Jagged Alliance: Flashback

A project in Copenhagen, Denmark by Full Control

Funding Successful

The Godfather of turn-based action is making its comeback! Experience first hand the events that lead to the founding of A.I.M.
Backers: 7167
Average Pledge Per Backer: $51

Funded: $368,614 of $350,000
Dates: Apr 23rd -> May 23rd (31 days)
Project By: Full Control
rpgstrategy gameactionindielinuxmacpc3dturn-based +Suggest

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Last Updated: May 23 @ 18:01 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Being Famous Pre-Kickstarter: A Blessing and a Curse

November 24th - via: cliqist.com
A look at the upsides, and downsides, of being famouse when running a video game Kickstarter campaign. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance Leaves Backers Feeling Burned

July 1st - via: cliqist.com
A big part of why people back a game on Kickstarter is to get access to the many perks associated with helping a game come full circle. One of the perks people look the most forward too (and often give the most money for) is early access to the games they back. However, as we all know, a good portion of Early Access is done on Steam; and Steam’s Early Access program can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how it’s used. Unfortunately for some backers, Jagged Alliance: Flashback is one of those cases of a bad Early Access experience. (Read More)

Checking In On Jagged Alliance: Flashback

March 10th - via: cliqist.com
It’s been almost a year since Jagged Alliance: Flashback hit Kickstarter and collected nearly $370,000 of everyone’s money. So how’s it going for this reboot of the turn based strategy classic? Slow, but steady! (Read More)

Full Control's Jagged Alliance Flashback Kickstarter Ends Successfully

May 26th - via: gamefocus.ca
These are happy times for Full Control. The developer's Kickstarter campaign for Jagged Alliance: Flashback has ended successfully, raising $380,000 in total. $368,614 was raised via Kickstarter itself, though the number continued to go up on PayPal. What this means is that the first stretch goal has been unlocked... (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter Funded Successfully

May 25th - via: gamingillustrated.com
The Kickstarter campaign for Jagged Alliance: Flashback has ended successfully having reached its minimum financial goal. The game’s developer, Full Control, will now begin development of the game. It is estimated that the final game will be released for PC, Mac and Linux sometime during the later part of 2014. (Read More)

WE MADE IT and Skin Pack Goodies

May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers,  You guys truly are awesome :D WE MADE IT without having to rob a bank or Thomas making a last minute dash for Gold. We're so grateful and we just can't wait to get started on this incredible game.  We had a lot of fun doing the... (Read More)

New Modder, New Sector and Reddit IAMA

May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, We’re soooooooooo close to our goal now we can almost taste the “Victory Beer” (and the victory bear, too)! Flugente joins the Modding-Crew Sometimes weird things happen. And after the campaign is over, believe us, we have some... (Read More)

Tiers, Slacker Backer and More

May 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers,  As promised the second update for today  Slacker Backer initiativeWhen we reach our goal (Yeah we’ll get there!!) we want to open up for a slacker backer initiative like they have on Project Eternity. The initiative will run to a... (Read More)

Kickstarter Recap and More Add-ons

May 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
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May 22nd - via: igameresponsibly.com
Pardon our tardiness. This week has been chock full of Xbox One related happenings. As a result the flood of information has left us in a state of exhaustion. We did happen upon a few fabulous new additions to our first double digit Kickstarter Spotlight article. That’s right, two and a half months worth of great projects that are trying to raise capitol to self publish games that larger publishers, for some reason, won’t touch with a nine foot pole. Which is confounding because, in general, publishers are more open to new ideas at the beginning of a console generation. It’s also looking like indie developers won’t be self publishing to Microsoft’s Xbox One console. So it’s a good thing crowdfunding is alive and well. Let’s clear the dark clouds away with a bit of sunshine. This week we’re all over the place genre-wise with our first MOBA as well as TBS, and side scrolling mayhem. (Read More)

