Adventures Await: Arcane Armaments

A project in Haverhill, MA by Adventures Await

Status: Active

Adventures Await: Arcane Armaments is a collection of 200 fifth edition compatible magic items.
Backers: 130
Average Daily Pledges: $589
Average Pledge Per Backer: $73

Funding: $9,431 of $10,000
Dates: Jun 11th -> Jul 11th (30 days)
Project By: Adventures Await
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Latest News

Day 14 - The Boss Fight to End All Boss Fights

June 25th - via:
Happy Tuesday!Today was a super productive day for me. I recently moved across the country and I finally did all the little annoying tasks that come with such a move. It might sound silly, but even tiny progress means a lot to me. I'm like the little... (Read More)

Day 13 - Running Late!

June 25th - via:
Oops! This One's a Bit Late!Sorry about that! Got distracted with some things and the next thing I knew it was after midnight. Hope you can forgive me! I promise I've got something fun for you! Anywho! Riddle Time!This one a couple interesting... (Read More)

Day 12 - Man My Head Hurts...

June 23rd - via:
Hey EveryoneMan, I don't know what happened yesterday. One minute I was sitting at my kitchen table eating this delicious cake, and the next thing I knew I was waking up in my bed wearing this weird orange jumpsuit with a very lengthy and in-depth... (Read More)

Day 11 - Are You Havin Fun Yet?

June 22nd - via:
Greetings MortalsIt is I, the Ben-jamin, and not an unknowable eldritch entity intent on using you for the acquisition of knowledge. And you know it is true as an all powerful eldritch being would not say something so revealing. See? I am showing you... (Read More)

Day 10 - I'm Getting Hungry

June 21st - via:
Hey Weekend Lovers!It's Friday y'all! We made it! High fives for everyone! I don't know about you, but I always get amped for the weekend during summer. BBQs, pool days, ice cream... it's a good way to waste the time. I hope my incessant hunger... (Read More)

Day 9 - Almost to the Weekend!

June 20th - via:
Evening All!Today Munky and I spent a ton of time working on the sketches for the poster maps. I'm super excited to share the final maps with you when they're ready, but for now, I've got some art you may have missed if you didn't catch our social... (Read More)

Day 8.5 - Broken Links

June 20th - via:
Quick Update!Somehow the links to the old rewards got broken. It MIGHT have been some spring cleaning I did to our cloud storage (my bad!). New links below! Day 1: A Question of the Soul Day 2: All that Glitters Day 3: The Eternal Gauntlet Day 4: The... (Read More)

Day 8 - Time is Wibbly Wobbly

June 20th - via:
Hey Folks!So not sure how, but we managed to miss a day somewhere in here. I think some of these late night updates have thrown us off. We launched on 6/11 and had our first update on 6/12 (Day 1) so 6/19 should have been Day 8 and tomorrow (6/20)... (Read More)

Day 7 - The Light at the End of the Tunnel!

June 19th - via:
Greetings Humans!Heya everyone! We have been live for a full week now and we are almost funded! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and there is so much more after that we want to achieve! We really want to encourage you all to share this... (Read More)

Day 6 - Late Nights and More Items!

June 18th - via:
Greetings Humans!Its a bit late here, but we have been posting updates daily, and I wanted to keep to it! I've been busy illustrating more items all day, and I am proud to showcase a few of the new ones I made over the weekend!  Tomorrow we are... (Read More)

Day 5 - A Mountain of Lies!

June 16th - via:
Greetings Humans and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!I'm back from doing totally normal non-spy-related things! I have no idea what Ben is talking about, I have not been out recovering ancient alien artifacts nor have I been exposing Adventurers Anonymous Secret... (Read More)

Day 4 - The Name is Munky... Meditating Munky

June 16th - via:
Hello There!Benjamin here again (running a bit late)! Munky's away for the weekend. Something about foiling a secret organization's plans for world domination or something...? I don't know man. As long as he gets the art done, I don't question what... (Read More)

Day 3 - Indiana Munky and the Antique Brass Artifact

June 14th - via:
Evening Everyone!Benjamin here, filling in for Munky again. First he had to serve artisanal fish to people at some trendy micro-kitchen/bar, and now he's busy restoring some antique brass artifact that's totally not cursed (it's totally cursed). You... (Read More)

Day 2 - More Art! More Riddles! More... Sushi?

June 13th - via:
Hey Folks!My name is Benjamin, and I'm the writer and designer behind Arcane Armaments. Normally I'm nose deep in rulebooks and my layout editor making new content, but tonight I'll be handling the daily update! Munky, besides being a talented... (Read More)

Day 1 - A Thank You, and the introduction of the Bizarre Bazaar!

June 12th - via:
Greetings Humans!Thank you all for being our first supporters on this amazing journey!  We can't thank you all enough for helping us bring this book to life! Ben has been working on this book for a long long time now, and when he showed me what he... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!