Lugon: Evolution & Magic

A project in Wageningen, Netherlands by The Wanderer

Funding Successful

Explore a world where Evolution, Ecology, and Magic are closely intertwined. Compatible with D&D 5E and Pathfinder 1E + 2E
Backers: 170
Average Pledge Per Backer: €38

Funded: €6,477 of €1,000
Dates: Jul 30th -> Aug 29th (30 days)
Project By: The Wanderer
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Last Updated: August 29 @ 14:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

The Ninth Goal, Final Sprint at 48 hours left!

August 27th - via:
Eyo all!This post might be a bit soon after the last, but I want to give some previews about the stretch goals that have been unlocked and are still upcoming. I've opened up the rest of the stretch goal road map for these last two days, so go and... (Read More)

72 hours to go! All hands on deck!

August 26th - via:
Eyo all!The final 72 hours have arrived. We'll probably hit the 5500 goal in the next couple of hours, and we hope to hit a couple more stretch goals in this last sprint.  We've revealed the last couple of stretch goals for you all to see what we're... (Read More)

The Eight Goal, The Road to 7k Opens!

August 22nd - via:
Eyo all!The final week has arrived, and we've reached the eight stretch goal! We're going to have some nice Lugonese Martial Feats for you all. Feats that will allow you to get that little bit of extra flare and power behind your martial characters,... (Read More)

The Seventh Goal, a new adventure starts!

August 19th - via:
Eyo all!And with 10 days on the clock, we've reached the seventh stretch goal! Like said before, this next stretch goal is special. 4500 is the amount that the previous project reached after the TTRPG Licensing troubles of last year threw a wrench in... (Read More)

The Sixth Goal: The 4500 border within reach!

August 14th - via:
Eyo all!We've reached the sixth stretch goal, and thus we've got enough budget to get two extra high-quality art pieces for our races/species. More arts means a more elegant book, so we're extra pumped. This allows us to bring more of Lugon into... (Read More)

Friends and News

August 11th - via:
Eyo all!After these past 1.5 weeks, we've gotten far. And I'm sure we'll be able to take this further. This is already a wild success and I couldn't be more grateful! So, giving you news and a couple more previews is only fair.  First item: an... (Read More)

Fifth Stretchgoal got, the first batch of goals almost done!

August 8th - via:
Eyo all! Hot dang. After only about a day after the last update, we've sped past another stretch goal. This time, four new factions are unlocked: the four major magic guilds of Lugon. Take a look! Terraz' Codex: The guild of the Gaolers of... (Read More)

The Fourth Goal has been reached!

August 7th - via:
Eyo all! So after being at it for a week, we've breached the fourth Stretch Goal. 10 spells extra for every casting class! I've added the remaining stretch goals for the end of the starting stretch. After this, we'll have more stretch goals, but the... (Read More)

The Tide keeps rising!

August 5th - via:
Eyo all! Hope you had a great weekend! So things have stalled a little pace-wise, which is to be expected. We're going to try and get the ball rolling full speed again, so if you know any people who might be interested, do spread the news!  In other... (Read More)

Third Day, Third Stretchgoal!

August 2nd - via:
Eyo everybody! I am very curious if we can keep the ball rolling with one stretchgoal per day. A good sign that things are chugging along wonderfully. I should get the new stretchgoals in order too, haha. Got some doozies, like several potential new... (Read More)

Second Day, Second Stretchgoal!

August 1st - via:
Good morning everybody!So when I woke up this morning, I noticed that we've already reached 200% and with that, the second stretch goal! This means that from this point on, all softcover pledges are hardcover pledges instead! Thank you again and... (Read More)

A gre-... GRAND start!

July 31st - via:
Eyo all! So, I was anticipating writing an update about how we've gotten off to a great start. What I didn't expect was the project being funded in a staggering 2.5 hours! So we've hit the initial goal AND the first stretch goal already. I want to... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!