Fractured Sphere

A project in Toronto, Canada by David McKenzie

Funding Successful

A 3d Printable Tabletop Combined Arms Mecha Wargame. Destructible terrain. Giant Robots. Retro Vibes.
Backers: 30
Average Pledge Per Backer: $91 CAD

Funded: $2,742 CAD of $2,500 CAD
Dates: May 15th -> Jun 14th (30 days)
Project By: David McKenzie
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$2,742 CAD

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Last Updated: June 14 @ 12:08 -0400 GMT


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$0 CAD

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Latest News

Campaign end

June 14th - via:
Thank you so much for the support on Fractured Sphere. It means the world to me. The Current to do list is: Joao Pardal Enforcer Custom last few bits: I need to redo the preposed arms to be easier to put on the torso) Brent Milgram Paladin Custom: I... (Read More)


June 13th - via:
I'm so excited to get the models for the game out to all of you, I'll be posting a roadmap update in the morning with an inventory of the last few things I have to finish off.  I'll most likely have everything ready by the time they Kickstarter... (Read More)

Last 48 hours update!

June 12th - via:
We're so close! Just 48 hours and 21% funding to go.  I just finished assembling the Joao Pardal Enforcer Custom, I love how this one turned out  The other 3 special characters are nearly ready to print. I should be able to send everything out... (Read More)

Big pile of guns update!

June 8th - via:
I heard folks like dakka :D I got all of the Powered Armour weapons printed, its 66 STLs without any mirrored duplicates. Lots of firepower for your mechs. Still working on painting up the jump infantry, I realized there's still a lot of printing do... (Read More)

Jump infantry update!

June 3rd - via:
I've got all the jump infantry printed now I'll likely get these guys all painted up and added to the main page in the next couple of days. After that it's on to the special character mechs and hopefully getting some bonus proposed power armour... (Read More)

Jump Men at Arms update

May 25th - via:
These guys took a little longer to finish up than I had hoped, there was a resin trap in the helmet that took a while to fix on each one, and the straps on the legs for their pouches weren't aligned properly in my WIP files.  I'm really happy with... (Read More)

Midweek Update

May 21st - via:
Finished up and painted the dash-9 shuttle on sunday, and I've started out on the cleanup and print prep for the Heliochrome Jump Infantry squad, I should have a printed and painted version up soon. Here's a couple pictures I'm hoping to have this... (Read More)

SP-82 Dash-9 Update!

May 18th - via:
Really happy with how this one came out, I just finished dry fitting everything Next on the chopping block is getting the jump infantry squads ready for print, and painting this one. See you next update!  (Read More)

Launch day!

May 15th - via:
I'm so excited to get launch underway!If you haven't yet, grab the most recent rulebook and the monopose preview Powered Armours on cults or myminifactory. There's also a painting contest! Just print and paint one of the preview PAs and post it on... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!