Zombicide: White Death
A project in Atlanta, GA by CMON000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: April 26 @ 21:02 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Winter is Ending
April 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! What a season this has been! We've joined forces to defend Wintergrad from a frightful horde of enemies, we've bolstered our ranks with heroic Survivors and faced the unprecedented threat of the White Death. The third time's a charm... (Read More)
Everything’s Everywhere
April 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We did it!! We have unlocked the Frozen Fortress box! And we still have some time left... So why don't we go for another one? The next Stretch Goal is all over the place. If we reach $3,880k we will unlock for all backers the... (Read More)
Bundle up with some Vault Equipment Cards!
April 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors, It's the final hours of campaign and the excitement is building up! While we wait for our next Stretch Goal to unlock, we have a little surprise to all of you to celebrate our very successful campaign! We are unlocking a special set... (Read More)
A fortress to protect your treasures!
April 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Take heart, for Kijin, the towering menace, has been unleashed! As the Survivors emerged onto the battlements, a hushed silence fell over them. The ground below was awash with the unholy power of the necromancer's dark magic. The... (Read More)
Mountains quake beneath his feet!
April 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Lu Bu has been unlocked! It was worth pursuing this Stretch Goal all along! Coming next is a mighty Oni whose might could easily level mountains. When we reach $3,580k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive... (Read More)
The Flying General & Daily Unlock: Pigging Out
April 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Let’s see who’s our next visitor. From behind the door, came the unmistakable sound of porcine squeals. Suddenly, a thunderous boom echoed through the air as a massive rake collided with the wooden gate, its prongs piercing... (Read More)
Everybody was kung fu fighting
April 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The clouds over our next Stretch Goal seem to have dissipated! The next Stretch Goal is gonna stick it to the zombies. When we reach $3,400k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive Survivor Jie Ke, including his... (Read More)
Clouded with fury
April 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! With a whoosh of his wings, Sōjōbō has taken flight! Our next Stretch Goal is known as one of the Tiger Generals…. When we reach $3,320k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Zhao Yun, including his figure... (Read More)
Get ready to be blown away!
April 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! As we enter the last day of the campaign, Sun Wukong dashes to join our ranks! For our next Stretch Goal, the king of tengus, Sōjōbō, has made his appearance and he will blow you away! When we reach $3,250k we will unlock for all... (Read More)
Monkey together strong
April 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We've got down to business and unlocked Hua Mulan! Our next Stretch Goal is made of myth and legends, and he is up to hijinks once again! When we reach $3,150k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Sun Wukong,... (Read More)
She’ll bring honor to us all
April 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The abominable Abomination is among us! The next Stretch Goal managed to blossom and thrive in the face of adversity. When we reach $3,080k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Hua Mulan, including her... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Maximum Horsepower
April 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Let’s see who’s at the gate today. From a distance, the lone figure can be seen charging toward a small zombie horde, his weapon raised high, and his eyes fixed on his targets. The guards watch in awe as he moves with swift and... (Read More)
Now you see it, now you don’t!
April 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We've hopped over the last Stretch Goal! The next Stretch Goal is an elusive cryptid that lives up in the mountains… When we reach $3,010k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive Abomination, Yeti, including its... (Read More)
He’s here for a hopping good time.
April 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Watch out for those horns! Honda Takadatsu has been unlocked! Our next Stretch Goal charges into battle, riding his loyal toad! When we reach $2,920k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Jiraiya,... (Read More)
The warrior who surpassed death
April 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We've unlocked our femme fatale, Diao Chan! Our next Stretch Goal was regarded by one of the finest generals throughout the land… When we reach $2,860k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Honda... (Read More)
Every rose has its thorns
April 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Vengeance has arrived! Our next Stretch Goal is a femme fatale whose machinations have altered the fate of kingdoms. When we reach $2,800k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Diao Chan, including her... (Read More)
Do not get into her bad books!
