Corsac Fox: A military space opera novel

A project in Seattle, WA by BlazeWard7

Funding Successful

Betrayed by his own people, Uly must find a way home. Space battles, pirates, and aliens collide!
Backers: 117
Average Pledge Per Backer: $32

Funded: $3,719 of $1,000
Dates: Jan 18th -> Feb 8th (21 days)
Project By: BlazeWard7
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Last Updated: February 8 @ 13:04 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

WE DID IT!!!!!

February 8th - via:
You did it. I couldn't have done this without your help. We got to funding, and a whole bunch more. This being my first, I don't know exactly how quickly the money arrives and everything gets settled, so I'll be sending a couple more emails as... (Read More)

Because she is utterly awesome

February 5th - via:
The Ukrainian woman doing the art just sent us the final color plates for Haydar. WOW! Cropped image here for folks to drool over and maybe consider upping their pledge to include the art plates. As of this morning, we should have cleared the level... (Read More)

Some other cool stuff out there

February 3rd - via:
It's Friday and we're all goofing off. Nathan F has a cool looking graphic novel I wanted to mention to everyone. b  (Read More)

Upgrades and things

February 2nd - via:
As a reminder, if you started on the ebooks and decided you wanted to upgrade to paper (or even hardcover with dustjacket) all you gotta do is log in and adjust your pledge. Easy as that. Hope y'all are having a good week, and the weekend is even... (Read More)

And have you seen my friend Russel Nohelty's KS?

January 30th - via:
Obsidian I'm here partly because he showed me how to do it.  And cheerleads me and a bunch of other folks. From his Kickstarter project: The Obsidian Spindle Saga features eight portal fantasy novels filled with fairy tales, mythology, action, and... (Read More)

Interrupted Pledges

January 27th - via:
Hey, gang. Wanted to take a moment and send everyone a notes. Six of you pledged, but are currently in a state where the pledge won't go through (see image) and I'd have to have you miss things at the end when I start sending rewards and stuff.... (Read More)


January 25th - via:
Honestly, adding the $100 level where folks could name a starship in a future book was the last thing I added, at the last minute, when I noticed that I had a gap at the $100 level. And some of you have decided you like that, which is kinda cool, so... (Read More)


January 24th - via:
 (Read More)


January 22nd - via:
We did it! $2,000 – Alien illustrations in color Mazhin (Haydar), Thogin (Emir), Emro (Yanouk). The folks you see here, done in full color by my awesome artist friend who brought everything to life, collected in a full-color pdf. Free to everyone... (Read More)

We've FUNDED!!

January 18th - via:
On Day One!!! I can't tell you how thrilled I am, after all the hard work and craziness to get this far, to have folks back me and support me. And it only gets better from here, because I have some great stretch goals in mind, including new short... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!