Shadow of the Eternals

A project in Hamilton, Canada by Precursor Games

Cancelled by Creator

"Shadow of the Eternals" is a psychological horror game from the creators of Eternal Darkness.
Backers: 2412
Average Pledge Per Backer: $53

Funded: $128,039 of $1,350,000
Dates: May 13th -> Jun 19th (37 days)
Project By: Precursor Games
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Last Updated: June 6 @ 11:01 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Shadow of the Eternals Launches New Kickstarter Campaign

July 25th - via:
Eternal Darkness spiritual successor Shadow of the Eternals is trying Kickstarter once again after its previous aborted campaign. (Read More)

Shadow Of The Eternals Has Re-launched On Kickstarter

July 25th - via:
Denis Dyack and the reformed Silicon Knights group at Precursor Games have relaunched their Kickstarter for Shadow of the Eternals. (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter relaunching, considering other platforms

July 16th - via:
Shadow of the Eternals will return to Kickstarter on July 25th, this time with other platforms considered. (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Returns to Kickstarter July 25

July 14th - via:
In an effort to get Shadow of the Eternals funded, again, Precursor Games is going back to Kickstarter for a do-over. They announced that a new campaign that will begin July 25. Precursor Games ran a funding campaign on their own website in addition to a Kickstarter campaign a little over a month ago. The roughly $285,000 generated between the two campaigns fell well short of their $1.5 million goal. (Read More)

Shadow Of The Eternals Will Relaunch On Kickstarter July 25th

July 13th - via:
Like many supervillains before them, Precursor Games vowed to return to Kickstarter after pulling the plug on Shadow of the Eternals in late June. (Read More)

Denis Dyack On Shadows Of The Eternals, Industry Struggles And Kickstarter

July 4th - via:
We play Shadow Of The Eternals and chat to Denis Dyack about the project, crowdfunding and learn surprising behind-the-scenes stories on the games industry. (Read More)

Precursor Games distancing itself from co-founder following child pornography arrest

June 30th - via:
Precursor Games writer, game designer and artist Ken McCulloch has been arrested by Niagara Regional Police on child pornography possession and distribution charges, Bullet News Niagara reports. Police confiscated a "significant" amount of computer hardware after exercising a search warrant on a home in St. Catharines yesterday. (Read More)

Precursor Games Founder Arrested For Child Porn

June 29th - via:
Precursor Games founder and Silicon Knights vet Ken McCulloch has been arrested and charged with possession of child pornography. Things haven't been good for Precursor Games recently. First, its Kickstarter campaign for Shadows of he Eternals was cut short, and now one of its founding members has been arrested and charged for child pornography. (Read More)

Dyack Acknowledges Personal 'Noise' Put Kibosh On Eternals

June 14th - via:
"I guess it's safe to say there's always been noise around me," says Denis Dyack of Precursor, late of Silicon Knights. Precursor's Shadow of the Eternals crowdfunding efforts did not go well at all, a performance that Dyack blames on "misconceptions" about both him and his former studio, Silicon Knights. (Read More)

Precursor on Shadow of the Eternals and its failure to connect

June 13th - via:
Precursor Games Chief Creative Officer Denis Dyack tells Joystiq that the "noise" surrounding his involvement in Shadow of the Eternals added to an already unclear message in the company's crowdfunding campaigns. Earlier this month, the crowdfunding drives on the Precursor website and via Kickstarter were canceled by the studio, which promised to rework and relaunch the project at a later date. (Read More)

Dyack Acknowledges Controversy After Shadow Of The Eternals' Cancelled Kickstarter

June 13th - via:
The controversy is never-ending for Precursor Games chief creative officer Denis Dyack. (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter “temporarily” cancelled

June 5th - via:
Precursor Games has called a halt to its slow-going crowdfunding campaign for Eternal Darkness spiritual successor Shadow of the Eternals, but promised to resume in good time. Although the post announcing this news makes it sound like the Kickstarter and private crowdfunding platforms will resume, there’s a hint that Precursor may have some reason to rethink its plans, with mention of “new exciting opportunities”. (Read More)