Assets and Modding

May 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, Again we want to thank you for all this support, for your trust and your help. Thank you so much, this already has been an amazing journey. We love you. Honestly. So this is the first day we’re going for a second update. Why? Just... (Read More)

Sector, Tiers, Radio Details

May 21st - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, Thanks for the massive support we have been getting these last few days, people are really stepping up to the plate! :D We’d like to honor the effort by spicing up the lower tiers even more, which of course also benefits higher tier... (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback on Kickstarter Homestretch

May 21st - via: clickonline.com
With less than three days to go Danish independent studio Full Control are in the homestretch of the Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter campaign, that will reset the franchise to the core tactical turn-based action of the original games. Full Control have currently raised over $269,000 toward their $350,000 target and have until 5:59 EDT to raise the remaining funds to insure that Jagged Alliance: Flashback becomes a reality. (Read More)

Call to Arms and I.M.P.

May 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, We’re closing in on the home stretch, and even though there’s still some ways to go, we keep going at it. But first up some words from Thomas. Call to Arms We have gotten a lot of questions on what happens if we fail to secure the... (Read More)

Minimum Budget Details and A New Sector

May 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, Once again it’s Sunday and we’re resting up to make the final push for the campaign this coming week. We really want this to happen, so we’re looking at all sorts of options to reach our goal. Press coverage has been a hard nut to... (Read More)

Mercenaries and Diorama Questions

May 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, We have been happy with the general reception of the Diorama scene and the general art style. We know it won’t make _everyone_ happy, but we really want to give Flashback a visual identity and art style. Not too comic, not too photo... (Read More)

Spend a moment in time with this Jagged Alliance: Flashback diorama

May 18th - via: pcgamer.com
Museums like to use the phrase “frozen in time” to describe dinosaur bones and stuffed dead things, but in the case of Jagged Alliance: Flashback, the term’s not a euphemism from “dead.” Far from it! The gang behind the still-running Kickstarter have released what they call a “gameplay scene”—imagine you’ve hit a pause button mid-battle, enabling you to explore the scene without fear of getting pulverized. And if movement’s not your thing, there are some handy screenshots available as well. (Read More)

Diorama Release & Friday Specials

May 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, Once again it’s Friday and as always that means Friday specials. However, we’d like to start out by focusing on the project that has taken up a lot of our time these last few weeks - The Diorama. Diorama We have finally released... (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback gets frozen diorama scene, new screens

May 17th - via: vg247.com
Jagged Alliance: Flashback developer Full Control has six days of Kickstarter funding left, and has released a neat Unity-powered diorama, letting you scroll around a scene from the turn-based game’s actual gameplay. (Read More)

Kickstarter Find: Jagged Alliance: Flashback for OS X, Windows, and Linux

May 17th - via: technologytell.com
Jagged Alliance: Flashback is a role-playing game with turn-based combat, base management, and mercenaries to hire as you explore the island group of San Christobal during the Cold War. Your job is to assemble a mercenary team to restore the democratic government on San Christobal and drive out the U.S.S.R presence before fighting breaks out with the U.S. It’s a a thinking man’s game—a thinking man with lots of guns! (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: FB - Eingefrorene Spielszene als Download, Screens

May 17th - via: krawall.de
Jagged Alliance: FB - Eingefrorene Spielszene als Download, Screens: Full Control hat eine Momentaufnahme aus „Jagged Alliance: Flashback“ veröffentlicht, und zwar im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes: Die eingefrorene Spielszene anhand der Unity-Engine könnt ihr euch als ausf... (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback: Diorama-Bilder zur Anfeuerung der Kickstarter

May 17th - via: 4players.de
Trotz der durchaus bekannten Marke läuft die Kickstarter-Kampagne zu Jagged Alliance: Flashback nicht wirklich rund, weswegen die Entwickler nun einen Ausschnitt aus dem Spiel als Diorama zur Verfügung gestellt haben. In der eingefrorenen Spielszene kann man einen Blick auf den Grafikstil (Unity-Engine) werfen. Nichtsdestotrotz sei der Stil nicht in Stein gemeißelt, heißt es von Full Control, da sich das Spiel in der Pre-Production-Phase befinden würde. (Read More)

