Mythic Space

A project in Rochester, NY by Peter LaCara

Funding Successful

A science fiction tabletop RPG inspired by Halo, Mass Effect, and Cowboy Bebop
Backers: 182
Average Pledge Per Backer: $65

Funded: $11,789 of $10,000
Dates: Mar 28th -> Apr 27th (30 days)
Project By: Peter LaCara
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Last Updated: April 27 @ 09:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

The End is the Beginning

April 27th - via:
And we are done! It's a little hard to believe that the campaign is finished and even more astonishing that the game is funded! We finished about $200 short of the first stretch goal, but I've been looking at some of the structure of the book and... (Read More)

First Stretch Goal and Playtest Report

April 23rd - via:
First Stretch Goal - A Token Deck After playing Mythic Space for over a year, it has always been clear to me that the number one physical bit of kit that should come with the game is a set of tokens. However, this being my first Kickstarter project,... (Read More)

We Got There!

April 20th - via:
We did it! It's sort of hard to type any more than that at the moment because of how emotional the moment is. Pouring over a year of work into something and then putting out there in front of people and seeing the support come in... it defies... (Read More)

Interview with Mildra the Monk and Spotlight on Yurthoz

April 14th - via:
I love podcasts. Back before the pandemic I would listen to tons of them during my commutes to work. These days I work from home so I only really listen to them while I'm doing dishes. I've always wanted to be on one, but assumed that people wouldn't... (Read More)

April 10th - via:
DunjonMeister's character sheet app for Mythic Space is up and running! I spent some time playing around with it last night and I can't wait to try it out at my next playtest session. This is my totally original character - don't steal! There's a... (Read More)

Thoughts on Open Licensing

April 7th - via:
Paizo released the first draft of their ORC License today, and with all the controversies surrounding Wizards of the Coast's botched attempt to revise the OGL I've been thinking about how I would like to approach a third party license for Mythic... (Read More)

Welcoming Rachel Lapidow

April 4th - via:
My father has been a journalist for almost 40 years, and spent a significant portion of that time as a newspaper editor. Editors are probably one of the least appreciated professions that have some of the most impact on how a publication comes out in... (Read More)

Backer Playtest Update, Sector Generator, and Q&A

April 2nd - via:
Playtest Version 1.5 Released! The LaCara Games Discord has been a wealth of feedback has been a wealth of feedback since the Kickstarter launched. Backers can check the Google Drive link in the first update to find the new version. Here's a preview... (Read More)

Horrible Monsters from the Void

March 31st - via:
Hello everyone! It's been an incredible first few days since we launched on Tuesday. We're almost halfway there! I debated putting a Bon Jovi pun in here, but I decided I would spare everyone. We have a ton of new faces in the LaCara Games Discord,... (Read More)

The First 24 Hours and a Live Q&A

March 29th - via:
The First 24 Hours! It's been a day since I pushed the big green button and it's been an incredible experience! We've raised over 40% of our goal in just one day. I am incredibly grateful and humbled by the support. It's been wonderful seeing so many... (Read More)

Mythic Space Link

March 28th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!