Postcards of Japan
A project in Leipzig, Germany by Neko-Lord000days
Funding Successful
current pledge level
Last Updated: January 15 @ 06:08 -0500 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
January 14th - via:
Just a small Update, before the campaign is over in 6 hours. If you were wondering about the back of the cards, they won't be just blank, every card has a short explanation of the front picture and if there's a story linked to, it's written there,... (Read More)
The end is near
January 13th - via:
Only 46 hours left and we've come a long way, thank you for making all of this possible. To celebrate the upcoming end I've changed a few limitations for the most popular rewards and also added the possibility of getting one picture on canvas in 3... (Read More)
Stretch Goal #1 accomplished - Calendars added
January 6th - via:
We have reached over 1000€, so the first stretch goal is "unlocked", it's a calendar in 2 sizes, A5 and A4 with 13 completely new images, the calendars are already added to the rewards. Here are 5 examples, I hope you enjoy them: Takaosan - Tengu... (Read More)
9 days left and quite close to our stretch goal
January 5th - via:
It really feels great to see the last steps of our project before it becomes reality. Because of being so excited I've already created a whole layout for a calendar hoping to add it to the rewards if we reach our stretch goal of 1000, we are... (Read More)
December 21st - via:
Thank you so much, we've reached our funding goal, I am totally happy and excited and can't wait to get it all started. During last week I already thought about a stretch goal: If we can reach 1000€ I will add a calender of 2021, althought it won't... (Read More)
Let's make the final approach
December 17th - via:
Thank you so much for all the love and support that you gave this project so far. I am very happy that we are 81€ shy from our goal, therefore I reveal another of the bonus-picture. Kinrinko - 金鱗湖 - in Yufuin, Oita, Kyushu When I've been on... (Read More)
65% - you are amazing - possible stretch goal opportunity
December 8th - via:
Thank you so much for your support, we got 65%, I am totally excited, only 262 left. I'm using this update to reveal a picture of the bonus set, it's from Uwajima in 2017 when I've been on my pilgrimage, at this moment I already broke up my journey... (Read More)
Almost 40% - Thank you so far
December 6th - via:
Thank you so much for your support. We've already reached 39% within a week and we're stepping forward quite nicely. After several request I have a better offer regarding the prints, so every set will get an additional postcard, if the overall goals... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!