1347 - The Black Plague Boardgame

A project in Cagliari, Italy by Feudalism and Freedom

Funding Successful

We are a community with more than 600.000 followers. We make fun of modernity through historical comparisons, we produce gadget & games
Backers: 1905
Average Pledge Per Backer: €51

Funded: €98,093 of €10,000
Dates: May 23rd -> Jun 26th (35 days)
Project By: Feudalism and Freedom
card gameboard gameboard gametabletop gametabletop game +Suggest

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If you have any questions, have a good idea for a tag, or a more in-depth suggestion - please feel free to let us know!

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current pledge level
Last Updated: June 26 @ 18:01 -0400 GMT


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funding period ended


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Latest News

New Stretch Goal! 200k: The rat!

June 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Plague Doctors,  we have a new SG for you: a sweet, delicious, living, cute rat for infecting the people you don't like!  We are joking of course :-)We want to express our sincere gratitude for your support: the success of the campaign... (Read More)


June 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Plague Doctors, we can proudly announce the last Stretchgoal, an area of the town which an infected village always need: the Graveyard!What we can show you now it's just a sketch, so be patient and be sure that it will be illustrated as the same... (Read More)

First Expansion has been unlocked!

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear backers, with great pleasure we announce the main goal unclocked: DE MAGISTRA CURA, first expansion of 1347 - de Nigrae Pestis ludo! This could be the best ending for an amazing campaign, but backers are still growing and we are so proud of you.... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal Unlocked: Doctor Screens (KS+GS 90K)!

June 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Doctors, another step forward has been taken towards the knowledge of Plague Doctors' medical arts: the Doctor Screens have been unlocked! They will be available for free for deluxe and premium edition and as an add-on for the standard edition.... (Read More)

New SG (Doctor screens) Coming soon!

June 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Doctors!We are close to unlock the next Stretchgoal, the "Doctor Screens"!These are made in cardboard (around 30x11 cm) and they will be useful for covering Influence Tokens and Resource Cards from prying eyes around you! Moreover the screens... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal Unlocked! (KS+GS 80K)

June 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Plague Doctors, a new stretchgoal has been unlocked! Tarot-size sleeves for each card will be included for free in deluxe and premium edition (but they will be also available as an add-on for the commoner editions).Tarot-size sleeves will... (Read More)

Kickstarter Live June 21st 19:00 CEST

June 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Plague Doctors, the day after tomorrow at 19:00 (CEST, 48 hours from now) we will stream a Kickstarter Live of 1347, showing components and game mechanics and answering to your questions!  (Read More)

New Layout Design for Subject Cards

June 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail, dear DoctorsWe are proud to announce a new graphic improvement for Subject Cards that will be available for all our feudal backers! We tryed to improve the colours of the 2 different sides of Subject Cards.In fact, we needed to make the... (Read More)

New Rulebook Design

June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail, our loyal Doctors! Here we are to announce some scribe-news! After the Rulebook stretch-goal has been unlocked, we started to improve the book design adding 10 pages with game and historical contents, tips, visuals and feudal anecdots!Remember,... (Read More)

New Layout Design for Event Cards

June 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail dear Doctors!We are proud to announce a new graphic improvement for Event Cards that it will be available for all our feudal backers!More fresh colours and the adding of the stars in the Logo will help the Doctors to understand more easly the... (Read More)

New "Magistra Curant" Expansion details

June 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Doctors!Many of you have been excited at the announcement of the first expansion SG, entitled "Magistra Curant", with the possibility of including it for FREE within each box, from standard to premium version. Therefore, given the importance of... (Read More)

First Expansion Revealed!

June 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Hail, Doctors!   As you well know, the Black Plague is the worst catastrophe of our flat world and the best doctors are trying to find every possible method to save the Town. Schola Medica is the best place for medical researches and a large amount... (Read More)

1347 Add ons

June 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Several Plague Doctors are asking us about the add-ons, useful for improving their medical kit. The add ons will be available in the pledge manager at the end of the campaign and, for the moment, will be these:  The Plague Doctor shaped meeples... (Read More)


June 5th - via: kickstarter.com
 Dear doctors, many of you have prayed the Emperor to find a way to protect the cards, as the size is not the same as the classic pagan Magic The Gathering or Yu-gi-oh, but the sacred ancient and famous TAROT-size. Many of you knelt before the... (Read More)

Free pick up at Essen Spiel and Lucca Comics!

June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Plague Doctors, remember that you will be able to pick up the game for free at Essen Spiel (Essen, Germany 25-28 Oct 2018) and Lucca Comics & Games (31 Oct - 4 Nov 2018)!In case you want to do that, just change your pledge with shipment to... (Read More)

Next Stretchgoal!

