Tomb - A Dungeon Crawl For 5e
A project in Muncie, IN by Brave New Worlds000days
Funding Successful
A tactically engaging delve into pitch-black catacombs, lovingly crafted to be a rewarding experience for both sides of the GM screen.
Backers: 740
Average Pledge Per Backer: $15
Funded: $11,279 of $1,000
Dates: Aug 1st -> Aug 31st (31 days)
Project By: Brave New Worlds
Backers: 740
Average Pledge Per Backer: $15
Funded: $11,279 of $1,000
Dates: Aug 1st -> Aug 31st (31 days)
Project By: Brave New Worlds
current pledge level
Last Updated: September 1 @ 00:02 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
New Stretch Goal Unlocked, 500 Backers, 48 Hours To Go, Race To $10k
August 30th - via:
We have so much news to share tonight! We unlocked a new stretch goal this evening AND crossed the 500 backer milestone, which means that we will be adding new traps and music tracks to the core of TOMB! Not only that, but we're down to the final... (Read More)
400 Backers, New Stretch Goals Unlocked, & More!
August 25th - via:
We've plowed through 2 stretch goals and the 400 backers milestone since the last update! That means we will add additional monsters, spells, items, and bosses as the world below Fenbury grows! The next stretch goals come at $8,000 with new traps... (Read More)
350 backers & "Projects We Love"
August 22nd - via:
Hello everyone! It's been an incredible journey for the Brave New Worlds crew throughout this campaign. We never thought we would see this much support for a project like this. A few quick housekeeping things: We blew past the 350 backers mark and... (Read More)
THE DUNGEON GROWS DEEPER! 500% Funded, Lore Drop & Another Crowdfunding Project To Consider
August 19th - via:
THE DUNGEON GROWS DEEPER! We've unlocked an entirely new floor of the TOMB beneath the ruins of Fenbury, which also means that we've reopened our limited Entombed and Skeleton Crew tiers for backers! They went pretty quick the first time around, so... (Read More)
300 Backers!!!
August 17th - via:
Wow! Today we crossed 300 backers, and we are continuously blown away by the support that we are getting for this project! We're EXTREMELY close to our next stretch goal to expand the dungeon. Once we hit that next stretch goal at $5k, we'll be... (Read More)
Two Weeks of TOMB + Friends of Brave New Worlds
August 14th - via:
Two weeks of this campaign have really flown by! Remember that The Dungeon Grows once we hit $5k which will open up more slots for Entombed and Skeleton Crew backers. If you want your name on a tomb in the dungeon battlemaps or want to have a version... (Read More)
400% Funded + Projects We Believe In
August 12th - via:
A new floor to the dungeon beneath Fenbury is right around the corner, and that means we will be revealing the next few stretch goals as soon as we hit 5k! While we trudge the depths of new TOMB content for you to enjoy, we wanted to tag in a few of... (Read More)
10 Days of Tomb & Other Kickstarters to Check Out!
August 10th - via:
Hey everyone! The Brave New Worlds team is humbled by the support that we've received for this project so far, and we still have until the end of August to see where the final numbers land! According to the fancy charts and graphs on Kicktraq, TOMB... (Read More)
Wall of Bone + 350% funded!
August 8th - via:
We're racing toward 5k, which means an ENTIRELY NEW floor to the already sprawling dungeon beneath Fenbury. While we delve surely and steadily toward that milestone, we wanted to talk about a conjuration from the Reverend's personal spellbook, one... (Read More)
24 Hours of Tomb
August 2nd - via:
After a short 24 period, the TOMB official VTT landing page and stream overlay are both coming to each and every backer! Keep your online players engaged from the moment they log in. Next stop: The Dungeon Grows. Today, we’d like to tag in our good... (Read More)
August 1st - via:
Alright, adventurers. Humbled does not even begin to express the way we feel after two short hours. Thank you to every single one of our backers who are helping make dreams come true for our entire team, in ways we never thought possible. Our immense... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!