A project in Kitchener, Canada by David Birdsong

Status: Active

The 1st ten pages of GUYS in The Cerebus Archive and the latest entry in the Aardvark-Mangaheim universe
Backers: 98
Average Daily Pledges: $1,131
Average Pledge Per Backer: $208

Funding: $20,366 of $750
Dates: Jan 22nd -> Feb 12th (22 days)
Project By: David Birdsong
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Latest News

Kosplay Kompare!

February 6th - via:
PS:  CAN 9 came in at $21,463.  If we beat that maybe we can squeeze another stretch goal out of Dave?   (Read More)

Everybody Gets Prints!

February 4th - via:
Great job by our backers reaching the Stretch Goal the day we announced it.  We have passed the CAN 10 conclusion from last year, but we have fewer Backers.  Hopefully with the threat of Tariffs removed those who have been waiting can join us for... (Read More)

Message from Dave

February 3rd - via:
I will be providing an email address for any questions about shipping and tariffs at the end of the campaign.  Mexican tariffs have already been delayed this morning so we're hopeful the powers that be will work these things out and let us enjoy... (Read More)

A Stretch

February 3rd - via:

More! More! More!

January 30th - via:
 (Read More)

A Shout Out from Dave! A Video!

January 27th - via:
Hello Backers, The video was a little late, or was it?  Give it a view next time you stop by the page... perhaps to see the newest Guys! Prizes! coming soon.  (Read More)

Puzzle Card Packs & Prizes!

January 24th - via:
Hello Backers, Dave sent along some photos and we get to see the Artist's Edition Puzzle Card Packs as they are assembled.  As you can see they are actually in sets of EIGHT and not SIX as previously mentioned.  Even more Postcard Coolness for your... (Read More)

Shipping Options For Generous People

January 23rd - via:
Hello again, A backer has asked about upgrading his shipping to the UK.  If you would like to pay the full price of shipping to get your package faster we are happy to provide the shipping rates thanks to the home office in Kitchener.  If you would... (Read More)

Great Start ! Dave weighs in with MORE PRIZES

January 22nd - via:
From Dave in Kitchener: As you have seen there are three Artist's Edition Puzzle Card Packs offered for this campaign along with a chance to win some cool prizes if you find one of these: If you find one, flip it over to see what your prize is.  In... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!