War Birds

A project in by Unruly Designs

Funding Successful

An anthology of live action games about the untold stories of the experience and contribution of women in World War II
Backers: 284
Average Pledge Per Backer: $32

Funded: $9,109 of $3,000
Dates: Jul 14th -> Aug 16th (34 days)
Project By: Unruly Designs
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Last Updated: August 16 @ 20:01 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Last few days of the campaign!

August 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Happy Friday! The clock is ticking down towards the end of a very exciting campaign. Before you head off into what I hope will be a beautiful weekend in your corner of the world, I wanted to remind you of where we are, and where we hope to be by... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal! Model Protectorates

August 12th - via: kickstarter.com
This just in!  There are FOUR DAYS left to the campaign and we have a new stretch goal for you. At 250 backers we will add a new game: Model Protectorates! Model Protectorates is an intense family drama set in occupied Denmark. Under the dominion... (Read More)

Keeping the Candles Lit - FUNDED!

August 8th - via: kickstarter.com
I am thrilled to announce that Keeping the Candles Lit, by Shoshana Kessock has just funded! This important game about the affects of the war on women and their cultural traditions will now be featured in all versions of the anthology, its... (Read More)

Introducing: The Wedding Party by Emily Care Boss

August 5th - via: kickstarter.com
It's my great pleasure to introduce our new stretch goal. Award winning designer Emily Care Boss from Black & Green Games (Breaking the Ice, Shooting the Moon, Under My Skin, Sign In Stranger, Remodel) is bringing War Birds to the Pacific... (Read More)

Contest update, more from Shoshana and a teaser!

August 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
News from the front!  We have three things for you today: First up, a quick reminder to all interested that the deadline for the War Birds Design Contest is tonight at 24:00 EST. I'm super excited about the quality of the entries we have been... (Read More)


July 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Good morning! I'm thrilled to announce that we have just funded Kira Magrann's excellent game Mobilize! The game will now be available in all versions of the book! In addition, those of you who have funded at ROSIE, PARTISAN, and MOTOR POOL will... (Read More)

Almost to Mobilize,... and a big announcement!

July 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
How exciting - we are getting so close! Just over $200 left to fund Kira Magran's Mobilize, a fascinating view into the queer communities of the Women's Army Corps. Once we fund, our new stretch goal will be to include Shoshana Kessock's Keeping the... (Read More)

News from the Front: Funded Funded! Funded!

July 15th - via: kickstarter.com
I’m absolutely blown away to report that we have funded our base goal in the first 13 hours of the campaign.  Thank you so much to all of our early backers for your strong show of support. It makes me – and the whole War Birds team – so... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!