Star Trek: Prelude to Axanar

A project in Los Angeles, CA by Axanar Productions

Funding Successful

"Prelude to Axanar" is a short film that will lead into, and act as a primer to, the feature length "Axanar".
Backers: 2123
Average Pledge Per Backer: $48

Funded: $101,171 of $10,000
Dates: Mar 1st -> Mar 31st (30 days)
Project By: Axanar Productions
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Last Updated: March 31 @ 11:31 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

May 28th - via:
The studio and its head, Alec Peters, were sued by Paramount late last year for violating Star Trek intellectual copyright laws while filming the studio (Read More)

Comic-Con 2014: Star Trek Kickstarter Film "Prelude to Axanar"

July 29th - via:
My colleague, Nell Minow the Movie Mom, noted that Klingons were not making their presence felt at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con. That may change thanks to Richard Hatch and a fan film. Saturday night, Hatch and other cast members were at a private screening for the Kickstarter film, “Prelude to Axanar” at the Horton Plaza UA Cinema. (Read More)

$ 80,000, 1701 donors and 24 hours to go!

March 30th - via:
Thanks to everyone who has donated and pushed us past $ 80,000!   We are beyond blown away and very grateful. Christian Gossett, our director, and I are meeting for brunch this AM to discuss the shooting schedule.  We are also discussing the... (Read More)

$ 70,000, Yahoo News and Checkout

March 29th - via:
$ 70,000 AND COUNTING! Thank you all for helping carry us over $ 70,000!  This is quite unexpected.  As in the past, we will let you know what the amounts over  $ 50,000 will go to pay for.  This has just snuck up on us so fast, we honestly... (Read More)

Axanar Update

March 28th - via:
As of now, our Kickstarter is over $ 65,000.  Thank you all! BUDGET This past week, Christian and I had a meeting with Make-Up Effects Lab.  As most of you know, the principles there all worked on Star Trek for years.  We have to do all the work... (Read More)

[VIDEO] 'Star Trek' Fan Film Hits Warp Drive on Kickstarter

March 28th - via:
Set phasers to stunned: A Kickstarter campaign for a new "Star Trek" project has already quintupled its original $10,000 goal to fund a fan film by veteran science fiction actors. The short fan film, called "Star Trek: Prelude To Axanar," takes place decades before the famous exploits of Captain James T. Kirk and his Enterprise crew of "Star Trek" lore and is scheduled to warp into release this May. As of Friday (March 28), the Kickstarter project had raised $58,362, with three days left in the campaign. (Read More)

Axanar News

March 27th - via:
Axanar of Trek Radio! First, please tune in this Saturday, March 29th from 9:00-11:00am on as Richard Hatch, Director Christian Gossett and Executive Producer Alec Peters join Zach Nicodemous, Trek Radio Founder, on a two hour live... (Read More)

So you want EVERYTHING?

March 26th - via:
It appears that we haven't been clear about how to go about getting the $ 100 COMMANDER level perk package AND a tunic.  This is partly due to my ignorance of how Kickstarter works, where it appears you cannot select two packages. So, I just... (Read More)

Tunic Notes - XS and XL Women's Tunics Added

March 25th - via:
When we decided to sell our Starfleet Tunics, we did so because we are having a lot made, and we will have enough to sell some when we are done.  So we offered the ones we are making for the production.  Those were in sizes M/L/XL for men and S/M/L... (Read More)

Tunic Sizes Expanded, FAQ

March 25th - via:
AXANAR STARFLEET TUNIC SIZE NOTE & FAQ PLEASE NOTE  -  We have expanded the avialable sizes of Axanar Tunics to include Men's Small & 3XL.  Will tunics come with patches? YES, all tunics come with both a chest insignia and the USS Ares... (Read More)

$ 50,000 Stretch Goal Reached & Tunic Perk Released!

March 25th - via:
Thanks to the team at Twitch TV's as last night, while DIrector Christian Gossett and I were on the show talking about Axanar and other geek stuff, we got over $ 700 in donations, 3 viewers (including station manager Matt Hiscox)... (Read More) Podcast and Backerkit

March 23rd - via:
First of all, I hope you will all listen to the podcast hosted by Christopher Jones about Axanar. BACKERKIT We have been getting feedback about additional... (Read More)

Stretch Goals & Add-Ons

March 22nd - via:
Since many of you have given since we passed our stretch goals, and since you may not have read all the updates, so here is a recap. Because we are very generous, and because YOU have all been incredibly generous, everyone who gave even $ 10, gets... (Read More)

Please Spread the Word!

March 21st - via:
We really need your help!  With 9 days to go our Kickstarter is slowing down and we need your help!  Please share the link to our Kickstarter on Facebook and any forum you belong to!... (Read More)

PayPal and Higher Level Perks!

March 19th - via:
First, we can now take PayPal donations!  So if you can't use Kickstarter for your donation, you can PayPal us directly at and you will get the same exact perks as in Kickstarter.  We have been getting messages from some... (Read More)

1,000 Donors and More...

