Salt & Sorrow: A D&D 5e Adventure

A project in Brisbane, AU by Two Taverns

Funding Successful

A D&D 5e one shot adventure set in a fantasy world. Epic fights, bizarre weapons, intriguing characters.
Backers: 116
Average Pledge Per Backer: $31 AUD

Funded: $3,582 AUD of $250 AUD
Dates: May 23rd -> Jun 22nd (30 days)
Project By: Two Taverns
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$3,582 AUD

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Last Updated: June 22 @ 15:06 -0400 GMT


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$0 AUD

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Latest News

Only 12 Hours Left!

June 22nd - via:
We're in the homestretch. Any help to get the word out there would be so, so, so appreciated!!! SHARING LINK: SHARING LINK:... (Read More)


June 21st - via:
Hey gang,  We just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for backing this campaign and helping us build the Two Taverns empire! Just 30 odd hours left, so if you know anyone who might like the Salt & Sorrow one shots, please send them our... (Read More)

Kickass Kickstarter Korner

June 17th - via:
We love supporting kickass Kickstarters that are, of course, DnD focused! Here are 2 AMAZING campaigns to check out! The Ruins of OrdaneBACK IT HERE The Ruins of Ordane is a one-shot (or sandbox) adventure for D&D 5E and OSR adventurers of levels... (Read More)

WOOHOO! Obelisk is LIVE!

June 14th - via:
As many of you know, Morgan and I are also authors. I've released a LitRPG series on Amazon that's doing quite well!  What's LitRPG?  It's Skyrim meets Ready Player One... where the 'rules' of RPG dictate the characters' ability to win the day! ... (Read More)

Dammit Gary!!!

June 13th - via:
Kickass Kickstarter Korner:Have you had any of these issues as a GM Did your party dive into a dungeon and easily blast through your cleverly devised traps and baddies? -- No worries, drop one of the villains in as a mini boss! Despite your best... (Read More)


June 11th - via:
KICKASS KICKSTARTER KORNER🎪 Step Right Up! Embark on a Spellbinding Adventure with 'Beneath the Big Top: A Three Part Adventure and Circus Compendium'!  Dive into the mysterious and enchanting world of the Circus with a unique Dungeons &... (Read More)

No Update - Just a Kickass Kickstarter

June 10th - via:
We love to support projects on the go... Here's one that really tickled our fancy!MYSTMOOR A TTRPG Fantasy Horror Campaign & Setting - System Agnostic e.g. DND 5e etc. with support for EZD6 and Shadowdark... MYSTMOOR is a system-agnostic... (Read More)

I owe my son a 1000USD…

June 9th - via:
Seriously. The kid tricked me. You see, he’s 8, and every morning we walk to school and pass by this yellow car that hasn’t moved in eons. I’m talking years. YEARS! So, one morning, my son asked, “Do you think the yellow car is there?” I... (Read More)

The 6-S’s of Orla

June 8th - via:
My daughter is 4. She was born 1 week before lockdown. 1… For the first 15 months of her life, we were locked in our homes with minimal interactions with others. The results were that she and her brother are super close. They look out for each... (Read More)

Updates... updates...

June 7th - via:
No big updates today - just a couple kickass projects we love! Kickass Kickstarter Korner:Forgotten Lore: Eclipse of the Sun is an immersive D&D 5e compatible campaign thattransports players to a richly detailed Celtic world on the brink of... (Read More)

Chill Morgan!

June 6th - via:
I have a problem. No, not that. The ointment will take care of…. Anyway, as I said, I have a problem! It’s a problem relating to time and space, and…we’ll I’ll just tell you. See, the thing about being a writer is that you’re always... (Read More)

2 Gary's make the game go round...

June 5th - via:
We can't help it. We love Gary. Gary makes gaming insane...  But why play with one Gary when you can play with two...  KICKASS KICKSTARTER KORNERIn the territories of the Empire, Adventurers move in search of mysteries and enemies to defeat. Three... (Read More)

My funniest Gary moment....

June 4th - via:
Share your funniest Gary Moment and we’ll turn it into a short. Comment below! Mine is this one… We’re all 7th level, playing a one year campaign that my friend, Ham, spent over 2 years writing! 2 years!!! We get into a dungeon that has a... (Read More)

No update... just a kickass project we love!

June 3rd - via:
🔥 Introducing Dungeons Deep and Caverns Old 🔥 Forge your legacy beneath the mountains!  Embark on a journey like no other in the immersive world of Dungeons Deep and Caverns Old, a captivating setting designed for the Dungeons & Dragons... (Read More)

Tell us your Gary stories - we'll turn it into a Youtube Short!

June 1st - via:
We shared this in the last campaign…and wanted to share it again!We’ve all played DnD with a Gary…  Don’t be a Gary:  Tell us your GARY STORIES and we’ll turn them into a video!!! KICKASS KICKSTARTER KORNER:Welcome to a world of limitless... (Read More)

The Nicest Guy in DnD…

May 31st - via:
Seriously…  If you’re not following DnD Shorts Guy, then you are missing out.  Not only does this he have incredible insight into the game we all love so much…  He’s super nice. I mean… super nice.  We sent him this FAN video:  And he... (Read More)

It all started with a single idea...

May 30th - via:
Hey, we’re both writers, we both love D&D, why don’t we write our own one shots, start a publishing company, take over the universe!! That one idea sent us on this crazy fun journey, from batting around the first few ideas for our initial one... (Read More)

Pek's Peril kicked this off!

May 29th - via:
Our First Campaign Morgan and I still can’t believe how well the first campaign went… It really blew all out expectations out the window. I mean, we thought if we simply got a couple dozen backers, hit 1000 AUD, we’d call it a massive... (Read More)

Did you know Crimson Folly was originally a comic?

May 28th - via:
Crimson Folly WAS a Comic Winston Churchill once said: Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.  He clearly didn’t think about ‘repurposing content’! As some of you know, Morgan’s previous life was a comic-book... (Read More)

Playtesting Salt and Sorrow

May 27th - via:
So we playtested Salt and Sorrow … you can check it out here:  And it was great. Now, the final campaign (what you’ll get) is a bit different than the online playtest… but you’ll get the bones of it.  Also, we invited a few author buddies... (Read More)

We've blown past a bunch of stretch goals... and got a bit of the interior done, too!

May 26th - via:
The headline says it all... THANK YOU! We're hard at work with the interior design. Check out a couple pages that are not quite done, but shaping up amazingly well! KICKSTARTER KICKASS KORNER!We came across this Kickstarter and absolutely fell in... (Read More)

Early Backer Bonus is ALMOST over!

May 25th - via:
If you could help us get the work out that would be AMAZING!  ONLY A FEW HOURS LEFT FOR THIS EARLY BACKER BONUS! PLEASE SHARE THIS LINK FAR AND WIDE!  (Read More)

Stretch goal unlocked!

May 24th - via:
We’re just 2 guys with flatcaps, asking you to love us… wait a minute, that came out wrong.  (Read More)

1st Stretch Goal Reached:

May 23rd - via:
Holy Guacamole! Stretch Goal Unlocked…  We can’t thank you enough, but we’re gonna try!    (Read More)

Funded in 11 minutes!

May 23rd - via:
OMG WE DID IT! I can’t believe it… and only in 11 minutes! 11!!! Here’s a wee video from us thanking you!    (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!