Stretch Goals, Competition and a Tribute Sector

May 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, After having reached an impressive ~ $25,000 yesterday, making it our second best day to date, we’re hard at work to keep the ball rolling. Stretch Goals Although we made an update on Stretch Goals a few days ago and have reached... (Read More)

Bear's Pit Secret Update and About Production Plans

May 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, What a day, with a mention from our friends at Obsidian in the Project Eternity update we’ve gained some momentum and we can’t thank them enough, they’re an awesome bunch! 4000 Backers - Next Secret Sector RevealAs promised we... (Read More)

Kickstarter Projects You Should Pay Attention To #9

May 15th - via: igameresponsibly.com
Happy Wednesday everyone! Depending on how long you’ve been with us – you may, or may not know that it’s Kickstarter Spotlight time! We’ll offer up some exposure to any crowdfunding project that deserves it. From hulking $2 Million to modest $6k goals, if it’s here, it deserves your attention. That being said we have a good variety of genres and funding goals for your consideration this week. Some have been featured in the spotlight previously and some are new offerings. (Read More)

The Modding Team Expands & More

May 14th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, Today we’d like to announce that additional modders have joined the modding team! Modders Stan “sbobovyc” Bobovych and bugmonster. Stan “sbobovyc” Bobovych, the creator of the modtools for Jagged Alliance: Back in Action. Stan... (Read More)

Full Control CEO Talks Jagged Alliance: Flashback

May 14th - via: igameresponsibly.com
Full Control is in a precarious position with the “reset” of the Jagged Alliance series, but who better to reel the series back to it’s TBS roots? Thomas Lund leads the team at Full Control once more onto the breach with the studios most ambitious project to date. The Danish developer is no stranger to the TBS genre. In fact, the bulk of their portfolio rests in roguelike territory. Thomas was kind enough to grant us clearance to gather more information about Jagged Alliance: Flashback. (Read More)

Stretch Goals & Diorama Sneak Peek

May 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers, A new week and 10 days to go! We are past the 50% after a good weekend, and we are gearing up for the final push. We are thus slowly closing in on the $200,000 stretch goal reveal mark, so we would like to show you the first two stretch... (Read More)

World Economy

May 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers, We have had a tough week producing videos - those suckers are great to watch, but take ages to make. And we wanted them to be good - not just video for the sake of video. With those out the door, the next updates will concentrate on the... (Read More)

New Add-ons, New Tiers and a Team Video

May 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers, It’s Friday and we’re all looking forward to a busy weekend. We’ve seen some good discussions on new pledges and add-ons and the community have come up with some pretty great suggestions. We have looked them over and decided to... (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback - Co-Designer von Jagged Alliance 2 als Berater eingestellt und neues Entwickler-Video

May 10th - via: gamezone.de
Das dänische Indie-Studio Full Control hat sich von dem deutschen Publisher bitComposer Games die Rechte an Jagged Alliance gesichert und arbeitet momentan an Jagged Alliance: Flashback, das über Kickstarter finanziert werden soll. Mindestens 350.000 US-Dollar sollen zusammen kommen, wobei nach der Hälfte der Zeit ca. 160.000 US-Dollar gesammelt werden konnten. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback busca financiación Kickstarter

May 10th - via: vandal.net
Full Control, el equipo que está trabajando en Space Hulk, basado en el universo de Warhammer 40.000, está trabajando en resucitar la saga Jagged Alliance con un nuevo episodio que busca financiación Kickstarter. Con Jagged Alliance: Flashback, el estudio danés quiere revivir las sensaciones que ofrecían los primeros episodios de la saga pero actualizado para los estándares de juego actuales. Para ello necesitarán 350.000 dólares, aunque a 13 días para finalizar el proyecto ya llevan más de 160.000. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback - Was ist Jagged Alliance?