April 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Wei Yan may not have been unmasked, but he has been unlocked! Our next Stretch Goal is out for revenge! When we reach $2,740k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive Necromancer Hannya, including her figure and... (Read More)
Marks of Bravery
April 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Saika Magoichi hit his target as usual and gets unlocked! Our next Stretch goal rose through the ranks quickly thanks to his impressive military achievements. When we reach $2,660k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter... (Read More)
One shot, one kill
April 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Okuni was quickly unlocked, proving that she can indeed dance to any beat! Unlocking her as fast as we did is definitely related to the arrival of the Climbers & Terrorcotta Walkers Optional Buy.... And even more to the addition... (Read More)
A Triple Threat
April 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Yuki-Onna has joined the undead forces! And with her blizzard came the Climbers & Terrorcota Walkers Optional Buy... As well as the Avalanche Pledge, the gameplay all-in pledge that has been recently revealed for a $40 discount!... (Read More)
Fighting from the Ground Up and All-in Pledge!
April 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors, We’re introducing double the trouble with our Climbers & Terrorcotta Walkers zombie pack! Ancient nobles used to be buried in mounds along with guards to escort them into the afterworld. Rumor has it that these unfortunate souls... (Read More)
Embrace the cold & Daily Unlock: Masked Bandit
April 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The sun rises on a new Stretch Goal! Sun Quan has been unlocked! The next Stretch Goal will make your blood run cold. When we reach $2,510k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive Necromancer Yuki-onna, including her... (Read More)
Dream Big and Achieve Greatness
April 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We have unlocked another Stretch Goal! Haya, forever! Coming next is a fearsome warlord that rivaled some of the most powerful emperors in the East. When we reach $2,440k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive... (Read More)
Aiming Straight and True
April 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Bullseye! Huang Zhong has joined our group of Survivors! Unlocking him so quickly surely has something to do with the recent reveal of 3 Optional Buys! The Usagi Yojimbo Survivor... ... the Massive Darkness 2 Crossover... ... and the... (Read More)
Time Flies like an Arrow
April 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Takemikazuchi joins us with a powerful sound of thunder! He was definitely boosted by the reveal of not 1, not 2, but 3 Optional Buys revealed earlier today! The Usagi Yojimbo Survivor... ... the Massive Darkness 2 Crossover... ...... (Read More)
Usagi Yojimbo, Massive Darkness 2 Crossover, and Plastic Tokens!
April 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! As we’re moving into the final days of the campaign, we’ve got not 1, not 2, but 3 awesome Optional Buys to reveal today! First, we have a highly anticipated hero! “You become an expert swordsman so you don't have to fight."... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Against the Odds
April 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Shall we see who's at our gates today? Something appears to be approaching our gates. To arms men! A wandering band of zombies seems to be approaching our gate, but it almost seems as if they are trying to escape from something or... (Read More)
Thunderbolts and lightning!
April 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Steppe by steppe we've unlocked Genghis Khan! The next Stretch Goal is the God of Thunder, Takemikazuchi! When we reach $2,290k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive Abomination Takemikazuchi, including its figure... (Read More)
Guard and Chi Skill Cards and Painted Miniatures!
April 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors, Today we will be taking a look into the exquisite work that BigChild Creatives does with painted miniatures. But, before we get to that, we have some exciting content to unlock! We’re introducing and unlocking two sets of cards to... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Tale as old as Time
April 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! It's time to check the gate! The sky turns dark abruptly as if it were nightfall. The guards leap to their feet. Sickly green mist seeps from underneath the gates, signaling the arrival of corruption. A lone figure stands before us,... (Read More)
A Universal Ruler
April 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! With a precise shot, Komatsuhime joins us! Her arrival is no coincidence! She comes in pursuit of the creatures from our latest Optional Buy, the Divine Beasts! If you haven't already, make sure to check it out here! Our next Survivor... (Read More)
Duty above all!
April 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Look who's washed ashore! Gan Ning has been unlocked! Unlocking Gan Ning so quickly is certainly related to the reveal of our latest Optional Buy, the Divine Beasts, which brings 4 Abominations based on mythical creatures and new... (Read More)
Unleash the Divine Beasts!