June 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Plague Doctors, we need a further effort to unlock the next stretchgoal, 70k€ (including Giochistarter platform https://www.giochistarter.it/scheda.php?item=1001054&crowd=1&lingua=1). With these 2 cards, the game will contain 100... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal Unlocked! (KS+GS 65K)

June 1st - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Plague Doctors, thanks to your help, the cardboard Dock Chest has been unlocked, making it easier to hire Apprentices in the Portus Area!  Remember that the stretch-goals are determined by the total amount of money collected here on Kickstarter... (Read More)

A little follow-up

May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Doctors, the campaign is proceeding in an awesome way, day by day newcomers are pledging our project, so we think is right to tell you a little bit about HOW THIS PROJECT was born... In the year of Lord 1347 a group of bored blacksmiths... no,... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal Unlocked! (KS+GS 60K)

May 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Plague Doctors, Our medical skills are improving quickly and an Event Card for each age have been unlocked!   Now we need your help to spread knowledge of herbs and bloodletting techniques in order to unlock the next step: the Dock Chest! A... (Read More)

SPANISH language unlocked!

May 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Ossequi, doctors!Pestilent-news from the Town!The disease arrived in Spain too, and bubos covered villagers' bodies bringing their souls to Charon!Now thanks to all of you, now we can really stop the infection and help every spanish Subject to fight... (Read More)

55K Stretch goal unlocked

May 28th - via: kickstarter.com
 Dear Doctors, the feudal medicine is going to advance and you have become more and more eminent and... INFLUENT! New influence tokens (+18) allow players a better reserve, as you unlocked new subject cards in the past goals, so you'll never have a... (Read More)

German and French language pack unlocked!

May 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Doctors, the black plague has spread beyond the current boundaries, so now the Albion and Roman languages are no longer sufficient... We are glad to announce that German and French language pack have been unlocked, so our friends from beyond... (Read More)

1347 at Feudalism and Freedom gathering

May 26th - via: kickstarter.com
 Dear Doctors, Today is a feast day! 1000 subjects have reached the third gathering of Feudalism and Freedom, to give glory to the Sacred Emperor. In this occasion many people are playing the mock up of 1347, trying to become the best plague doctor... (Read More)

Scorepad unlocked!

May 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear Doctors, the black plague has come and you have your work cut out for you. But will you work for the good of the village or for your benefit? Thank you so much for the huge support you're giving this game.The scorepad helps you to keep trace of... (Read More)

Free pick up at Essen Spiel!

May 25th - via: kickstarter.com
A good news for a lot of Plague Doctors, especially from Germany: we are now sure that you will be able to pick up the game for free at Essen Spiel (25-28 Oct 2018)! In case you want to pick up the game at Essen, just change your pledge with... (Read More)

We're about unlocking the Scorepad

May 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Dear plague Doctors, just a few words to thank you so much for helping medicine to advance in these dark ages.The campaing start was amazing and we are reaching important goals, and so we're going to give you items that will enrich considerably your... (Read More)

Bank Chest unlocked!

May 25th - via: kickstarter.com
We reached 45.000!Bank Chest has been unlocked and it is available now!Keep supporting us and spread the plague!  (Read More)

4 NEW SG revealed!

May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
1 Bank Chest to contain your coins on your board  1 Plague doctor's Scorepad, A5 format spiral ringed  55.000€1 Subject logo Card to cover your subjects deck +18 Influence Tokens (cardboard) +1 Event Card (x3)  Remember that the stretch-goals... (Read More)

Cheaper shipment for US, Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria!

May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
 Lower shipping costs for Standard Edition. For USA and Canada you have to choose the specific pledge  (Read More)

May 24 2018 New Stretch Goal Unlocked! (KS+GS 40K)

May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
A new Subject, The Duelist (2 Cards), has been unlocked!  Remember that the stretch-goals are determined by the total amount of money collected here on Kickstarter and on Giochistarter, the other platform in which we're crowdfunding!  (Read More)

New Stretch Goal Unlocked! (KS+GS 35K)

May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
 A new Subject (2 Cards), a new Resource (2 cards) and a new Event (3 cards) have been unlocked! Remember that the stretch-goals are determined by the total amount of money collected here on Kickstarter and on Giochistarter, the other platform in... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal Unlocked! (KS+GS 30K)

May 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Extended rulebook unlocked! Extended rulebook will have historical notes, appendixes, tips and more!Remember that the stretch-goals are determined by the total amount of money collected here on Kickstarter and on Giochistarter, the other platform in... (Read More)

NEW Stretch goal UNLOCKED + 2 NEW SGS revealed

May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
 1 Resource Card (2x) "Ancient Medicinal Herbs" has been unlocked!  Extended Manual has been revealed: 30.000 € to unlock it!  3 New Cards goal (x7): 35.000€ to unlock it!  (Read More)

NEW Stretchgoal revealed

May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
A new Resource Card (2x) has been revealed!  (Read More)

Stretchgoal Unlocked!

May 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
The executioner (2 Subject cards) is now unlocked! First Stretchgoal Unlocked!  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!