The Bear's Journey: Crayon Tarot Deck
A project in Los Angeles, CA by Vermilion Creative000days
Funding Successful
a children's book, a kid's canvas, a colorful dream we've all had at six ...
Backers: 35
Average Pledge Per Backer: $63
Funded: $2,201 of $2,000
Dates: Feb 20th -> Mar 13th (21 days)
Project By: Vermilion Creative
Backers: 35
Average Pledge Per Backer: $63
Funded: $2,201 of $2,000
Dates: Feb 20th -> Mar 13th (21 days)
Project By: Vermilion Creative
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 13 @ 15:09 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Where the Journey Lands: Minor Arcana - Pentacles
March 10th - via:
The Suit of Pentacles deals with the physical body and worldly possessions. It is associated with the element of earth, which creates the foundation for all lives (ergo green as the theme color for this suit). Keywords: worldly materials, outer... (Read More)
Where the Journey Levitates: Minor Arcana – Swords
March 7th - via:
The Suit of Swords deals with mental consciousness and the capacity for thinking rationally using logic. It is associated with the element of air, which is intangible and unnoticed but fierce at times (ergo lake blue as the theme color for this... (Read More)
Where the Journey Flows: Minor Arcana - Cups
March 5th - via:
The Suit of Cups pertains to situations and events of an emotional or spiritual nature. It is associated with the element of water, which can be soft and gentle or powerful and formative (ergo blue as the theme color for this suit). The Cups also... (Read More)
Where the Journey Ignites: Minor Arcana - Wands
March 4th - via:
The Suit of Wands reflects the creative potential and what is the core of one's spiritual being. It addresses what "makes you tick" as a person: personality, ego, self-concept, personal energy, etc. The Wands are associated with the element of fire,... (Read More)
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