May 10th - via: pcgames.de
Was ist Jagged Alliance? Dieser Frage geht Thomas Lund, Chef der Entwickler von Full Control, in einem neuen Entwicklervideo auf den Grund. Das Team von Indie-Entwicklern arbeitet derzeit an Jagged Alliance: Flashback und versucht das Projekt über die Crowdfunding-Plattform Kickstarter zu finanzieren. Knapp zwei Wochen verbleiben den Machern noch, um das Ziel zu erreichen. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter Nearly Half Way Home

May 10th - via: igameresponsibly.com
Since 1994 Jagged Alliance has seen more installments to it’s long running series than I have fingers. Some iterations have released to fan and critical acclaim, and others have fallen on their own swords. As we approach the original games’ twenty year anniversary, a new studio takes up arms in an effort to wipe away the past, and “reset” the franchise. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback Is A Game About Taking Turns

May 10th - via: rockpapershotgun.com
You’re sitting there thinking to yourself “But what is Jagged Alliance: Flashback?” It’s a fair enough question, and nobody around you seems to have an answer. It’s lucky, then, that the people making the game have had the foresight to attempt to explain precisely that in a video. Can they really answer your question? Can they really define the essence of Jagged Alliance: Flashback in a way that we could truly be said to understand? Only by clicking on the internet can you ever know. (Read More)

JA Intro Video and Community Efforts

May 9th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers, It’s holiday today here in Denmark but as you can see we are not resting. We want to get our Kickstarter back in gear and gain some more speed. Therefore we put this Video together to show people who don’t know the Jagged Alliance... (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback - Videodiario degli sviluppatori

May 9th - via: multiplayer.it
Full Control ha rilasciato un nuovo videodiario degli sviluppatori per Jagged Alliance: Flashback, un documentario che punta a spiegare più nel dettaglio in cosa consista il gioco e il suo funzionamento, nel caso non si conosca la serie in questione. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback - Co-Designer von Jagged Alliance 2 als Berater eingestellt

May 9th - via: gamezone.de
Das dänische Indie-Studio Full Control hat sich von dem deutschen Publisher bitComposer Games die Rechte an Jagged Alliance gesichert und arbeitet momentan an Jagged Alliance: Flashback, das über Kickstarter finanziert werden soll. Mindestens 350.000 US-Dollar sollen zusammen kommen, wobei nach der Hälfte der Zeit ca. 160.000 US-Dollar gesammelt werden konnten. (Read More)

News: Jagged Alliance: Flashback Developer Video Available

May 9th - via: gamershell.com
Danish development studio Full Control today released a new movie for Jagged Alliance: Flashback which gives a brief rundown of what the classic Jagged Alliance games had that made them interesting to revive now almost 15 years later Read more at http://www.gamershell.com/news_151465.html#4vgyKa8MHgJxfSJ2.99 (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback: Berater des Teams benannt

May 9th - via: 4players.de
Sonderlich vielversprechend sieht die Schwarmfinanzierung via Kickstarter zu Jagged Alliance: Flashback noch nicht wirklich aus: Nach mehr als der Hälfte der Kampagnenzeit sind erst knapp 160.000 Dollar von veranschlagten 350.000 Dollar zusammengekommen. Um mehr Unterstützer anzulocken, haben die Entwickler das "Classics Pack" (wir berichteten) aus dem Hut gezaubert - mit mäßigem Erfolg. (Read More)

New Jagged Alliance: Flashback Developer Video Released

May 9th - via: ggsgamer.com
Jagged Alliance: Flashback is a new project currently being developed by Full Control Studios. To help making this new videogame, Full Control started a Kickstarter campaign which is currently at 45% of its target with 14 days left. (Read More)