April 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The four divine beasts are considered the ancient guardians of the world, each associated with a cardinal direction, a color, a season, and a set of virtues. While their origin is shrouded in mystery, they are highly revered... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Outfoxed
April 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Who's at our gates today? Something appears to be approaching our gates. To arms men! A handful of Zombies shamble towards our walls, likely stragglers from a much larger horde. They are certainly not much of a threat, but they need... (Read More)
His plundering days are over
April 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Say what? We've unlocked the foxy Kumiho! Our most recently revealed Optional Buy, the Kickstarter Exclusive Celestial Knights, certainly helped us to reach this goal! If you haven't already, make sure to check it out here! Our next... (Read More)
The Stars have Aligned!
April 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Many moons ago, a group of warrior monks set out from their homeland to explore the western lands seeking out new methods of unlocking their powerful martial arts. Their journey led them to a remote mountain, where they discovered a... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: A Tainted Statue
April 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Something slams violently against our gates. It is about to break in! The heavy steel bolts holding the gates shut strain under the immense weight of whatever wis trying to force its way in. The bolts creak and groan under the strain,... (Read More)
Trickery is the name of the game
April 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We've hit the target and unlocked Ōhōri Tsuruhime! Our next Stretch Goal is a mythical entity known for trickery and deception. When we reach $2,070k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive Abomination, Kumiho,... (Read More)
Lacuna Coil x Zombicide Collaboration!
April 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! As you might’ve seen or heard, we have been fortunate enough to collaborate with the Italian metal band, Lacuna Coil! A teaser of their new song ‘Never Dawn’ was featured in our Zombicide: White Death trailer! The song was... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: The Art of War
April 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Let's see who's behind the gates. Something appears to be approaching our gates. To arms men! In the distance, we could make out a small group making their way towards our gates. As they drew closer, our fears abated as we could... (Read More)
Meting out divine punishments
April 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Lakshmana has joined us! His arrival is related to the great success of our recently announced Optional Buys: The Kickstarter Exclusive 3D Battlements... ... and the Extra Tiles Pack! If you haven't yet, make sure to check both of... (Read More)
New Zombicide White Death board game
April 19th - via: geeky-gadgets.com
Zombicide fans will be pleased to know that the current Kickstarter campaign for the latest board game in the series Zombicide White Death has raised over $2 million thanks to nearly 13,000 backers with still seven days remaining. The long-awaited sequel to Zombicide: Black Plague and Green Horde has finally arrived! (Read More)
A Hero of Epic Proportions
April 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We're on fire! We have unlocked another Stretch Goal! Unlocking Nezha so quickly is certainly related to the reveal our most recent Optional Buys: The Kickstarter Exclusive 3D Battlements... ... and the Extra Tiles Pack! If you... (Read More)
Paving the way with 3D Battlements and Extra Tiles!
April 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Today, we have two Optional buys that we are very excited to share with everyone! The 3D Battlements and Extra Tile Pack! Let's take a look, shall we? The towering walls of Wintergrad rise high into the sky. They are the city's... (Read More)
A Mythical Trickster & Daily Unlock: A Corrupted Guardian
April 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We better find shelter. Susano-wo has been unleashed! Though our next Stretch Goal's origin is shrouded in mystery, one thing is for certain, he’s a true force of nature. When we reach $1,900k we will unlock for all backers the... (Read More)
It was a dark and stormy night…
April 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We've reached our next Stretch Goal! She Saihua has been unlocked! Her arrival was boosted by the 7 samurai from our latest revealed Optional Buy, the Kickstarter Exclusive Virtues of Bushido! If you haven't already, make sure to... (Read More)
Way of the Warrior
April 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Today, we’re excited to bring you a brand-new Kickstarter Optional Buy, the Virtues of the Bushido character pack! Once solitary ronin, these samurai have now gathered as a united force. Despite their differences, each of the seven... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: An Enchanting Encounter
April 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! A stranger wanders up to the gates. As he draws closer, we can tell that it is a lone Arn, dressed in long flowing robes and holding a gnarled wooden staff in his right hand. He sports a respectable beard tied neatly and adorned with... (Read More)
ICv2: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Join 'Zombicide: White Death' Kickstarter
April 17th - via: icv2.com
CMON has announced that TMNT Zombicide: Timecrash, an expansion for Zombicide: White Death, will be available as an add-on to backers of the Zombicide: White Death Kickstarter (see "'Zombicide: White Death'"). This Kickstarter campaign currently sits at $1,745,468 with 12,451 backers (about $140 per backer). (Read More)
Age is just a number
April 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! From the ashes, The Young Phoenix rises. And, in case you missed out, make sure to check our latest Optional Buys, the Frost and Jade Dice here! Our next Stretch goal is wise beyond her years, which is saying something. When we... (Read More)
Dice Dice Baby!
