The Mages' War | Magic vs. Machines | 5e

A project in Fort Wayne, IN by Critical Crafting | Dillon Olney

Status: Active

High Magic battles High Tech in this comprehensive 5th Edition tome. Choose a side and join… the Mages’ War!
Backers: 754
Average Daily Pledges: $2,073
Average Pledge Per Backer: $44

Funding: $33,161 of $5,000
Dates: Jun 11th -> Jul 11th (30 days)
Project By: Critical Crafting | Dillon Olney
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Latest News

Another Stretch Goal Unlocked!

June 21st - via:
We have unlocked another stretch goal! Adding more beautiful art to the book!  Our next stretch goal unlocks new content for the book, adding encounter tables to quickly build unique and fun encounters for your games on the fly!  Thanks as always... (Read More)

Find us at Origins Booth #723

June 19th - via:
We are at Origins Game Fair 6/20-6/23 and ready to show off some amazing stuff!  What We Got:We have "The Edge of Nowhere", "The Edyn Expedition", and "Ol' Chap Ettercap's Dinosafari" in book form!  We have stickers! We have pins! We have TONS of... (Read More)

Miniature Showcase!

June 18th - via:
Just wanted to share what I have been working on for..... a very long time.  I have painted most of our minis, and my good friend Ryan Nichols (a wonderful photographer) was able to get some snapshots to share with you all!  I think the paint jobs... (Read More)

Rune Dragon Preview

June 17th - via:
Hi All! Finally got the Rune Dragon printed and I just could not WAIT to share it with you all.  It is a truly incredible model! Sure to terrify any player that sees it :)  Visit us! If you want to see this bad boy in person, come find us this... (Read More)

Unlocked Stretch Goal and Voting!

June 16th - via:
Hi all! We just unlocked another stretch goal!  Vote for your Favorite ModelWe have unlocked another stretch goal! An stl model for both the Arcanuum and The Order of the Blank!  Now is the time to vote on which model you want for each side!  You... (Read More)

Unlocked Stretch Goals in the First 48 Hours!

June 13th - via:
Hi all! We are off to a great start! Wew have already unlocked additional art, new location tables, as well as character sheets for each faction!  Our next stretch goal brings you a new stl for each side of the conflict! Hope to unlock it soooon. ... (Read More)

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

June 12th - via:
Wow, what an amazing first 24 hours, truly I cannot express how much this means to me, my family, friends, and our team. You are all awesome and I can’t believe the amount of support our project has received within the first day. We have almost a... (Read More)

Incredible Start With More to Come!

June 11th - via:
Off to a Great Start!We have hit the ground running and have already unlocked 2 stretch goals with more to come! We have some of the additional art in progress, and (as an artist myself) I am super excited to share regular updates with all of you on... (Read More)

Funded in 1 Hour!

June 11th - via:
WE ARE FUNDED!Wow, I honestly can’t believe this is real. We’ve put so much blood, sweat, tears, and occasional vomit into this project, it's amazing to see people come out and support our dream. First off, I just want to say thank you to... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!