Shadow Of The Eternals Kickstarter cancelled with less than 10% funding

June 5th - via:
Precursor Games has announced crowd-funding for the spiritual sequel to Eternal Darkness will be ‘temporarily’ closed, but that the project hasn’t been cancelled. (Read More)

The Kickstarter Compendium

June 5th - via:
Welcome to the Kickstarter Compendium, a gathering of games and game-related projects that we’ve come across that deserve your attention. The crowd-funding model for video games has resulted in some interesting new game ideas, and new projects are going up on a weekly basis that deserve your attention. (Read More)

'Shadow of the Eternals' Kickstarter crowd-funding temporarily pulled

June 5th - via:
Precusor Games recently said Shadow of the Eternals is unlikely to be funded if the Kickstarter failed. The current crowdfunding campaign is only intended to pay for the pilot episode of Shadow of the Eternals. (Read More)

'Shadow of the Eternals' (ALL) Kickstarter Campaign Halted

June 5th - via:
Having launched their kickstarter campaign mid-May, Precursor Games inexplicably (maybe because the game has only garnered 10% of its goal?) decided to suspend the campaign. (Read More)

Message to the Community

June 4th - via:
To our community, Since we announced this Kickstarter campaign we have seen more support from our community than we had ever hoped for. Along with this support has come a host of a new exciting opportunities that will make the game better than we... (Read More)

After Recent Reddit AMA Precursor Games Abruptly Pulls The Plug On Kickstarter - iGame Responsibly

June 4th - via:
Precursor Games have decided to cancel it’s parallel crowdfunding efforts for Shadow of the Eternals. If you’re unfamiliar with this situation I suggest reading up on my editorial piece from when the campaign first launched. Between the Precursor private Paypal and Kickstarter sanctioned funding efforts Shadow of the Eternals raised less than 300K of it’s 1.5 million dollar goal. This was by and large due to Precursor being comprised almost entirely of former Silicon Knights employees (including Denis Dyack). (Read More)

Precursor Games Cancels Kickstarter, Vows To Return

June 4th - via:
After raising eyebrows with a self-monitored crowd funding initiative and then launching a parallel Kickstarter, Precursor Games is temporarily pulling the plug on its campaigns for Shadow of the Eternals, a spiritual sequel to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. If you were a backer though, don't fret. The company says it will be back. (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter Pulled, Being Re-Launched in a Few Weeks

June 4th - via:
Some Kickstarter campaigns just aren’t meant to be. Even if you want a new Eternal Darkness game more than that $20 stuffed into your fat wallet, the prospect of Precursor Games heading the development is just fishy. Thses are the remnants of Silicon Knights, which has been in legal trouble for quite some time due to troubled business practices. It seems like there were plenty of people who just felt too conflicted about the campaign, and thanks to lukewarm support, Shadow of the Eternals is on hold. (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Studio Cancels Kickstarter

June 4th - via:
Precursor Games has decided to "temporarily" shut down all Shadow of the Eternals crowdfunding efforts. Just a few weeks after Precursor Games launched its Kickstarter campaign for Shadow of the Eternals, which was running parallel to its own, home-grown crowdfunding drive, the whole thing has come to a halt. According to an update posted today on Kickstarter, the cancellation is actually good news - and only a temporary thing. (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter canceled, backers refunded, new Kickstarter to launch soon

June 4th - via:
Paul Caporicci of Precursor Games announced today that the Kickstarter project for Shadow of the Eternals was being shut down. The project, which was unlikely to reach its $1.5 million goal according to trends, is refunding all donations as per Kickstarter policy, but also donations made through the game's website. According to Caporicci, the decision was made as a result of several, "exciting new opportunities," and will result in an all new Kickstarter being launched in, "just a few short weeks." (Read More)