April 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors, Today we’re introducing two new Kickstarter Exclusive Optional buys to add some bling to your Zombicide fantasy games: Frost Dice and Jade Dice! At $10, each of these Kickstarter Exclusive Optional Buys contains a pack of 6 custom... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Handfuls of trouble
April 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Let's see what comes to our gates today. The doors rumble as something tries to break in. Suddenly, two monstrous fanged maws burst through the heavy wooden gates. Bulging yellow eyes survey the new surroundings, lingering hungrily... (Read More)
The young phoenix rises
April 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! With a power blow, Date Masamune joins us! Our next Stretch Goal has vast knowledge that has served him and his warlord well across their many campaigns… When we reach $1,750k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive... (Read More)
Survivors of the White Death
April 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors, Today, we'll be taking a closer look at the artwork, background, and abilities of our White Death Survivors! Line art by Jérémy Masson. Colors by Giorgia Lanza. Dragomir is a skilled marksman, with a talent for ranged combat... (Read More)
He’s got his eye on you
April 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Looks like we've unlocked Kurokage-Maru! Coming up next is a legendary feudal lord, sometimes known as the One-Eyed Dragon. When we reach $1,710k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Date Masamune,... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Lucky Charms
April 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! It's time to open our gates! A horde of zombies is approaching our gates! Men to arms! The large hordes of zombies press their weight against the wooden gates, crushing each other in the process. The wooden gates begin to buckle and... (Read More)
Casting a dark shadow
April 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We better hide our belongings, Bishamon is among us! Our next Stretch Goal is stalking by…. When we reach $1,670k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Kurokage-Maru, including his figure and ID card.... (Read More)
Might is right
April 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The Jade Empress has been unlocked and we are humbled by her presence! Unlocking her so quickly is certainly related to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Zombicide: Timecrash Optional Buy recently revealed! The expansion brings 10... (Read More)
Dressed to Empress
April 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We've landed at the port and unlocked the admiral, Yi Sun-sin! His arrival was boosted by the reveal of our newest Optional Buy: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Zombicide: Timecrash! This expansion brings 10 new quests in which... (Read More)
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles join the fray!
April 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! If you ride the subway in New York you kinda face the zombie apocalypse twice a day. But today our fellow passengers were way more bitey than usual, not to mention shambling, groaning, and, uh… rotting. Wasn’t until our second... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Shell-shocked!
April 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Wet footsteps against the cobblestone floor can be heard from just beyond the gates. A fist slams against the other side of the door, startling the guards on watch. They raise their weapons and brace for the oncoming foe, but nothing.... (Read More)
All hands on deck!
April 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Tang Sanzang has been awakened! Our next Stretch Goal has sailed through some stormy weather… When we reach $1,530k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive Survivor Yi Sun-sin, including his figure and ID card.... (Read More)
Age of the Undead
April 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We have a special gift for you! But, before we get into that, an announcement. Since we're reaching the end of the second week of campaign, it's a great time to discuss everything revealed so far in a livestream and perhaps even... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Who goes there?
