The Others: 7 Sins
A project in Atlanta, GA by CoolMiniOrNot000days
Funding Successful
A horror board game with amazing miniatures, where a handful of heroes must face the terrifying corruptive forces of the Seven Sins.
Backers: 10136
Average Pledge Per Backer: $144
Funded: $1,464,490 of $100,000
Dates: Sep 10th -> Oct 6th (27 days)
Project By: CoolMiniOrNot
Backers: 10136
Average Pledge Per Backer: $144
Funded: $1,464,490 of $100,000
Dates: Sep 10th -> Oct 6th (27 days)
Project By: CoolMiniOrNot
current pledge level
Last Updated: October 6 @ 21:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Singapore games publisher takes Hong Kong's GEM route
December 1st - via:
CMON, a local tabletop games publisher behind popular games Zombicide and Arcadia Quest, has come onboard the Hong Kong stock exchange's GEM board - an alternative stock market for growth companies - in a placing listing that gives the company a market capitalisation of HK$415.4 million (S$76.5 million). (Read More)
Free, at last!
October 6th - via:
Hey Sinners! With around 2 hours remaining we've managed to reach $1,420k and unlock our final stretch goal: Baldur, the Kickstarter Exclusive Fixer Hero! Baldur is finally free from the prison and ready to look for him comrades once again! Now all... (Read More)
It’s Time to Break Free!
October 6th - via:
Hey, Sinners! We've crashed through $1,360k with only about 4 hours left! By reaching that impressive mark we've unlocked the 3 new City Tiles! Good job, guys! The next Stretch Goal is the much requested Omega Box, a storage solution to contain all... (Read More)
Nicolas unlocked! New districts for Haven and the End of All Things!
October 6th - via:
Hey Sinners! About 7 hours to go now and we've just reached the impressive mark of $1,310k, unlocking Nicolas! Up next, let's look at the three new tiles for Haven that are under construction! If we reach $1,360k, all backers will get 3 Kickstarter... (Read More)
Nicolas, the Twilight Prodigy rides into Haven!
October 6th - via:
Hey Sinners! We're picking up speed - a lot of speed - at the last hours of this amazing campaign! We've reached $1,230k overnight and unlocked Rosario, the Kickstarter Exclusive Fixer hero. Now for the next Stretch Goal, we want to give the Sins... (Read More)
Rosario is no delicate flower!
October 5th - via:
Hey Sinners! One more Stretch Goal obliterated! Now all backers will get Freder, included in the Beta Team box with the rest of its unlocked contents! The stretch goal after that includes a heroin with a long and colorful past: If we reach $1,230k... (Read More)
We're going full throttle with the Sons of Ragnarök!
October 5th - via:
Hey Sinners! We're approaching the end of our journey (or is it just the beginning). And so, to help us ride into the sunset in style, we have one more Optional Buy to offer. Get your motor running for the Sons of Ragnarök! The Sons of Ragnarök are... (Read More)
Freder will lead us out of Beta!
October 5th - via:
Hey Sinners! Wrath has raged through its stretch goals like a ravenous dog! The latest unlock will give all backers the 6 Wrath Abominations, thus completing the Wrath Sin box. The 7th and final Sin of the game is now part of every backer's pledge!... (Read More)
Painted miniatures: Wrath!
October 5th - via:
Hey Sinners! It seems the final dash has begun. Wrath is very much upon us, with 2 Stretch Goals unlocked already, giving all backers the Avatar of Wrath, Wrath Controller, 12 Wrath Sin Cards, and the Wrath Sin Board! We have just one more to go... (Read More)
Now for WRATH! Now for ruin! And the red dawn!
October 4th - via:
Hey Sinners! The countdown clock has switched from days to hours, which must mean the end is near! And one more Stretch Goal has been torn down, giving all backers 2 Old Town tiles and 12 new Upgrade cards! And now comes the time of prophecy that... (Read More)
Painted miniatures: Delta Team Box!
October 4th - via:
Hey Sinners! We have only 3 days to go, and another Stretch Goal has been reached. Now all backers will get Elle to add to their team! And we have some more goodies still locked right ahead of us: As we march forward, let's take a look at what Studio... (Read More)
Elle, Upgrades, Tiles, and Painted Gluttony!
October 3rd - via:
Hey Sinners! Another stretch goal is devoured, unlocking the Avatar of Gluttony for all backers! Now all backers have the full Forces of Gluttony at their disposal! Dinner is served: After such monstrosities, we could use a beauty like the next... (Read More)
We need some Men of FAITH!
October 2nd - via:
Hey Sinners! We are entering the final stretch now, and so we must have FAITH that we'll be able to unlock everything you so greatly covet! To make sure we get there, and to help fight back all the frightening monsters we've been adding to this game,... (Read More)
Painted Miniatures: Stretch Goal Acolytes and Heroes!