Shadow Of The Eternals Kickstarter "Temporarily" Shutting Down

June 4th - via:
Precursor Games has announced that they will be “temporarily” shutting down both the Kickstarter campaign and their own crowdfunding effort for Shadow of the Eternals on June 6th, and will re-launch a new Kickstarter for the game in the coming weeks. (Read More)

“Shadow of the Eternals” Kickstarter Flagging

June 1st - via:
Shadow of the Eternals could very well not make its Kickstarter goal. Developer Precursor Games is asking for a total of $1.35 million in crowdfunding for this spiritual successor to Silicon Knights’ Gamecube cult hit Eternal Darkness, with just 17 days to go and under $120,000 collected as of this writing. (Read More)

Community Update : Introducing The Chronicles of the Order

May 31st - via:
It is with great pleasure that we unveil some of the first community driven content for Shadow of the Eternals, showcasing the enthusiasm and creative spirit of our supporters and collaborators.   Under the guidance and diligent work of Phil Haymes,... (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter Failure Could Kill Game

May 31st - via:
Shawn Jackson, COO for Precursor Games, the studio that's currently trying to raise cash for its Shadow of the Eternals episodic horror title, has taken to Reddit for an AMA. Its Kickstarter has raised, at time of writing, only $115,224 of its $1.35 million ask, with 18 days to go. Meanwhile Precursor's own - completely separate - PayPal crowdfunding effort has raised $272,584, nowhere near the $1.5 million Precursor was originally shooting for. No doubt this causes concern for Precursor, but the folks on Reddit had their own worries. What was the deal with Nintendo, publisher of Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem when Precursor's people still worked for Silicon Knights, and would it get on board if the crowdfunding campaign went south? What was Jackson's response to the Kotaku article alleging all kinds of crazy on Denis Dyack's part? Why was Dyack on board at all, bearing in mind past history? (Read More)

Whateley's Journal - The Status of the Order and the Promise of Greatness

May 30th - via:
Status of the Order: May 29th 2013 It has been three weeks since I reached out to the world, breaking the long tradition of secrecy that has protected the Order of the Unseen, yet despite what my early forebears might have thought, it has proven to... (Read More)

Shawn Jackson Reddit AMA Log

May 30th - via:
Hi everyone, Check out the Reddit AMA Shawn Jackson hosted earlier today at:   Lots of great questions and information!  (Read More)

Games With Jobs Podcast - Shawn and Denis

May 29th - via:
Listen to a latest podcast with Shawn Jackson and Denis Dyack, and how Shawn "Certis" Andrich from Gamers With Jobs declares that he is sold on Shadow of the Eternals! Web Page Direct download link:... (Read More)

Ken and Denis Discuss the Magick System of Shadow of the Eternals

May 28th - via:
Ken and Denis of Precursor Games discuss the Magick system of Shadow of the Eternals, the Ae'Lanoic Rosette, and more!  (Read More)

Shawn Jackson to host Reddit AMA May 30th, 1PM EST

May 28th - via:
Shawn Jackson of Precursor Games will be doing an AMA on Reddit - May 30th at 1PM Eastern time.  Sign up for a Reddit account for free, and join the conversation with other redditors in asking Shawn about the campaign, Shadow of the Eternals,... (Read More)

Eternals Showcase Preview

May 26th - via:
Paul and Shawn give a campaign update and preview the upcoming Eternals showcase videos.  (Read More)

Operation Rainfall: Why Shadow of the Eternals Matters, and Why You Should Support It

May 26th - via:
"The final, and perhaps most important, reason I urge you to support this project is this. It is beyond evident to me that Precursor Games is staffed by passionate, creative and hardworking individuals. They have established a forum just so fans can... (Read More)