April 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! It's time to take a peek beyond the walls again. A horde of zombies shuffles towards the gates! Men to arms! But wait, what’s that bounding among the undead? A lone hairy figure thrashes its way through the zombies, an impressive... (Read More)
A man on a mission
April 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The ominous Qilin has been unlocked! Its arrival was certainly boosted by the Kickstarter Exclusive Warlords of the Middle Kingdom Optional Buy that has been recently revealed! Make to check it out here, if you haven't already! Our... (Read More)
An inauspicious star rises
April 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Ichiro is here to SLAY! His arrival is no coincidence though! We getting him here quickly with some assistance of our most recently revealed Optional Buy, the Kickstarter Exclusive Warlords of the Middle Kingdom! If you haven't... (Read More)
The Three Kingdoms Unite!
April 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Today we’re thrilled to reveal a special Kickstarter Optional Buy, the Warlords of the Middle Kingdom character pack! For $25, this Kickstarter Exclusive Optional buy provides you with a series of characters from ancient China, for... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Cry Like Hell!
April 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! It's knock-knock time! From beyond the wooden doors, the winds carry the sound of a crying child. One of the guards standing watch grows visibly concerned and begins to undo the bolts despite the others’ protests. Before he can be... (Read More)
Zombicide: White Death Kickstarter Campaign Smashes Funding Goal in One Day!
April 12th - via: kick.agency
Zombicide: White Death transports players to the frozen and treacherous lands of Wintergrad, a stark contrast from the sun-drenched western towns of previous games. The new setting presents fresh challenges, including ramparts and battlement walkways, along with a snow-covered urban area. (Read More)
All he does is work hard!
April 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Fantastic! Renart the Fox has arrived! Reaching this goal was certainly boosted by our most recently revealed Optional Buy, the Crossfire Pack, which introduces Crossbow Guards and Deadbolt Walkers to any Zombicide fantasy game! Make... (Read More)
He'll spell it out for you
April 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Let's give a big round of applause to everyone for we've just unlocked Mu Guiying! Her arrival was boosted by our most recently revealed Optional Buy, the Crossfire Pack, which introduces Crossbow Guards and Deadbolt Walkers to... (Read More)
Cross your hearts and hope (not) to die!
April 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors, Today we’re revealing another Optional Buy: The Crossfire Pack! Who will bolt first? The Crossfire pack contains both a new type of Guard and a new type of Zombie which you can add to any of your Zombicide fantasy games! The... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Nice Shot!
April 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! It's time to see who is at the gates! A horde of zombies is approaching our gates fast! Men to arms! The zombies, clad in heavy armor, stumble their way toward our gates. It looks like we have no choice but to fend them off in... (Read More)
Enough with the theatrics!
April 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We have unlocked the Death Notes without too much hustle! Of course, their arrival was also boosted by our most recently revealed Optional Buy, the Kickstarter Exclusive Warlords of the Rising Sun! Make sure to check it out here if... (Read More)
Sharps and Flats
April 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Miyamoto Musashi has joined our ranks! His arrival comes in the heels of our most recently revealed Optional Buy, the Kickstarter Exclusive Warlords of the Rising Sun! If you haven't already, make sure to check it out here! Our... (Read More)
A Red Sun Rising
April 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Today we’re revealing a special Kickstarter Exclusive Optional Buy: Warlords of the Rising Sun! The founding of Japan was forged with the glorious (and sometimes less than glorious) deeds of heroes, interweaving myth and history... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Bad Medicine
April 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! It's time to see who is at the gates! A foul green mist begins to slip under our gates. The source of the corruption is close! The large wooden gates swing themselves open, the sickly green mist bursting through. As the mist settles,... (Read More)
The sword saint
April 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Fast and deadly, Tomoe arrives! Our next Stretch Goal is a famed warrior, a military strategist, and a philosopher. This man is a jack of all trades! When we reach $1,230k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive... (Read More)
Gaze into the face of the White Death!
April 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Today, we’ll be taking a more in-depth look at some of the features of Zombicide: White Death! White Death comes with 9 double-sided tiles and three new types of Zones are introduced in the box: Ruins, Battlements, and Corruption.... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Stay Strong!