JAF Team Expansion and Modding Details

May 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, We have 2 pieces of great news for you today. So lets get right to it!! Chris Camfield is joining the Flashback TeamWe are super happy to be able to welcome Chris Camfield to the Jagged Alliance: Flashback team. Chris has worked on the... (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback - Chris Camfield si unisce al progetto come consulente

May 7th - via: multiplayer.it
Chris Camfield, tra i designer di Jagged Alliance 2 e lead designer del defunto Jagged Alliance 3, entra a far parte, nelle vesti di consulente, del team di sviluppo di Jagged Alliance: Flashback. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance 2 Veteran Joins the Jagged Alliance:Flashback Kickstarter Team

May 7th - via: gamasutra.com
Copenhagen, May 7th - Full Control, a Danish development studio currently running the Kickstarter to make a Jagged Alliance: Flashback, a prequel to the Jagged Alliance series, today announced that Chris Camfield has joined the advisory board for their project. Chris was responsible for co-designing and implementing the classic Jagged Alliance 2 games, as well as leading design in the unreleased Jagged Alliance 3. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance Flashback – Alles auf Anfang [Video]

May 7th - via: gizmodo.de
Ein Jagged Alliance mit echtem Rundenmodus, der Original- Musik, und Kommentaren von Ivan? Nach dem Motto „Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken“ will Entwickler Full Control mit Jagged Alliance Flashback zu den Wurzeln der Kultserie zurück. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback : L'équipe de Jagged Alliance 2 arrive

May 7th - via: mondespersistants.com
FlashBack aura vraiment été bien choisi comme sous-titre pour le prochain Jagged Alliance des studios Full Control. On parlait ce matin d'un pack collector offert pour l'achat d'un pack fondateur sur le Kickstarter contenant tous les premiers titres de la licence et c'était déjà un point plutôt positif pour ce projet. (Read More)

Space Hulk Developer; 'Difficulty Is Definitely A Selling Point' [INTERVIEW]

May 6th - via: gamenguide.com
Space Hulk was a beloved board game released in 1989 made by Games Workshop set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. This is the same universe that Relic Entertainment’s Dawn of War series for the PC and Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine for consoles and PC. It starred hulking Space Marines fighting it out with Genesplicers in the titular Space Hulks, which are enormous slow-moving ships in space. (Read More)

Competition Winners and More

May 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, A short Sunday update It’s weekend and and we’re slowly but surely closing in on $150,000. We have received quite a few meme submissions and we’re so happy with them that we have found it hard to pick just one winner.Therefore we... (Read More)

Joining Kicking it Forward and Diorama progress

May 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Kicking it ForwardThe “Friday Special” statue went really fast yesterday! Congratulations to Nicholas for having his beautifully bearded face and body forever and ever immortalized in the game. Yesterdays update stirred a lot of discussions -... (Read More)

Weapon Customization and Special Friday Pledges

May 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers,  It’s Friday and we are ready for another update. This time we’d like to share our thoughts on an important aspect of the game - weapons.  We also have some special pledges that are ultra limited in our “Friday Special”. First... (Read More)

Diorama and Competition

May 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers,   We’re slowly moving forward and are still confident that we’ll reach our goal once the campaign concludes. However, we still want to raise the awareness of our campaign through more social sites, as the majority of backer have... (Read More)

Community Coverage and More

May 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers, A short update this evening :) Amazon Payments Issues Last night we experienced some issues with Amazon payments, resulting in 4 hours where people were unable to support our campaign. Unfortunately we won’t be getting those hours... (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter Bonus Announced

May 1st - via: gamingillustrated.com
Full Control is now offering backers of its Kickstarter for Jagged Alliance: Flashback the gift of playable nostalgia. The Denmark-based developer has entered into a partnership with Humble Bundle to present anyone who pledges at least $5 to the Kickstarter a pack of classic games. The games included in the pack are Jagged Alliance, Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games, Jagged Alliance 2 and Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business. All the games will be DRM-free and completely compatible with Windows 7. (Read More)