Weekly Podcast #2 - The Music and Art of Shadow of the Eternals

May 24th - via:
This week, Phil and Aaron welcome guests Giancarlo Feltrin and Kevin Gordon to discuss the music and art of Shadow of the Eternals. New Tiers Added! We have added two new tiers to our Kickstarter Pledging System: Pledge $150 or more and receive the... (Read More)

Through The CryENGINE3 Looking Glass

May 23rd - via:
Sean and Giancarlo do a walkthrough of the Shadow of the Eternals demo, and break down the technical aspects of CryENGINE3.  (Read More)

The Ae'lanoic Rosette

May 23rd - via:
The Rosette illustrates the relationship of powers as the Cults see them. The sigils appear to be Ae'lanoic, though this is a supposition, rather than a conclusion. We lack the appropriate ciphers to read them, for Ae'lanoic is a very dead language:... (Read More)

Character Reveals and Game Structure Vlogs

May 22nd - via:
Today we'd like to reveal two more characters and provide information on how the Episode structure is intended to work. We have mentioned some of this before in the forums, but this is a more in-depth look at our plan. Shadow of the Eternals:... (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals - Precursor Forums Video Tutorial

May 22nd - via:
Our forum admin and podcast host Phil Haymes takes you through a quick guide of some of our lesser known forum features!  (Read More)

New Add-Ons for Shadow of the Eternals

May 22nd - via:
Hi everyone, We have incorporated new add-on options to give everyone more choices in pledging and reserving various rewards, including the original soundtrack, the digital artbook, the in-game item Tyrannus' Gladius, and more: $15 - Shadow of the... (Read More)

Project Overview and Budget Breakdown

May 21st - via:
Paul and Shawn discuss the project overview and budget breakdown for Shadow of the Eternals from Precursor Games.  (Read More)

Dyack responds to mismanagement allegations in bid to save Eternals Kickstarter

May 21st - via:
Precursor Games chief creative officer Denis Dyack has taken to YouTube to defend his past actions in a bid to save Precursor’s Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter campaign. A week in, the game’s Kickstarter has raised just 16 per cent of its US$1,350,000 goal, with Dyack’s involvement commonly cited as the factor that is keeping pledges away. (Read More)

Denis Dyack Denies Long-standing Allegations In Defence of Precursor Kickstarter Project (video)

May 20th - via:
Precursor Games' ambtious Kickstarter project to create a spiritual successor to Eternal Darkenss has been hampered by negative reports of the developer's former studio Silicon Knights --predominantly, some rather serious allegations made in an article on Kotaku following the launch of the ill-received X-Men Destiny. (Read More)

Precursor Response to Kotaku Article

May 19th - via:
More notes and references are available at:  (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Podcast #1

May 17th - via:
With Phil and Aaron: Guest Paul Caporicci, CEO Precursor Games  (Read More)

Whateley's Journal Entry #3 - A Science Indistinguishable from Magic

May 17th - via:
So Professor Gruber, your new book covers ground that some call controversial, even medieval, a sort of sorcery or witchcraft of the modern age. Could you tell us why you feel it needs to be explored? The true value of Quantum Mechanics is its... (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals - Soundtrack Reveal - Bathory's Theme

May 17th - via:
Hi everyone, Giancarlo Feltrin here.  Here's a track from the Shadow of the Eternals Original Soundtrack - Bathory's Theme. I wrote this piece to convey the malicious yet playful and manipulative nature of Erzébet Bathory, one of the most infamous... (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Update - Art Creation and System Development

May 16th - via:
Kevin Gordon, resident Art Chameleon of Precursor Games discusses Art creation, CryENGINE3 features and current system development in Shadow of The Eternals, as well as future system and visual goals.  (Read More)

Accessing the Order of the Unseen

May 16th - via:
With a minimum pledge of $5, you are granted access to the Order of the Unseen, a members only section of the Precursor Games forums.  When you pledge, you will receive an email from Kickstarter titled 'Thanks for becoming a backer of Shadow of the... (Read More)

