The Savage World of Solomon Kane RPG

A project in Paris, France by Monolith Board Games SARL

Funding Successful

Dive deep in the world of Solomon Kane with this revised version of the RPG based upon the incredible works of Robert E. Howard!
Backers: 1632
Average Pledge Per Backer: €94

Funded: €154,104 of €40,000
Dates: May 15th -> May 23rd (8 days)
Project By: Monolith Board Games SARL
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Last Updated: May 23 @ 00:02 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Daily Reveal 7

May 22nd - via:
Puritans, For this final day, it's a multi-purpose addition that will open up a host of possibilities for the game master (and the painters). These figurines can be used to represent spirits, apparitions, demons, angels, or any touch of the... (Read More)

Daily Reveal 6

May 21st - via:
Puritans, We're entering the last 48h00, and also a territory that will slow down your movements and put all your senses on alert: the Swamps! The Monolith Team Puritains, Nous entrons dans les dernières 48h00, et également dans un territoire qui... (Read More)

Daily Reveal 5

May 20th - via:
Puritans, As we enter the last days of the campaign, the howling echoes in the distance. Wherever you travel, you won't be the only ones, or the first to visit here. The pack's footsteps accelerate, and you must flee immediately or face your fate:... (Read More)

Daily Reveal 4

May 19th - via:
Puritans, Today, we're adding the Dark Rider and Solomon Kane musket figures to the RPG Vault. These miniatures will add both the potential to represent your Player Characters and potential antagonists. The Monolith Team Puritains,Aujourd'hui, ce... (Read More)

Daily Reveal 3, a new option and Shane Hensley Interview!

May 18th - via:
Puritans,  Here we are on the third day of the campaign, with the addition of these castle tiles to the RPG Vault. What dark secret will you hide within its walls? A vampire? A decadent lord? Ghosts? A cult?  These tiles don't just add to the RPG... (Read More)

Routinely Itemised: RPGs #257

May 18th - via:
Does anyone know Calamity Punk Publishing? They won the RPG Publisher Spotlight but aren’t responding to their chatbox or social media. They hide their email. It’s tough. (Read More)

Daily Reveal 2

May 17th - via:
Puritans, Today, the RPG Vault gets not just more miniatures, but some very useful tools in Savage Worlds, and not just for Solomon Kane! These include templates for the different sizes of explosion and blast, and tokens in quantities for different... (Read More)

Daily Reveal 1

May 16th - via:
Puritans,Today, several new enemies (or allies?) join the RPG Vault, namely the Ogre, the Devil, and the Gorilla!These NPCs will help you cover situations ranging from encounters with creatures of nature fleeing the hand of man, to evil creatures... (Read More)

The Light in the Darkness!

May 15th - via:
Puritans,You are the light in the darkness, and thanks to your presence, the lurking evil will have to remain vigilant! Starting tomorrow and continuing for the 7 days of the campaign, we'll be unveiling additional content for the RPG Vault box on a... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!