Humble Bundle Partnership

April 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Backers,  A quick update! We'd like to announce that we have entered a partnership with Humble Bundle, to distribute a limited Jagged Alliance Classics Pack, in English and optimized for Windows 7, only available through the Jagged Alliance:... (Read More)

'Jagged Alliance: Flashback' Kickstarter Campaign Adds Classic Pack

April 30th - via: worthplaying.com
Set in the mid-1980s on the Caribbean Island of San Christobal, Jagged Alliance: Flashback transports players back in time to the cold war era. They are to experience the events surrounding the foundation of A.I.M. the international mercenary organization. A destabilizing coup d’état establishes a powerful socialist regime. A hard-line fanatic U.S.S.R. General seizes the opportunity to establish a military base right under the nose of the U.S. Under the secret orders of the CIA, players must re-stabilize the balance of power in the region, restore the democratic government of San Christobal and drive out the U.S.S.R. presence by any means necessary. (Read More)

New Jagged Alliance Kickstarter offers classics as bonus - Destructoid

April 30th - via: destructoid.com
To drum up interest in Jagged Alliance: Flashback, Full Control has introduced a new incentive for its Kickstarter campaign. Everyone who contributes will -- if the project is successful -- get a collection of prior games in the series distributed via the Humble Store. (Read More)

Získejte zdarma staré Jagged Alliance hry za podporu té nové

April 30th - via: games.tiscali.cz
Pokud jste si nějakou podivnou náhodou ještě nestihli na Steamu nebo na GoG.com pořídit digitální verze klasických Jagged Alliance titulů, nabízí se vám ta možnost ve spojitosti s Kickstarter kampaní na Jagged Alliance: Flashback. Tvůrci ze studia Full Control za týden průběhu kampaně vybrali necelou jednu třetinu cílové částky. Aby své šance na úspěch podpořili, nabízí vám za příspěvek v minimální výši 5 dolarů a víc možnost získat Jagged Alliance kolekci zdarma díky spolupráci s Humble Bundle. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback - Kickstarter-Unterstützer erhalten Classic-Collection

April 30th - via: pcgames.de
Sollte die Kickstarter-Kampagne von Jagged Alliance: Flashback erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden, können sich alle Unterstützer auf ein ganz besonderes Schmankerl freuen. In Zusammenarbeit mit Humble Bundle erhält jeder, der mehr als fünf US-Dollar gespendet hat, das Jagged Alliance Classic Pack mit den beiden ersten Teilen der Serie und ihren jeweiligen Erweiterungen. (Read More)

Full Control обещает "полное собрание сочинений" Jagged Alliance тем, кто поможет Jagged Alliance: Flashback на Kickstarter

April 30th - via: overclockers.ru
Как сообщает интернет-портал VG24/7, датская студия Full Control, пока ничем особенным, кроме работы над "перевозрождением" культовой Space Hulk и стартом Kickstarter-кампании проекта Jagged Alliance: Flashback, не отметившаяся, объявила о том, что все те игроки, кто поможет "старому новому JA", получит прямо-таки шикарный подарок (в случае успешного завершения кампании) полное собрание сочинений Jagged Alliance. В состав "самого полного набора JA" (Classic Game Pack) войдут Jagged Alliance, Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games, Jagged Alliance 2 и Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business, оптимизированные (впервые для этих игр) для работы под операционными системами Windows 7. (Read More)

Story Details and Backer Bonuses

April 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers, Thanks for getting us past the $100,000 mark! $250,000 to the initial goal with 24 days left - lets go! We’re constantly working on more art, more info and are communicating with a lot of different sites in order to raise awareness... (Read More)

Kickstarter Katchup

April 28th - via: rockpapershotgun.com
Jagged Alliance: Flashback arrives in the Katchup this week. I’ve expected (and hoped for) a Jagged Alliance crowdfunding attempt for some time now. As soon as it became obvious that Kickstarter was a place where old franchises could revive themselves, every week that the mercenaries didn’t appear was slightly more unsettling than the last. Would I rather have a direct sequel without a crowdfunding campaign? Perhaps. (Read More)

