Dungeon Domains: Rat King's Abode (5e / OSR compatible)

A project in Antwerp, Belgium by Bart Wynants

Status: Active

An endlessly expandable dungeon for 5e, Pathfinder, Shadowdark, Forbidden Lands, Mörk Borg & other fantasy tabletop role-playing games!
Backers: 326
Average Daily Pledges: €101
Average Pledge Per Backer: €8

Funding: €2,620 of €100
Dates: Jun 1st -> Jul 1st (30 days)
Project By: Bart Wynants
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Latest News

Flooded Tunnels Update and Free RPG Day!

June 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone,  With only ten days to go, we are almost fully stretched! One final push is all it will take to break yet another funding record (and reveal some secret stretch goals as well), so please keep sharing the campaign! In the mean time, I... (Read More)

Unnerving Events & Flooding Mechanics Unlocked!

June 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone! Well, it looks like you did it! Not only will Rat Kings's Abode contain a random table of ten unnerving events to inflict upon your hapless player characters; now characters can also flood or drain the map's water levels by manipulating... (Read More)

D10 Disturbing Discoveries and Map Update

June 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone! The conquering of our Stretch Goals continues unabated, with our Minor Treasures table being the latest to fall prey to berserking backers! The stretch goal says "Minor Treasures", but in the book we actually call them Disturbing... (Read More)

Handouts and Dead Ends and Tarock Cards -- Oh My!

June 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone, Since you've unlocked both the Player Handouts  and Dead Ends stretch goals in record time, I think you all deserve an art update! Behold, the Rat King's Tarock Cards! From left to right, these represent the three of cups, the moon, and... (Read More)

Two SGs Down Already!

June 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone! It seems like it took you less than 36 hours to smash through the first two stretch goals!  Okay, so the first one (Deluxe Upgrade Package) isn't really a surprise, maybe... The handouts and printable / VTT assets are a large part of... (Read More)

Funded in Under One Hour!

June 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone,  And welcome the to the Rat King’s Abode! Yet before we delve any deeper into its verminous culverts: to all you backers, be ye tentative explorers or grizzled veterans of our Dungeon Domains: WELCOME (BACK), AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR... (Read More)

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