April 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Who's at our door today? A horde of zombies is quickly approaching our gates! Men to arms! As the horde draws closer and closer to our walls, our guards begin frantically taking up position along the ramparts, preparing to fend off... (Read More)
The odds may be stacked, but she’ll never falter!
April 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Heel boy! Inugami has joined us. Our next Stretch Goal is a mighty warrior with a reputation that has gone down in history. When we reach $1,190k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Tomoe Gozen, including... (Read More)
Every dog has his day
April 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The abominable Hachiman has been unleashed! He certainly had some help from his fellow zombies to get here, the Berserker Walkers, our most recently revealed Optional Buy! If you haven't yet, make sure to check them out here! Coming... (Read More)
Up Close and Personal with Berserker Walkers
April 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Today we’re introducing a new type of Zombie to the medieval fantasy range: Berserker Walkers! Most zombies aren’t smart enough to avoid danger and just rush at their prey as fast as possible. Then, we came across the ones we call... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Slice it up!
April 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Let's see what comes knocking today. A *thump* is heard as something slams against the door with great speed. A pair of rusted katanas slip through the space between the massive wooden doors. In one fell swoop, the two blades slice... (Read More)
Not even the dead have seen the end of war
April 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The quick brown fox has leaped over the Stretch Goal! We've unlocked Suzuka Gozen! The next Stretch Goal is the patron deity of all warriors. Hachiman has entered the fray! When we reach $1,110k we will unlock for all backers the... (Read More)
Sly as a fox!
April 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! We're in luck, Caishen Ye has joined us! Our next Stretch Goal had sidled up right behind us before anyone could even spot her… When we reach $1,060k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Suzuka Gozen, including... (Read More)
Fortune smiles upon you today
April 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Cao Ren and his magnificent shield have been unlocked! His early arrival is certainly related to the Eternal Empire campaign expansion Optional Buy revealed earlier today! Make sure to check the expansion out here if you haven't yet!... (Read More)
Defense is the best offense
April 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The Tengu is among us, be ready for chaos! His arrival was certainly boosted by the reveal of our first Optional Buy: The Eternal Empire expansion, which brings the campaign mode for the first time into fantasy Zombicide! If you... (Read More)
Enter the Eternal Empire!
April 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Nestled in the depths of the wintery land, far from other civilizations, the Eternal Empire has finally opened its gates to outsiders, in search of help against the zombie plague! Eternal Empire is a campaign expansion for Zombicide:... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Look sharp!
April 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! It's time to check the gate. A horde of zombies are quickly approaching our gates! Men, to arms! In the distance, a small band of Zombies draws closer and closer to the walls. The guards begin to line our castle wall, ready to meet... (Read More)
A huge fan of revenge
April 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Not early, not late, Zuo Ci arrived just in time. Next, comes a prideful spirit that enjoys sowing discord among mortals. When we reach $940k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive Necromancer Tengu, including its... (Read More)
Respect your elders!
April 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Kodai-in is ready to bring her blades and commanding presence to the battlefield: Our next Stretch Goal has been around for a long, long time, and has accumulated all the more knowledge for it: When we reach $900k we will unlock for... (Read More)
The time for diplomacy has passed...
April 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! This Zombie slayer is off on his rampage! Coming up next, we have a nun turned samurai warrior. When we reach $870k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Kodai-In, including her figure and ID card. Line... (Read More)
Daily Unlock: Shape up!
April 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! It's time to see what goes on beyond our walls. The sounds of sharp nails striking the doors violently get louder and louder. As soon as it becomes certain the doors will not budge, the noise ceases. The guards breathe a sigh of... (Read More)
With fangs bared, he charges forth!
April 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The Red Hare has been unleashed! Our next Stretch Goal is a young warrior with a wild heart. When we reach $840k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Kidō-maru, including his figure and ID card. Lines... (Read More)
Blazing Glory!
April 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Looks like we've unlocked Sha Wujing! Despite his name, our next Stretch Goal is a legendary horse said to have served many mighty warlords in life! When we reach $810k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive... (Read More)
Making amends for his past
April 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Another Stretch Goal has clawed his way out. Our next Stretch goal once had a troubled past, but has since devoted his life to a new cause… When we reach $770k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Sha... (Read More)
Maybe a Tiger DOES change its stripes!
