A project in Beaverton, OR by Watchtower Games

Funding Successful

Fallen is a card and dice game that takes dungeon adventuring to a whole new level.
Backers: 1311
Average Pledge Per Backer: $87

Funded: $113,594 of $19,000
Dates: Jun 22nd -> Jul 22nd (30 days)
Project By: Watchtower Games
casualcard gameadventuredungeon crawlerfantasytabletop gamedice game +Suggest

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current pledge level
Last Updated: July 22 @ 03:30 -0400 GMT


of goal
funding period ended


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Trends are not projections.


of goal

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Latest News

Thank you!

July 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you to everyone involved in making Fallen's Kickstarter campaign such a huge success! A year ago when the game first took shape, we never imagined such an amazing response. Thank you to all the commentors for your support and ideas that helped... (Read More)

After Kickstarter

July 21st - via: kickstarter.com
We've gotten a lot of requests from you all about adding items to your order once the Kickstarter campaign has finished. Many people have commented that they want to add more items but the end of the campaign is just before they will have access to... (Read More)


July 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Here's an update about some small changes to the game contents. Please keep in mind that these are in the planning stages now and could change in the future. Backers have been asking for a way to block the current Story card during play from the... (Read More)

Stretch Goals

July 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hello all. After a lot of internal discussion about what we want from Fallen and where we see it going in the future, we have decided to make "Etched Dice" the final stretch goal for the Kickstarter campaign. We have lots of great ideas taken from... (Read More)

Adventure Pack Information

July 20th - via: kickstarter.com
We've had requests from several backers about details on the creatures and treasures in the larger Adventure Packs:  Cataclysm Dark Tower Ruined Stronghold Underworld Below is information on how the cards work within the game. The following codes... (Read More)

Engraved Dice & Shattered Tomb

July 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Here are some details on the $75,000 stretch goal, the "Shattered Tomb" adventure pack. Long ago, a magic rift has cracked apart a tomb splitting it in two. A deep chasm formed and filled with murky water and blue tendrils of magic. Over the years,... (Read More)

Shaman, Rats, & Nerdbloggers Preview

July 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Art is here for the Orc Shaman, part of the Ruined Stronghold adventure pack, in all his plague-magic goodness. Not to be outdone, the Rat Overseer, part of the Sewers of Aranauss adventure pack has decided to drop in for some fun. Finally,... (Read More)

More Playmats and Stretch Goals

July 17th - via: kickstarter.com
We broke through 55k today unlocking the Trapworks adventure pack. Great work! New stretch goals were added. At $65,000 the "Pits of Maer Han" adventure pack will be added to every Kickstarter game of Fallen. And to top that, at $70,000 a new Dungeon... (Read More)

Trapsworks Stretch Goal & Tome of Art and Lore

July 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Fallen has broken through $45,000 and unlocked the "Hidden Lyceum" adventure pack for every Kickstarter game. Good work, everyone. We're already halfway through to Sythean, the new dragon Dungeon Lord unlocked at $50,000. Trapsworks has opened up at... (Read More)

Playmats and Lizardmen

July 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Playmats for Fallen are now available under the AddOns section. Grab the pair of them for just $35. Art has just arrived for the Scavenging Lizard. This sneaky little guy is part of the Sewers of Aranauss adventure pack, part of every Kickstarter... (Read More)

Introducing Rivern the Huntress

July 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Introducing Rivern the Huntress Rivern ran across the glade at full speed and fired another arrow into the trees. She leapt over an orc dead in the grass with an arrow its back. In the shadows of the trees, the huntress spotted the dark shape of a... (Read More)

Sythean the Devourer art

July 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Art has been signed off for the $50,000 Dungeon Lord stretch goal, Sythean the Devourer. Why send in a goblin to fight when you can do it yourself? Feast on the hero to grow in power. And speaking of new characters, if all goes according to plan, we... (Read More)

Introducing Seroth the Pit Fighter

July 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Introducing Seroth the Pit Fighter For most of his years, Seroth has known no other life than fighting in the bloody arenas in the city of Scaldon. Training endlessly to kill prepared him for the brutal fights each month to entertain a corrupt and... (Read More)


July 12th - via: kickstarter.com
He is a champion of geekdom and herald of games epic and worthy. He battles within dungeons deep and swallows Smallworlds whole. His legion of followers know him as "Wil Wheaton", and it is time to summon him to our world. What's the plan? Let's see... (Read More)

$35k!, Additional Copies, and Tom Vasel

July 12th - via: kickstarter.com
$35,000! The Sewers of Aranauss adventure pack has been unlocked for every Kickstarter copy of the game. Time to delve into murky water, fight off skulking lizardmen, summon ferocious Hydras, and get lost in a maze of sewers and aqueducts. Additional... (Read More)

Win a Copy of Fallen!

