented people that made Wild ARMs and Shadow Hearts are counting on you to back their “Double Kickstarter” campaign that starts on August 29th so they can make two “large-scale” successor RPGs called Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood. You’ll have the option to back one or both to receive a variety of rewards as stretch goals are unlocked. The two campaigns will also have a so-called “Combo Meter” that unlocks extra content for both games no matter which you contribute to, as long as the mutual minimum goal of $750,000 USD is reached. (Read More)

Armed Fantasia And Penny Blood Kickstarter Details

August 26th - via:
A JRPG miracle is underway as the creators of Wild Arms and Shadow Hearts series reveal two new projects, Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood. The titles will launch a “Double Kickstarter” campaign, with each game seeking a minimum goal of $750,000. Now, video games cost way more than this to create, but the developers will likely use this interest to pitch their game to a publisher. (Read More)

Wild Arms & Shadow Hearts Successor Double Kickstarter Announced

August 26th - via:
In the video game world today, it’s nice to see dormant IPs get revitalized. Monkey Island is making a comeback with a new series entry. Fear Effect is getting a remake. And as of today, two projects are getting a “Double Kickstarter” campaign as spiritual successors to beloved RPG franchises: From the makers of Wild Arms and Shadow Hearts come Armed Fantasia: To the End of the Wilderness and Penny Blood respectively. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!