A project in Manchester, UK by All Rolled Up

Status: Active

A revised European reprint of this primaeval science fantasy RPG inspired by Heavy Metal comics and psychedelia.
Backers: 132
Average Daily Pledges: £344
Average Pledge Per Backer: £63

Funding: £8,266 of £5,000
Dates: Jun 3rd -> Jul 3rd (30 days)
Project By: All Rolled Up
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Latest News

Stretch Goal Milestone and New Exciting Targets!

June 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
We are thrilled that we are approaching our £7,500 stretch goal! Thanks to your incredible support and enthusiasm, we are on the brink of enhancing this edition of WARPLAND with a double ribbon bookmark. This small yet significant addition will add... (Read More)

Postal Delivered Duties Paid in Europe

June 19th - via: kickstarter.com
We're conscious of the complexities of sending packages from the UK into Europe, so we're seeking to smooth the transaction wherever possible. With this in mind, we're offering Postal Delivered Duties Paid (PDDP) as part of our International service,... (Read More)

Help Us Push Onward

June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey everyone, We did it! We've officially reached our funding goal of £5,000 for WARPLAND. I apologize for the delay in this update - we were hesitant and superstitious about how close we were to the target. But now that we've surpassed it. Not only... (Read More)


June 8th - via: kickstarter.com
While we're approaching the end of our first week and running steadily toward funding, you can be assured that we're not coasting along with hitting Refresh repeatedly.  Hard At WorkAnyone who visited the All Rolled Up stand at UK Games Expo will... (Read More)

First Look at Stretch Goals

June 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Greetings, one and all, Our campaign has started steadily, and we thank each of you for your support over the last few days. The WARPLAND project is driven by a love of the hobby and a desire to reach a broader and more receptive audience with... (Read More)

Warpland, the psychedelic heavy metal-inspired TTRPG, returns to Kickstarter for an improved European edition

June 1st - via: geeknative.com
The psychedelic and heavy-metal science fantasy has been crowdfunded before but with limited geographic access. The digital edition was a bestseller. This time around, the UK’s All Rolled Up, who do small press very well, are involved with the Argentina-based artist and game writer Gavriel Quiroga to print a new and improved edition. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!