October 1st - via:
Hey Sinners! The feast has started! The first Gluttony Stretch Goal has been devoured, unlocking for all backers the Gluttony Controller, 12 Gluttony Sin Cards, and the Gluttony Sin Board! The next two courses are still coming, and leave some room... (Read More)
Give in to your cravings, it's time for Gluttony!
September 30th - via:
Hey Sinners! One more Stretch Goal has been obliterated, unlocking PHD, the Kickstarter Exclusive hero to all backers! I hear you're hungry for more, so let's give you a feast. Just be careful you don't overindulge! If we reach $820k, all backers... (Read More)
Plastic Tokens!
September 30th - via:
Hey Sinners! We are in the final week of the campaign, and the race to unlock PHD is well advanced: And to help us on our way, we have another optional buy that was completely created due to backer demand. Lots of you saw the flat plastic tokens we... (Read More)
I have a PHD in monster killing!
September 29th - via:
Hey Sinners! The cat is out of the bag! One more stretch goal unlocked, giving all backers Kanga, the bruiser hero! Our next stretch goal brings considerable firepower to the table! If we reach $780k, all backers will get the Kickstarter Exclusive... (Read More)
Kitty wants to play!
September 29th - via:
Hey Sinners! With a big boost from the Apocalypse reveal, the final Envy Stretch Goal has been unlocked, giving all backers the Avatar of Envy, and 3 more Sin Dice! And with that, Envy is complete! Next up, FAITH will get a much needed reinforcement:... (Read More)
Apocalypse... now!
September 29th - via:
Hey Sinners! Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast, For it is a human number, Its number is Six hundred and sixty six. And we have just reached it, unlocking for all backers the 6 Envy Abominations, as well as the Kickstarter... (Read More)
Painted Acolytes! Rules! And Extra Tokens!
September 28th - via:
Hey Sinners! The march towards the remaining Envy Stretch Goals continues. So as we wait to reach $666k, I have a couple of things for you. First off, many people have requested these add-ons, so we decided to go ahead and offer them to you: The... (Read More)
Painted miniatures: Envy!
September 25th - via:
Hey Sinners! Envy has begun! The first Stretch Goal in the Envy series has been unlocked, giving all backers the Envy Controller, the Envy Sin Board and 12 Envy Sin Cards! Let him who hath understanding reckon the next Stretch Goals: And as we wait... (Read More)
There's a lot to Envy in the next Stretch Goals!
September 23rd - via:
Hey Sinners! The fires have consumed a few more Stretch Goals, giving all backers the Corrupted Fireman Acolytes, the Distillery old town tile, and 3 more Hero Dice! Now the time has come to give in to Sin once more! If we reach $630k, all backers... (Read More)
Corrupted Firemen will set the Distillery ablaze!
September 21st - via:
Hey Sinners! First of all, since this update came so fast after the last one, please make sure to check out the previous update where we revealed the Delta Team Box Optional Buy! Election is over, and the Mayor rules supreme! Now all backers will get... (Read More)
Delta Team to the rescue!
September 21st - via:
Hey Sinners! We heard the distress calls for more gameplay-related add-ons, and the response task force is here to lend its support. Delta Team is a go! Art by Stefan Kopinski. This optional buy is another treasure trove of amazing content, featuring... (Read More)
Short Story: Predators and Prey
September 20th - via:
Hey Sinners! We're getting close to the next Stretch Goal. To tide us over, how about a little story? Here's another of the tales you'll be able to find among the amazing artwork of the Art Book! Predators and Prey Karl was being hunted. It wasn’t... (Read More)
Painted miniatures: Gamma Team Box!
September 19th - via:
Hey Sinners! The Mayor's campaign to be unlocked marches on! So in the meantime, let's check out some more of the great painted miniatures by Studio McVey. This time, we showcase the miniatures from the Gamma Team Optional Buy box! Please note that... (Read More)
The Mayor will rule with a tentacle fist!
September 18th - via:
Hey Sinners! Two Stretch Goals unlocked at once! Now all backers will get Polly, the Sniper Hero, and also the Kickstarter Exclusive Sports Center tile! And by the way, we talked to the factory about the issue on Polly's right forearm, and they... (Read More)
A Portfolio of Sin!
September 18th - via:
Hey Sinners! We're almost there to unlock Polly and the Sports Center tile. So how about a little add-on to push us beyond the brink? This $18 Kickstarter Exclusive optional buy consists of a nice glossy folder containing 7 high-quality lithographs... (Read More)
Painted miniatures: Greed and Lust!
September 17th - via:
Hey Sinners! As we continue to head towards our next stretch goal, let's take another moment to gawk at some more of the amazing painted miniatures by Studio McVey. Today, we'll check out the miniatures of the two Sins that have been unlocked for... (Read More)
Polly wants to crack some skulls!
September 16th - via:
Hey Sinners! Lust is upon us! The final Lust Stretch goal has been unlocked, giving all backers the Avatar of Lust miniature, as well as a box to store all of your Lust forces! Now let's move towards a new Stretch Goal. And let's make it a double!... (Read More)
Extra Dice, and a Painting Guide!
