Imperial Crusade Recon Squad
A project in Nottingham, UK by Dead Earth Miniatures000days
Funding Successful
High Quality Resin Cast Wargames Miniatures
Backers: 297
Average Pledge Per Backer: £109
Funded: £32,467 of £1,000
Dates: Nov 24th -> Dec 4th (10 days)
Project By: Dead Earth Miniatures
Backers: 297
Average Pledge Per Backer: £109
Funded: £32,467 of £1,000
Dates: Nov 24th -> Dec 4th (10 days)
Project By: Dead Earth Miniatures
current pledge level
Last Updated: December 4 @ 10:02 -0500 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
And we are done!
December 4th - via:
Thank you all so much for your support on this project - it has really meant a lot to me. All I've ever wanted to be able to do is make the models that I know people actually want and these campaigns have allowed me to do that and prove I know what... (Read More)
Last goal unlocked, plus some painted models!
December 3rd - via:
Hi Everyone, The last goal has been unlocked, you can now add the Heavy Crusader Lord to your pledge for +£12. I'll try and get some pictures of him finished by the end of the campaign, but I really want this to be my best model to date. Also, I've... (Read More)
Heavy Crusader Sergeant Unlocked!
December 1st - via:
Another goal unlocked! You can now add this model to your pledge for £10. I'm just finishing this model off, so I will be showing it off tomorrow, then the Master Sniper on Sunday! (Read More)
Pledge Manager Information
November 30th - via:
Hi Everyone, I've had a couple of questions about this, so I thought I would post an update. I am unable to add a Pledge manager for after the campaign (im not a big enough campaign to use it at the moment). So, I strongly suggest people add what... (Read More)
Some more prints and Scale shots!
November 30th - via:
Hey Everyone, Here's some photos of the prints for the Snipers and the new Heavy Crusaders for you to get an idea of what you are getting! Excuse the wobbly leg on the left hand guy - that is a print error! (Read More)
Crusader Heavies Unlocked!
November 29th - via:
Hi Everyone - We've reached a really exciting goal now, unlocking the Crusader Heavies. These are the shock troopers of the army and are clad in ancient armour. You'll be able to pick from either Combat weapons or Rifles with these. You can select... (Read More)
Sniper Work in Progress and Pledge Manager
November 28th - via:
Hi Everyone, I thought you'd like to see some renders of one of the Recon Snipers. I'll be printing him soon, so you can see what the finished model will look like. The squad of 5 can be added to your pledge! Speaking of which - a few people have... (Read More)
More Unlocks, and an update on what you get!
November 27th - via:
Hi Everyone, We've reached another goal! Now you will all get: Each Squad, with the current unlocks now gets you: 5 Recon miniatures 5 extra heads 5 extra Chain Blades You can add extra 5 Recon miniatures (the reward says 'scouts' but KS wont let me... (Read More)
Another goal smashed, more added and a preview!
November 26th - via:
Thank you so much for the support on this one - it has been a real labour of love to make some models I've always wanted to make. Every backer will now get the components to replace their combat knives with chain blades! I've also added some more... (Read More)
Scale comparision and unlock
November 25th - via:
Hi All, Good news - everyone that selects the Heavy Weapon Operator as an add on, will now get a Missile Launcher option for free! Also, here's a scale comparison for you to check out. As you can see, they fit in well with other popular scifi... (Read More)
Another goal smashed and more added!
November 24th - via:
This is going at lightning speed! The Master Sniper add on has now been added for everyone. Also, I have added two more goals, which will be free to everyone with the relevant pledges when they are met. First off is a Missile Launcher option for the... (Read More)
Snipers now unlocked!!
November 24th - via:
Wow - these went a lot quicker than I thought! This unlock allows you to add a whole new squad to the pledge. You can now add 5 brand new sniper models to your pledge. These are brand new models, with custom sniper rifles and cloaks. Im working on... (Read More)
Shotguns Unlocked!
November 24th - via:
Hi Everyone! Shotgun arms have also now been unlocked and can now be added to your pledge! I'll share some photos of a model built with these asap. (Read More)
Rifle Arms Unlocked!
November 24th - via:
Hi Everyone! Rifle arms have now been unlocked and can now be added to your pledge! I'll share some photos of a model built with these asap. (Read More)
November 24th - via:
Wow, funded already!! Thank you all so much for the support on this project - it has been a lot of work. I best get the painting on my squad finished! (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!