Doobie's Dog House

A project in Reform, AL by claude wayne robinson

Funding Successful

Home of the Best tasting, Hotdogs in the South! My photography skills just doesn't do it justice..
Backers: 634
Average Pledge Per Backer: $22

Funded: $14,107 of $6,000
Dates: Sep 3rd -> Oct 3rd (30 days)
Project By: claude wayne robinson
foodlocally sourcedcommunity project +Suggest

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Last Updated: October 3 @ 10:30 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

NEWS FLASH!!!! The Update you been waiting for All Night

October 2nd - via:
 For backers 600 through 750.. I have 8 Frog Dog t-shirts, all Large....i have chosen 8 numbers, if your that backer, you will receive by mail, a Home of the Frog Dog T-Shirt.....Hint: shirt #8 is 750..the shirts are in black&white and on a side... (Read More)

special update!

October 1st - via:
tomorrow morning i'm going to do something special to boost the campaign a little... stay tuned...  at 9 am central time........also my phone is still not working..  (Read More)

just a quick update

September 30th - via:
just got back from the property... the state right of way is cleared... i was to the good by 6 feet..... and while i was there we found the water meter... now all is left is the sewer tap... cut some over hanging limbs and i will be ready to... (Read More)

Just sharing a little personal tid bit about myself

September 29th - via:
I like to paint.... I'm a bob ross freak.. He was my mentor via PBS stations... Still is even tho he been gone 17 years  (Read More)

566 backers so far

September 29th - via:
Any suggestions on how I can do the plaque that I promised to have made to honor and remember everyone that donated to this effort... Maybe a less expensive way than a plaque or something  (Read More)

220% funded

September 28th - via:
Thank you everyone for getting this project to 220% funded.. That is awesome .. That's giving me the opportunity to really make a good go of this.. I can get the building finished complete and get the equipment that I need to start out with... I will... (Read More)

500th backer

September 27th - via:
Zach Hammer thank u for being my 500th backer.. Thanks for the support my freind  (Read More)

Just in awe

September 27th - via:
I just wanted to give an update .. Thank you so much .. We are at the 200% level... That is double funded... That is so incredible .. Never in my life have I seen such a outpouring of love and friendship towards another human being... We are so... (Read More)

ohhh myyy Goodness

September 27th - via:
i have been out a few hours.. i just got back to find that i have went over 11k.. im speechless.. im just with out words.. you folks are the most wonderful people in the world.. thank you so much.. i feel so be apart of such kindness..i... (Read More)

Thank you everyone

September 24th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)

much thanks

September 24th - via:
Thanks to my last 2 backers for your pledges.. i'm very grateful... got a long way to go with only 7 days to do it... 236 more backers at $25.00  is all it will take... can we do it? spread the word.. with out this funding i cant re-open doobie's in... (Read More)

thanks you and really need ur help

September 18th - via:
i want to say thank you to my backers on this project so far.. u believed and put ur money up for my project, so thank you... as of now i have less than 14 days left and only 1% funded.. i really need ur help to get the word out so we can bring in... (Read More)

future home of Doobie's Dog House

September 13th - via:
just a quick update: this is our new kitchen for Doobie's DogHouse.. got to get funded so i can finish the inside.. so please give ..thanks  (Read More)

Doobie's Dog House u-tube commerial

September 11th - via:
thanks to Ben Womack... Ben Is an aspiring movie director that also has a kickstarter campaign.  (Read More)

looking good

September 9th - via:
well a bit of an update... i have most everything on stand by.. in hopes that i will be funded fully... my bread vendor will deliver every 2 days fresh buns, coke and pepsi is ready to deliver twice a week... chip man is ready to deliver 3 days per... (Read More)

New backer

September 7th - via:
Thank u so much... Thank God for wonderful people that believe in this project... Got a long way to go yet... Spread it all around and I believe this project will get funded  (Read More)

thank you

September 3rd - via:
Id just like to thank my wife and biggest supporter for the first backer funds...thank you hunny!....  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!