ID rings for "oreo base" HeroClix figures
A project in Peoria, IL by hair10000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: August 15 @ 21:30 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Final update
December 9th - via:
First, let me just say 'Thank You!' once again! Without all of your support, I would have never been able to do this. As I look over various projects that I'm backing, I'm continually amazed at Kickstarter and the backing from individuals looking... (Read More)
Finished! Done! Completed!
November 28th - via:
All rewards have now been shipped! Thank you all for the support! I'll post a final update in the coming weeks to let you know how more items can be ordered. (Read More)
Up, up, and away!
November 26th - via:
Well, the holiday weekend came and went and I did not get all of the rewards done. :-( But I came darn close! :-) Earlier today I shipped all remaining rewards except for 3 orders. This included all remaining international orders. The final 3... (Read More)
Getting very close!
November 20th - via:
I'm down to only 28 backers that I have not sent out rewards yet! There are a few that were dropped off at the post office over a few days this past week so those people will get theirs shortly. For those 28 remaining, I know it sucks to be... (Read More)
Good news and bad news
November 3rd - via:
Nobody likes bad news, so let's just get that out of the way first... I sent out another 7 packages today but that will be the last for a few days. I am completely out of grey plastic and every order uses grey (for the light object token insert). ... (Read More)
International backers... a question
October 30th - via:
Those of you who are international backers (including Canada) at the $25 & $50 levels can you send me your telephone number? If I have your phone number I can fill out the customs forms online. It saves me quite a bit of time at the post... (Read More)
Anyone going to be at the Clix for the Cure in Bloomington this Saturday?
October 23rd - via:
If you're one of the $25 or $50 backers who have not received their stuff yet and you are planning on attending the Clix for the Cure in Bloomington, IL this Saturday the 27th, shoot me a message and let me know that you'll be there. I'll try and... (Read More)
Happy Monday (well, it is for me anyway)!
October 22nd - via:
What makes Monday such a happy day for me when most people dread Mondays? The answer is that today the retailer rewards are completed! If you pledged at the retailer level and have not received your rewards yet, they'll be shipping out as soon as... (Read More)
Status update 10/13/12
October 13th - via:
Wow... has it really been more than 2 weeks since the last update?!?? Time sure is flying by! I'm sure everyone who hasn't received their rewards yet is wonder how it's going. Well, it's moving along. Every day I'm a little closer to... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!