Death By Coconuts
A project in London, UK by Bubblegum Stuff000days
Funding Successful
Death By Coconuts is a death stats betting race of risk and reward. Only the first to the finish gets into Eternal Paradise!
Backers: 166
Average Pledge Per Backer: £36
Funded: £5,935 of £5,000
Dates: May 31st -> Jun 27th (28 days)
Project By: Bubblegum Stuff
Backers: 166
Average Pledge Per Backer: £36
Funded: £5,935 of £5,000
Dates: May 31st -> Jun 27th (28 days)
Project By: Bubblegum Stuff
current pledge level
Last Updated: June 27 @ 18:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
It’s your last chance to back Death By Coconuts…
June 27th - via:
There are less than 12 hours to go! 😱 Our campaign is in its final hours. It’s been a journey comparable to the one you take when playing Death By Coconuts… You start full of anticipation, not knowing how it’ll end. Then, once you get... (Read More)
Death By Coconuts is fully funded! 🎉 🥳 🎉
June 23rd - via:
It's time to celebrate like these guys... Thesupermat, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons We've just rolled over our target of £5,000. (That's a little over $6,100 if you're in the U.S.) How... (Read More)
Time is running out… ⏰⏰⏰
June 22nd - via:
There are just 5 days left to back Death By Coconuts! Really?! Where has that time gone? It seems like only yesterday we hit that launch button and now we’re into the final week of our campaign. It’s been a fantastic journey. We’ve met some... (Read More)
Yet More Deaths?!
June 14th - via:
After Party Edition Due to popular demand for more dark, infamous deaths to be added to Death by Coconuts we have created the ‘True Crime’ expansion pack. This 25 additional cards deck featuring true crime deaths and notorious serial killers... (Read More)
Great news...
June 7th - via:
We’re over halfway there! Wow… We’re already over halfway towards our funding goal! We’ve also now got over 100 backers! That’s coconuts! Thanks for all your support so far. To mark these milestones, here’s a coconut fact for you… In... (Read More)
You’ve got less than 24 hours left…
June 1st - via:
To get the Early Bird deal! The Early Bird discount for Death By Coconuts is rapidly coming to an end. You’ve got less than 24 hours to get the Standard Edition of the game – complete with Purgatory Island board, 250 death cards, 25 treasure... (Read More)
The race to Eternal Paradise has begun…
May 31st - via:
Death By Coconuts is live on Kickstarter! We’ve been hard at work getting Death By Coconuts ready since November 2020. It’s been a rollercoaster (responsible for 57 deaths in the US between 1987 and 2002) journey from the very start, but we... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!