New Cinelinx Decks: The Best Movie Trivia Game Gets Better

A project in Dallas, TX by Gabriel Barboza

Funding Successful

We're adding to the card game for people who love movies! Cinelinx (a new take on movie trivia) is a movie lovers dream come true!
Backers: 170
Average Pledge Per Backer: $44

Funded: $7,401 of $6,500
Dates: Nov 30th -> Dec 21st (21 days)
Project By: Gabriel Barboza
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Last Updated: December 21 @ 01:02 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

12hrs to go!

December 20th - via:
Hey Backers, The campaign ends tonight and that means we're one step closer to getting these expansions into your hands!  Next step: production.  If you're interested in any last minute add-ons now would be the time to get that squared away, or if... (Read More)

We made it!

December 19th - via:
Hey Backers! Thanks to all of your support we hit our goal and will be able to produce TWO new expansions! We're excited, exhausted, and extremely thankful.  We're funded!  (Read More)

We're almost there!

December 18th - via:
Hey Backers,   We have just over two days left in the campaign and less than $200 to raise before we hit our goal! Our fingers are crossed and we're still spreading the word. Let's cross the finish line together! -The Cinelinx Team  (Read More)


December 14th - via:
Hey Backers,   We're in the last week of the campaign and are extremely excited to say that we have a SuperBacker! A huge fan of Cinelinx reached out to us and has pledge to match the next $1,000 we raise! So if we raise another $1,000 then they... (Read More)

That time Rian Johnson Tweeted about Cinelinx...

December 12th - via:
Hey Backers,   Just over a week left in the campaign and it's time to light a fire under this thing! We're doing great so far but we could really use a little boost. If every one of you told a few people who love movies about our campaign then we... (Read More)

Over 100 Backers!

December 9th - via:
Hey Backers,   I just wanted to share the great news. We've hit over 100 backers and are over 50% of our funding goal!  Let's keep spreading the word and make this happen together! -The Cinelinx Team  (Read More)

Expansion Artwork Feedback

December 8th - via:
Hey Backers,  Going into the weekend we thought it might be a good time to ask for feedback from all of you about our expansion cover art.  We think the inspiration for the 80s expansion is obvious, and our Blockbusters expansion is a nod to the... (Read More)

Cool Stuff: Cinelinx Expansion Packs Need Your Support to Become Real

December 8th - via:
Cinelinx has released a few expansion packs for the original game already, as well as an online version of the game that you can play on mobile devices. It (Read More)

A little fun after the weekend...

December 4th - via:
Hey Backers, Things are looking good and we're inching towards our goal!  We spent the weekend reaching out to players and putting a fun little giveaway together for our Cinelinx readers. We don't want any of you to miss out so head on over to our... (Read More)

A Great First Day!

December 1st - via:
Hey Backers!  First and foremost we want to thank all of you for your support. We raised over 20% of our goal on Day 1 thanks to all of you and we're all very excited about the campaign. We put a lot of time and effort into each and every expansion... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!