
A project in Rome, Italy by Creative Jam Tabletop RPGs

Status: Active

Embrace the darkness. Face your demons. Survive the night.
Backers: 218
Average Daily Pledges: €673
Average Pledge Per Backer: €40

Funding: €8,753 of €1,000
Dates: Jun 18th -> Jul 7th (20 days)
Project By: Creative Jam Tabletop RPGs
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Latest News

🔓Embrace of the Veil: The Bounded Unlocked 🔓

June 27th - via:
Dear Occult Explorers, Nightbound has become a reality, and each day you bring us immense satisfaction by helping us populate the world we've created for the bravest among Tabletop RPG players. We are truly grateful, as this project means a great... (Read More)

🔮 New Stretch Goal: Secrets Revealed at New Eden College 📜

June 25th - via:
Dear Occult Explorers, The already thin veil has been torn asunder once more. New horrors—or perhaps friends—have emerged. We’ve unlocked another stretch goal: New Eden College! "A beacon of knowledge that harbors secrets within its ivy-covered... (Read More)

🔓 Unlocking Shadows: Another Stretch Goal Achieved 🌑

June 23rd - via:
Dear Nightbounders, What a day. You’ve done it again—another stretch goal unlocked, thanks to you. Check out the details in the attached. You often wonder who you were, but the answer eludes you. You imagine yourself as a great movie star,... (Read More)

Nightbound Stretch Goal 🔓 : Descend into the Depths of Devil Reef 🌊

June 21st - via:
Greetings, occult hunters, The shadows have whispered once more, and your relentless support has answered the call. We are thrilled to announce that we have unlocked our next stretch goal: Devil Reef! Devil Reef"A place shrouded in mystery and dread,... (Read More)

Third Stretch Goal Unlocked: Unveiling The Bonded 🌑

June 19th - via:
Dear brave souls, New Eden awaits your courage! We stand in awe as we announce the unlocking of our latest stretch goal: The Bonded playbook! You've lost everything, in the most violent way possible. Reclaiming what's lost has become your obsession,... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal Unlocked: Enter the Shadows of the Abandoned Theme Park

June 19th - via:
Greetings, brave Nightbound backers! We’re excited to share that we’ve unlocked our second stretch goal: The Abandoned Theme Park! "Once a bustling hub of joy and laughter, the Abandoned Theme Park now stands as a ghostly relic of the past.... (Read More)


June 18th - via:
Thanks to your incredible support, we've unlocked our first stretch goal! 🎉 Say hello to the newest addition to Nightbound – The Rebel Playbook! 😈🖤 "Once at home in the shadows, dark arts were your daily bread. Whether out of boredom or a... (Read More)

⚡Nightbound Funded in a Flash! ⚡

June 18th - via:
🚀 WE DID IT! 🚀Nightbound is officially FUNDED! 🎉✨We’re over the moon and it’s all thanks to YOU – our amazing community. Huge shoutout to every backer, every share, and every encouraging message.🔥But wait, there’s more! 🚀... (Read More)

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