July 12th - via: kickstarter.com
What's better than a fantastic game of Fallen inside a deadly dungeon? A FREE fantastic game of Fallen inside a deadly dungeon! The Official Fallen Contest is now live on Board Game Geek where you have a chance to win a copy of Fallen including all... (Read More)

Play Testing

July 11th - via: kickstarter.com
We spent the day play testing the game with some of our backers who drove more than an hour to visit the Watchtower office. They were two great guys excited to see what the game was really like, and they have a fantastic time. I asked them to post... (Read More)

Rune Armor & Cataclysm Story cards

July 9th - via: kickstarter.com
$30,000 Spider Queen unlocked! Great job everyone. Now the heroes will have to keep an eye out for poisonous fangs and tangling webs deep inside the dungeon. Rune Armor for the "Ruined Stronghold" Adventure Pack has been signed off. It's based on... (Read More)

Adventure Pack Bonus

July 8th - via: kickstarter.com
As a thank you to all of our backers who have supported Fallen by purchasing the Adventure Packs, we're doubling the amount of Story cards in each pack! With a solid flow of cards coming in from our writers, we can now announce that all of the four... (Read More)

Introducing Ranek the Thief

July 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Introducing Ranek the Thief There is no more successful thief in the city of Scaldon than Ranek. Hunted by the law and the thieves guild, he is a master at stealing the riches from nobles and the corrupt. Rumors of the Dungeon Lord’s return spread... (Read More)

Art for the Priest and Knight

July 7th - via: kickstarter.com
New art arrived for the two new heroes on the stretch goals. Here is the Priest, determined and ready for trouble, unlocked at $40,000: And not to be outdone, the Knight is unlocked at $60,000. He's more than confident in handling any trouble that... (Read More)


July 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Finalized the first three story cards in the Cataclysm adventure pack. They are looking pretty fun...and hot...and deadly...and did I mention hot? Once all 6 are completed, I'll share the titles of the cards. For those of you picking up the Dark... (Read More)

New Characters and Adventure Packs added to the Stretch Goals

July 5th - via: kickstarter.com
We've been hard at work getting plenty of content ready, and our team wants to put even more into the game. We're going to offer up even more content in the stretch goals and make it even easier to reach them. We have reworked the stretch goals to... (Read More)

Corruption $25k Stretch Goal Reached!

July 4th - via: kickstarter.com
The $25,000 "Corruption" stretch goal has been reached! Good work, everyone. This unlocks the "Night Prowler" creature card and the "Tears of the Gods" story card. In addition, every Dungeon Lord gains 3 more Final Battle cards (9 more in total) to... (Read More)

Ghoul Art

July 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
We worked with writers on the new Story cards for the Cataclysm adventure pack, and the cards are already chock full of fiery, goodness. We also brought on another new writer to help out with the additional content. We're looking into some add-ons... (Read More)

International Shipping & 2 Articles

July 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Two of our very own backers were kind enough to create articles about Fallen on their gaming blogs. "Kick the Box" (half way down the page) by Jason Hancock takes a look at Fallen in a wrap-up of several Kickstarter games that have caught his... (Read More)

Introducing Merace the Sorceress

July 1st - via: kickstarter.com
************************************************ Introducing Merace the Sorceress Born into nobility, Merace showed a strong affinity for the magical arts. Ignoring her more scholarly training, she was drawn to the dangerous spells of battle and... (Read More)

Fallen is Funded!

June 30th - via: kickstarter.com
$19,000 funding goal reached! You guys did it! Thank you all for your support. We couldn't have done this without you. But it's no time to rest. Tell your friends and share the game on Facebook/Twitter. We've got stretch goals to cram into this game!... (Read More)

Augmented Reality

June 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Our friends over at PixelFire Productions have been cooking up something very interesting to add to the game of Fallen. They've created a tech demo of our skeleton creature card and brought it to life with the help of an Android tablet. Take a look... (Read More)

Introducing the Forge Master

June 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Introducing the Forge Master Long ago, a powerful enchanter transferred his dying soul into two magical crystals. He placed these crystals inside the frame of a monstrosity made of metal and gears. Hidden away from the world, this terrible creature... (Read More)

Spider Queen Update

June 27th - via: kickstarter.com
We hit a milestone of 200 backers today and still going strong. The latest version of the Spider Queen art for the $35,000 stretch goal came in today. She's almost there, just need a few minor tweaks before she's signed off. By the way, it's chilling... (Read More)

Canadian Shipping & Charred Scales

June 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Okay, all you wonderful Northerners! We've ironed out Canadian shipping for the game. Adding $10 to your pledge will cover shipping. - For those of you picking up the Cataclysm adventure pack, new art was approved today for the Charred Scales... (Read More)

Game in Action

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
You asked for a video showing the game in action? Well, you got it! You wanted this video to be slightly blurry, with poor sound, and a hairy forearm always in the shot? Well, you got it! Here is Designer Diary 5 - The Game in Action   It's around... (Read More)

Repeating Crossbow & 50%

June 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
At the end of day 2, and we've already reached 50%! Nice job, everyone. Today we're focusing on getting shipping information for more countries and getting the word out about Fallen to as many sites as we can. And for those of you picking up the... (Read More)

Fallen's Launch and New Stretch Goals

June 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Fallen's launch has been a very exciting one. We always hoped the game would catch on, but we certainly did not expect to reach 25% funding in just the first day. We can't thank you all enough. The campaign looks to be well on it's way towards... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!