April 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Looks like Dian Wei has answered our call! Our next Stretch Goal was once a Khanra but, in his noble quest for power has been transformed… When we reach $740k, we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor... (Read More)
Approach me if you dare!
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! It looks like Nian's yearly hunt has arrived. Better run for cover! Our next Stretch Goal is ready to charge into the heat of combat: When we reach $710k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Dian Wei,... (Read More)
Time to make some noise!
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Cirina is here to bark at the moon and keep the undead at bay: Coming up next is a fearsome creature that comes out to hunt once a year: When we reach $680k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Abomination Nian,... (Read More)
Did someone cry wolf?
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Xu Chu may be powerfully built, but his arrival among our ranks was quite fast: Coming up next is a sorceress who shows no mercy to those who dare wrong her. When we reach $650k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter exclusive... (Read More)
An honest living among the undead
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Uesugi Aya has finally closed her book to joins us and... oh, nevermind. She's made her entrance and is back reading again! Coming up next is a power-house of a soldier who takes his orders very seriously. When we reach $620k we will... (Read More)
A writer of her own destiny
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Amaterasu arrives, proving that even the sun can be rather cold. Our next Stretch Goal has spent her life studying the mystic arts. When we reach $590k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Uesugi Aya,... (Read More)
It’s a new dawn for the undead!
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Rajaraja has joined our ranks: The next Stretch Goal was once the symbol of new beginnings, but she now heralds the end! She is Amaterasu, the Goddess of the Sun! When we reach $560k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter... (Read More)
Building an empire, one administration at a time
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The Marquis of Mao joins our ranks: Our next Stretch Goal was one of the most powerful emperors of one of the longest ruling dynasties in history. When we reach $530k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor... (Read More)
Bearing the brunt of the attack
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Careful what you wish for, the Asura is here: Apparently, the Asura's power is so strong that we went through a technical issue! In the time it took to fix it, we unlocked that Stretch Goal that would have followed it; a Survivor... (Read More)
Its power, overwhelming! Plus, Daily Unlocks Start Tomorrow!
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The matriarch of the Maeda clan is ready to bring her forces against the undead: The blizzard and zombie siege has been unrelenting, yet we still find the odd visitor appearing at our doorstep from day to day. Sometimes friend, other... (Read More)
The savior of her clan
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Preceded by a deadly hail of arrows, Xiahou Yuan is here: Next, we have a Survivor skilled in both the martial and literary arts. She is the matriarch of the Maeda clan! When we reach $410k we will unlock for all backers the... (Read More)
For the people to the very end!
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Da Qiao has joined our ranks: Our next Stretch Goal is known for his loyalty, and he would do anything for the warlord he serves under. When we reach $380k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Survivor Xiahou Yuan, including... (Read More)
Big sister is watching you
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Our first Abomination, the Chimimōryō, is here! Our next Survivor will keep her companions out of harm’s way. When we reach $350k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Survivor Da Qiao, including her figure and... (Read More)
From the murky depths it comes!
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! The defender of the Archipelago is here: Next up comes a spirit turned vile that within the mires, dragging its victims into a watery grave... When we reach $320k we will unlock for all backers the Kickstarter Exclusive Abomination... (Read More)
The undeniable symbol of bravery
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Meili makes her agile entrance: Our next Survivor is the great leader of an island on the southeastern coasts. A celebrated hero who led the defense against an armada that threatened his island. When we reach $290k we will unlock... (Read More)
There’s no time for monkeying around!
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! With one fell swoop, Huang Gai is here already! Our next Survivor comes from humble beginnings and she’s made a name for herself through sheer determination and incredible skills in archery. When we reach $260k we will unlock for... (Read More)
Let it snow!
April 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail Survivors! Our journey to the frozen lands has barely begun and is already funded, just under 20 minutes! Thank you all very much for the support! It brings great warmth to our hearts, despite all the cold weather! It is time to see what this... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!