Colonial Gothic RPG

A project in Houston, TX by Colonial Gothic

Status: Active

Welcome to the dark and mysterious world of Colonial Gothic, where the American colonial period is infused with supernatural elements!
Backers: 183
Average Daily Pledges: $334
Average Pledge Per Backer: $53

Funding: $9,673 of $5,000
Dates: May 31st -> Jun 30th (30 days)
Project By: Colonial Gothic
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Latest News

Five days to go

June 24th - via:
With just five days left in the campaign, I'm excited to share what the future holds! While working on this new edition, I ended up overwriting the manuscript significantly. To manage the word count, I had to cut a lot of material—so much, in fact,... (Read More)

Sometimes, size does matter

June 19th - via:
So, for the past couple of weeks, a rough layout has occurred regarding the rulebook. At last count, there have been 15 attempts, all of which died out around Chapter 4. Three people have worked on them, and we felt they needed to be corrected. What... (Read More)

Character Backgrounds

June 14th - via:
Character backgrounds have always been part of Colonial Gothic. I created them for two reasons. First, it provided a means to understand the period by giving you something to latch on to. The second reason, and upon reflection, was a bad idea. I now... (Read More)

Creating characters

June 10th - via:
Mostly, everything has stayed the same between the third and fourth editions when it comes to creating a character. You still choose your Abilities, Background, Skills, and Hooks. How Backgrounds behave has changed; basically, you no longer get bonus... (Read More)

Things that go bump in the night

June 6th - via:
Any game, as well as adventure, needs challenges to overcome. Some of these challenges are physical, like the environment. Others are such things as time, wounds, ailments, and people. For me, the most important threats during any adventure must... (Read More)

The cover is a work in progress

June 4th - via:
Below is the working cover. A lot is left to be done, and I am unsure of the body type. I do love the art and it depicts the Battle of Lexington.  Painted by Howard Pyle, his dynamic style captures the feel of the battle. Pyle is one of my favorite... (Read More)


May 31st - via:
Well, we did it. Thank you. I guess it is time to get things in gear.  (Read More)

What mis different between 4th edition and the other editions

May 31st - via:
Ok, grab something to drink; this might go long. Sometimes, I do not know when to be quiet. :) Change 1 — A name changeResolution is now Resolve. It still does the same thing, but it fits better with the other stats, sound-wise. Change 2 —... (Read More)

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