Stealing Fae Hearts & Secrets: Hardcover Edition

A project in Salt Lake City, UT by Joanna Reeder

Funding Successful

A sweet fantasy romance with forbidden love, rich world building, and heart-pounding stakes!
Backers: 92
Average Pledge Per Backer: $53

Funded: $4,896 of $500
Dates: May 2nd -> May 23rd (21 days)
Project By: Joanna Reeder
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Last Updated: May 23 @ 09:11 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

The clock is ticking! Less than 24 hours until the end!

May 22nd - via:
This Kickstarter campaign has been incredible! Look at all of the amazing things we've unlocked: Both the updated map and the bonus scene will be included in all editions, however, the bonus scene will be EXCLUSIVE to this Kickstarter and won't be... (Read More)

We Unlocked the Bonus Scene!

May 21st - via:
We've unlocked the bonus scene! I am overjoyed that we reached our next stretch goal! The bonus scene will be part of all editions but will be a Kickstarter-exclusive.  I haven't thought much about what the scene will be, but maybe the scene on the... (Read More)

We've earned the flash reward! + An announcement!

May 20th - via:
You are amazing. This past weekend was FANTASTIC. We've had so many new backers that went above and beyond what we tried to reach for the flash reward. For that reason, I'm unlocking the vellum pages for all physical backers!  I can't decide which... (Read More)

I'm extending the flash reward!

May 17th - via:
We didn't unlock the flash reward in time. We only had 59 backers when the time was up, but I woke up to 61 backers this morning! Depending on how this weekend goes, I may still honor the flash reward with the vellum pages. So if you've been sitting... (Read More)

We have less than 24 hours to get 3 more backers!

May 15th - via:
We are SO close to getting the flash reward! As of writing this post, we need 3 more backers before noon (EST) tomorrow to unlock the vellum pages! (Total of 62 backers) And since there has been such a split between the background version vs the no... (Read More)

FLASH REWARD: Vellum Pages

May 13th - via:
It's time for a flash reward! As of the writing of this update, we have 57 backers (which is amazing and I truly appreciate every single one of you!)  If we can get 5 more backers (total of 62) by Thursday, May 16 at NOON EST, we'll unlock the... (Read More)

We unlocked the art prints!!

May 9th - via:
I was so excited to see our goal tipped over $2,500 overnight! This means we've unlocked the art prints for every physical backer! (It'll be added as an add-on also.) The next stretch goal when we hit $4,000 will be a bonus scene that will be... (Read More)

We are so close to our next goal!

May 6th - via:
We are so close to unlocking our next stretch goal. Just a few more pledges or upgrades and we'll unlock the prints of this beautiful art piece by @marybegletsova for all print tiers. Come see me live today (May 6th)! Hanna Sandvig and I are doing a... (Read More)

We funded! + 1st Stretch Goal Unlocked!

May 2nd - via:
Thank you to everyone who has pledged already! I am thrilled at how quickly we funded, especially since this is my first campaign. It was under 45 minutes!  Thank you. Thank you!  First stretch goal is unlocked!Funding has reached $1,250 so we have... (Read More)

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