September 16th - via:
Hey Sinners! We've almost fully unlocked the Lust forces. So how about a little add-on to push us past it? Not sure if it's pride or gluttony, but you can never have too many dice, right? This Optional Buy gives you 3 Dice for the Sins player and 3... (Read More)
Painted miniatures: Pride and Sloth!
September 15th - via:
Hey Sinners! We're lustfully racing through Stretch Goals! Two more have been devoured unlocking the 6 Lust Abominations in 3 different sculpts, as well as 3 extra Sins Dice! And we still have one more Stretch Goal ahead of us to fully unlock Lust!... (Read More)
Alpha Team - Full Debriefing
September 14th - via:
Hey Sinners! With the coming of Gamma Team, we've quickly surpassed another Stretch Goal, unlocking the Lust Controller, Sin Cards, and Sin Board for all backers! We still have a few more Stretch Goals to go until Lust is fully unlocked. Keep that... (Read More)
The Gamma Team is ready to hulk out!
September 14th - via:
Hey Sinners! The Sin forces have been multiplying quickly with the latest Stretch Goals. I think it's time to call for reinforcements. Gamma Team, come in! Art by Stefan Kopinski. This optional buy is an embarrassment of riches, featuring extra... (Read More)
A Question of Lust!
September 13th - via:
Hey Sinners! One more Stretch Goal lies in ruins, unlocking for all backers 2 new tiles features the old town districts of the Ruins and the Docks! But we've been hearing moanings about people lusting for another Sin to add to their game, so the next... (Read More)
Painted miniatures: Heroes and Hell Club!
September 13th - via:
Hey Sinners! Many of you may have already seen the amazing miniatures painted by Studio McVey, either at Gen Con, or at our Facebook page. For those who missed them, or just want a better look at them, here they are! We remind you that these are... (Read More)
Let's venture into the Old Town!
September 13th - via:
Hey Sinners! One more Stretch Goal has been gunned down, so all backers will get the Kickstarter Exclusive Sniper Hero Nichole, including her miniature and hero dashboard! For our next Stretch Goal, we'll venture into the old town part of the city... (Read More)
The Art of The Others: 7 Sins!
September 12th - via:
Hey Sinners! Today we have an optional buy to offer you that many have been asking for ever since the first pieces of The Others artwork started leaking online a year ago. With so much amazing art by so many great artists, how could we NOT do an art... (Read More)
Speak softly and carry a big gun!
September 12th - via:
Hey Sinners! The weekend is upon us, but that shall not slow the apocalypse down! Two more stretch goals have been unlocked, giving all backers the Corrupted Police Acolytes, featuring 6 miniatures in 3 different sculpts, and the their Acolyte Board.... (Read More)
Interview with the Designer
September 11th - via:
Hey Sinners! Another one bites the dust! Now the Greed Abominations all backers will get will come in 3 different sculpts! The mission goes on to unlock the next two Stretch Goals: Hey, did you know today is Eric Lang's birthday?! I hope he takes the... (Read More)
Good cop? Bad cop. Very, very bad cop!
September 11th - via:
Hey Sinners! Greed ran rampant through the first night of the campaign, unlocking for all backers the Greed Avatar, Controller, and Abominations, as well as the Greed Sin Cards and Board! Remember we still have 10k to go to add a little more variety... (Read More)
All Greed Shall Be Rewarded!
September 10th - via:
Hey Sinners! The invasion continues, and another two stretch goals have been dragged into the void. Now all backers will be able to download the original soundtrack for the game, and they'll have Will to add to their FAITH team! Since the start of... (Read More)
What's an Apocalypse without Music? And another Hero volunteers!
September 10th - via:
Hey Sinners! We're only a few hours into the campaign, and two more Stretch Goals have been consumed! Now all boxes of The Others will have 3 sculpts per Acolyte, and all backers will get the Kickstarter Exclusive Bank and Casino city tiles! The... (Read More)
2 More Stretch Goals Unlocked! Let's gather more Acolytes, then hit the Bank and the Casino!
September 10th - via:
Hey Sinners! The relentless march of doom continues! Two Stretch Goals have been unlocked, so now all boxes of The Others will have 3 sculpts per Abomination, and all backers will get the Kickstarter Exclusive Adrian Miller Hero! Our next Stretch... (Read More)
Dice Bag unlocked! Next we get more variety for Abominations, and an Artist joins the ranks of FAITH!
September 10th - via:
Hey Sinners! The first Stretch Goal has been torn apart by tentacles. Now all backers will get the Kickstarter Exclusive FAITH Dice Bag! The miniatures in The Others are truly astounding (you can thank Studio McVey for that). But, as they say,... (Read More)
The Funding is in the bag!
September 10th - via:
Hey Sinners! And the Apocalypse is on! In less time than it takes to recite a dark chant, our funding goal has been achieved! Thank you all very much for putting your FAITH on this project by supporting it. We're confident you'll enjoy countless... (Read More)
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