Ada's Dream

A project in Cambridge, UK by Caezar and Kuly from Alley Cat Games

Status: Active

A medium-heavy Euro game with a Dice Rondel, where players work with Ada Lovelace to build the first mechanical computer
Backers: 1878
Average Daily Pledges: £6,530
Average Pledge Per Backer: £59

Funding: £111,018 of £12,500
Dates: Jun 10th -> Jul 3rd (24 days)
Project By: Caezar and Kuly from Alley Cat Games
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Latest News

Eco Mega Goal Unlocked! Great Exhibition Expansion now on TTS!

June 25th - via:
Stretch Goal Unlocked! Thanks to your support, we've unlocked our first Eco Mega Goal!All editions of Ada's Dream will use FSC certified components. This means that we can guarantee that the wood and paper used to make the game is taken from... (Read More)

Final Social Goal Unlocked!

June 21st - via:
Final Social Goal Unlocked and Next Stretch Goal Announced!You've hit 200 fans on our BGG page, unlocking 8 new Kickstarter Exclusive Alternate Objective tiles.That's 24 standard objective tiles and 16 Kickstarter objective tiles - 40 total... (Read More)

New Mini Expansion Unlocked! Solo Mode now on TTS!

June 18th - via:
Stretch Goals! We've hit £75,500 and unlocked 8 new Alternate Objectives!These alternate objects will differ from the base game objectives by adding more challenging objectives, each worth a different number of points! These objectives will be... (Read More)

Live Stream in 20 Minutes!

June 12th - via:
Join us for a livestream of Ada's Dream on Facebook and Twitch!Facebook  Twitch Missed today's stream? Don't worry, Every Wednesday at 3pm BST (10am EST), we'll be streaming a playthrough of Ada's Dream with Liam and Max on our Facebook and Twitch  (Read More)

Shipping and VAT

June 12th - via:
What a great second day! We've unlocked a new Stretch Goal! Each copy of Ada's Dream will include deluxe linen finish on all of the rulebooks! This includes the solo rulebook and historical booklet as well! We've also announced the next hidden... (Read More)

Funded in 42 Minutes! - What's Next?

June 10th - via:
Hi Everyone!Thank you so much for your early support. Backing on day 1 is critical to the success of a Kickstarter campaign and we're incredibly grateful that you're joining us to make Ada's Dream a reality!Thanks to your support, Ada's Dream funded... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!