Whateley's Journal Entry #2 - Of Calibi-Yau and the Manifold of Dimension

May 16th - via:
Humanity believes it is at the forefront of knowledge, a conceit of its own intelligence. The Eternals and their numerous allies make a mockery of this assumption. The Eternals themselves manipulate space-time as we might crumple a piece of paper, it... (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Update - Character Reveals and Kotaku

May 15th - via:
Ken McCulloch and Denis Dyack of Precursor Games reveal two new characters from Shadow of the Eternals. Paul Caporicci announces a future vlog in which Denis will address the infamous Kotaku article.  Also be sure to join the Precursor Games... (Read More)

Whateley's Journal Entry #1 - The Shadow of Humanity

May 15th - via:
Call me Whateley. Don't bother trying to look it up, it's just a cover and one of many. Anonymity is the key and it has served me well for decades, and us for millennia. I represent the Ordinem de Non Visis, an order of esoteric scholars that’s... (Read More)

And Now Shadow Of The Eternals Has A Kickstarter Too

May 14th - via:
Do you know what the very scariest thing is? No, no, not losing your mind and truly believing that – I don’t know – you always have to sneeze but never can. Obviously, it’s the realization that your multi-million dollar crowdfunding campaign might not reach the golden heights you originally anticipated. Which is not to say that Shadow of the Eternals is a sinking ship, but a hair over $150,000 (of a $1,500,000 goal) in one week is maybe not the most surefire start. And so, “due to overwhelming popular demand,” Precursor has launched a Kickstarter on top of the main drive, and it’s off to… well, I can certainly confirm it’s started. (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Funding Shifts To Kickstarter

May 14th - via:
Precursor Games has shifted the crowdfunding campaign for Shadow of the Eternals to Kickstarter. While the campaign was originally on Precursor’s official site (and Precursor notes the Kickstarter “will run in parallel with our existing website crowdfunding campaign”), a Kickstarter page was created in order to give potential pledgers “even more options to contribute to the game.” (Read More)

Precursor Games Launches Questionable Kickstarter Campaign For Shadow of the Eternals

May 14th - via:
The crowdfunding efforts for the spiritual successor to Silicon Knights’ Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem have now been extended to Kickstarter. Precursor Games is looking for the remaining 1.35 Million it needs to successfully create Shadow of the Eternals for the PC and Wii U platforms. However, the Kickstarter project creation is troubling for several distinct reasons... (Read More)

Shawn Jackson talks about Shadows of the Eternals

May 13th - via:
Hi everyone, I’m Shawn Jackson, the Chief Operating Officer at Precursor Games. I just wanted to give a little bit of background on myself for those who don’t know me, as well as talk about bringing Shadow of the Eternals into production. How I... (Read More)

Eternal Darkness successor crowdfunding campaign now on Kickstarter

May 13th - via:
Gamers can now contribute to Shadow of the Eternals on Kickstarter -- could this help push the game over its goal? (Read More)

Precursor Games Launches Campaign On Kickstarter For Shadow Of The Eternals

May 13th - via:
Precursor Games has succeeded in launching a Kickstarter campaign for Shadow of the Eternals despite the company's location in Canada. Kickstarter has not before worked north of our border, making this even more newsworthy. (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals Developer Double-Dips With Kickstarter Campaign

May 13th - via:
We've given some coverage recently to Shadow of the Eternals, mainly due to its role as a "spiritual successor" to highly-regarded GameCube title Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. The presence of Denis Dyack on the team, and claims of "constant communication with Nintendo", have earned the crowdfunded endeavour plenty of attention. (Read More)

Shadow of the Eternals gets a secondary Kickstarter campaign

May 13th - via:
Precursor Games has launched a second, simultaneous crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter for Shadow of the Eternals, the episodic horror game serving as a spiritual successor to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem. This is a supplement to the crowdfunding project that Precursor launched on its own site on May 6. The Kickstarter campaign looks to raise $1.35 million, while Precursor's campaign asks for $1.5 million. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!