Mercenary Personalities & Backer Avatars

April 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers, A short weekend update :) We’re slowing down a bit, but we’re past the critical 20% and there’s still 26 days to go. While we’re constantly tweaking the campaign and gathering feedback, we also need to focus on getting some... (Read More)

New Pledges and Add-ons

April 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers, As always, thank you for all your support and valuable feedback - We’re listening For this update we’ll be covering changes to pledges, the addition of add-ons and some information on what’s to come. First of all we can’t stress... (Read More)

Tactical Layer - Core Combat

April 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers and friends, Day 3 in the campaign and we are super happy about your support and questions! Keep them coming, and we will work hard on keeping you up to date. In our last update we talked a bit about our ideas for the strategic layer,... (Read More)

"Jagged Alliance: Flashback": Neuauflage des Taktik-Klassikers hofft auf Fans

April 25th - via: derstandard.at
Dänisches Indie-Studio verspricht Rückkehr zu den Wurzeln der Serie Das dänische Studio Full Control hofft für die Neuauflage des Rundenstrategiespiels "Jagged Alliance" auf die Unterstützung der Fans. Das neue Spiel "Jagged Alliance: Flashback" soll demnach über die Crowdsourcing-Plattform Kickstarter finanziert werden. Die Entwickler hoffen auf mindestens 350.000 US-Dollar, um das Projekt umsetzen zu können. (Read More)

Strategic Level, Destructible Environment and more

April 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers, What a first 24 hours!! Super fantastic.  Thanks for all of your support. We are well on the way to go beyond the Kickstarter goal, so if we can keep up the momentum this game will actually see the day of light! So please spread the... (Read More)

Kickstarter-Kampagne: Mit Jagged Alliance zurück zu den Wurzeln

April 24th - via: heise.de
Das zwölf Mitarbeiter starke Kopenhagener Studio Full Control will mit einer Kickstarter-Kampagne genug Geld einsammeln, um das rundenbasierte Strategiespiel "Jagged Alliance: Flashback" im Stil der bis heute genredefinierenden ersten beiden Titel umsetzen zu können. Der Einsatz der Unity-Game-Engine für das Rendering in 3D ermöglicht neben einer Version für Windows und Mac OS X auch eine Linux-Version. Die Vorversion Jagged Alliance 2 wurde erst im Nachhinein von Tribsoft auf Linux portiert. Das Spiel soll für alle Plattformen auch DRM-frei erhältlich sein. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter is live

April 23rd - via: venturebeat.com
We live in the Golden Age of turn-based tactical strategy games. The Nintendo 3DS has the amazing Fire Emblem: Awakening and Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars. The PC has XCOM: Enemy Unknown and an upcoming Civilization V expansion. Now, Danish developer Full Control is bringing us one more title to cement a great couple of years for taking turns firing guns. (Read More)

Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter Announced

April 23rd - via: gametrailers.com
Don't call it a "reboot", Danish independent studio Full Control today announced the launch of a Kickstarter campaign to develop and publish Jagged Alliance: Flashback – a "reset" that returns the franchise to the tactical turn-based action of the original games. The 30 day Kickstarter campaign begins today with the team at Full Control looking to raise a minimum of $350,000 to help make the game a reality. Supporters of the project can get involved by pledging as little as $5 at Jagged Alliance: Flashback Kickstarter. (Read More)

Full Control: Jagged Alliance kommt auf Kickstarter

April 17th - via: golem.de
Ein neues Spiel auf Basis der Söldner-Strategiespielreihe Jagged Alliance soll beim dänischen Entwicklerstudio Full Control entstehen - wenn die demnächst startende Kickstarter-Kampagne erfolgreich ausgeht. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!