A project in Melbourne, AU by Daniel James000days
Funding Successful
Pay-What-You-Want, for 100+ assorted Maps created for Table Top RPGs. That's it, $1 is all you need!!!
Backers: 1761
Average Pledge Per Backer: $9 AUD
Funded: $15,655 AUD of $50 AUD
Dates: Jan 15th -> Jan 31st (16 days)
Project By: Daniel James
Backers: 1761
Average Pledge Per Backer: $9 AUD
Funded: $15,655 AUD of $50 AUD
Dates: Jan 15th -> Jan 31st (16 days)
Project By: Daniel James
+Suggest$15,655 AUD
current pledge level
Last Updated: January 31 @ 08:01 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Pupdate #14 - The Final Goal
January 31st - via:
Hello everyone! With over 1,600 backers we have passed the final goal, the last 5 maps have will now been added. This has pushed us to a total of 150 unique maps! And will certainly have pushed the total map count over 300 (my guess will be 322).... (Read More)
Pupdate #13
January 29th - via:
Second last stretch goal in the bag - 4 More MAPS! (total of 145 so far) Here is to hoping that the 48hr email, to those following (but not yet backing), will push us over the final goal of $15,000 AUD. As always, feel free to chuck ideas for the... (Read More)
Pupdate #12 - Final "New" Stretch Goals - Addon Info
January 26th - via:
Hey everyone, We've gone past the final stretch goal. Again. Making me decide, again, that it is NOT in fact the final goal. Two more have been added below! The one we just beat is giving us A SUPER MEGA BATTLEMAP. I've got a full page of ideas for... (Read More)
Pupdate #11 & the Map Count
January 25th - via:
The Goals We've lumbered past the next goal: A table listing what maps would be suited to what terrain types. Whereas the previous (non-map) stretch goal saw the creation of a list that connects the maps, these will give them their own groupings by... (Read More)
Pupdate #10
January 24th - via:
Another one bites the dust! We smashed past $8,000 not long ago, giving us another 5 MAPS! Feel free to throw some suggestions down in the comments if you have any. No promises, but inspiration is always helpful when being creative. But mainly,... (Read More)
Pupdate #9
January 23rd - via:
Howdy all! We crossed another stretch goal not that long ago. This time smashing by 850 backers just before the $7K. Thank you all. This stretch goal is - A list of maps that could connect together to form basic stories. These hopefully should spark... (Read More)
Pupdate #8
January 21st - via:
Smashed another goal, one which actually went reallllly close to the line between which would cross over first, the number of backers or the amount. The amount won by like 5 backers if memory serves me correctly. SO, we have unlocked, 5 MORE MAPS! ... (Read More)
Pupdate #7
January 20th - via:
Hello everyone! We have smashed past 550 backers, unlocking the next stretch goal, NIGHT MAPS! Which means for the maps that don't already have a night version, and i can make one for them, they shall gain one! But onto the main thing. The Doggos. (Read More)
New Stretch Goals!
January 19th - via:
I've just updated the story, but wanted to post here so it's a bit more obvious for everyone. Remember to share the project with anyone, or anywhere, you think appropriate. The more people onboard the more goals we meet. The New Goals! - 550... (Read More)
Pupdate #6 – Add-On Information – Stretch Goals
January 18th - via:
Hey everyone, Carving through these stretch goals like a hot knife through butter. Amazing stuff. I definitely underestimated the amount of people keen on maps! Add-Ons I wanted to go through some information about the Add-Ons available when you back... (Read More)
Pupdate #5
January 16th - via:
These updates are coming along swimmingly.... I'll see myself out. (Read More)
Pupdate #4
January 16th - via:
150 backers and $1,000+ in just over a day is an amazing feat. I honestly expected less than half of these numbers at this point, so THANK YOU ALL very very much. It's made me all the more keen to get a bunch of cool maps into your hands. But, the... (Read More)
Pupdate #2 & #3 + Funded!
January 16th - via:
Hey everyone, These goals have been smashing through and we've also hit the funding goal and then some. Admittedly the goal was quite small, to say the least. So thank you all, and enjoy some more amazing puppy pictures! (Read More)
Pupdate #1
January 15th - via:
Smashing through goals. Some more doggos for y'all. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!