March 16th - via:
We are happy to say that the the Prelude to Axanar Kickstarter has crossed 1,000 donors!  That is a major milestone.  We also have $ 44,000 in donations, and we should hit the $ 50,000 stretch goal about Sunday, a week before the Kickstarter is... (Read More)

$ 40,000 Stretch Goal reached!

March 14th - via:
Congratulations!  We just crossed the $ 40,000 stretch goal and that means everyone who has donated gets the Federation Historical Society Vinyl sticker.  It will be mailed to you with your other perks.  So what is next?  Well, the $ 50,000... (Read More)

Prelude to Axanar Production Meeting.

March 14th - via:
Thursday night saw the first Prelude to Axanar production meeting.   We are happy to announce the addition of Star Trek: Renegades Line Producer Frank Zanca to the Axanar team.  Frank is a highly regarded line producer who is a significant... (Read More)

Kickstart Prelude To Axanar, A Short That Delves Into One Of Star Trek’s Most Infamous Battles

March 14th - via:
There’s no shortage of Star Trek fan films out there, and the quality and level of production values have only been increasing over the years. Advancing technology has made it easier than ever to pull off the CGI and visual effects needed to help sell an original Trek story, and some of the bigger projects, such as Star Trek: Phase II, have even brought in actual Trek vets such as George Takei, Walter Koenig, and writer D.C. Fontana. Now a new Kickstarter project is looking to set the bar even higher with a short film that will lead into a full-length independent Star Trek feature film. (Read More)

Production Update - Axanar in the Media

March 12th - via:
Tonight the Axanar team is having its first Prelude to Axanar production meeting.  While Christian Gossett (our director) and I have been working away with the rest of our team, this will be the first time that the production team sits down and maps... (Read More)

Closing on our $ 40,000 stretch goal.

March 11th - via:
As we close on our $ 40,000 stretch goal, I want to re-emphasize where the money will be going.  You have entrusted us with your hard-earned cash and we want to make sure we respect that.  Plus you are all part of the Axanar team now and deserve to... (Read More)

5 Cool Things Veronica Mars Kickstarter Pledgers Got (+5 More Flicks to Fund!)

March 11th - via:
Remember life before Kickstarter? Yeah, us neither… or maybe we just don’t want to. Probably because the crowdfunding site is kicking major butt these days. They recently hit $1 billion in pledges and got to celebrate with a milestone that shows a serious change for movie making in the Internet age. Less than a year after the Veronica Mars movie raised over $1.3 million in six hours on Kickstarter, it premiered this weekend at SXSW. Adoring “marshmallows” got to skip past Will Call to cash in on their pledges and, if they were lucky, rub elbows with the cast. Squee! (Read More)

Prelude to Axanar to Premier at Fedcon, Germany!

March 9th - via:
We are happy to announce that Prelude to Axanar will have its world premier at FedCon in Dusseldorf, Germany, May 29-June 1.  Over the weekend, Dirk Bartholoma, the head of FedCon , invited us to attend FedCon and we couldn't be happier.  FedCon is... (Read More)

Shooting Dates, Actor Commitments and Pre-Production

March 7th - via:
Thank you all for your wonderful support.  Over the past few days we have kicked Prelude to Axanar into full gear.  Here is what you have helped make happen: Shoot Dates  -  We have set the week of May 3rd as the week we shoot Prelude to... (Read More)

Axanar Kickstarter Q & A

March 6th - via:
I have gotten so many great questions and thought I would answer a few. 1)  Will we have Axanar Tunics available in the Kickstarter? Prelude to Axanar  is using Cage style tunics due to the time that it takes place.  Those tunics will not be... (Read More)

$ 40,000 & $ 50,000 Stretch Goals

March 4th - via:
Having now crossed the $ 30,000 mark, and having enough money to fully make Prelude to Axanar (see update # 4), we now need to set stretch goals and tell you what we will use additional donations for. $ 40,000 Stretch Goal At $ 40,000 we will be able... (Read More)

Goals, Budgets and Where the Money Will be Used.

March 3rd - via:
First, thank you all for believing in Star Trek Axanar!  We are honored to have your support. But with us blowing past our goals, the question is what do we do with the money we raise over our stretch goal.  Most of you have said to spend it on... (Read More)

Star Trek: Prelude to Axanar Hits Kickstarter Goal in Just 14 Hours

March 3rd - via:
The independent fan film Star Trek: Prelude Axanar launched on Kickstarter this past Saturday to raise funds. The goal was a modest $10,000(USD) and it was a 30-day fundraiser, so they figured the goal would be hit, but they didn t expect it to happen so quickly. (Read More)

Stretch Goal # 2 Unlocked!

March 2nd - via:
You are all AMAZING!  We blew through our second stretch goal of $ 20,000 in less than a day and a half.  That means EVERYONE gets both the $ 15,000 stretch goal reward of the Ares Class development patch, but the digital Juan Ortiz Stretch Goal... (Read More)

Stretch Goal # 1 Unlocked!

March 2nd - via:
Congratulations all!  Because of your amazing support, we not only hit our base goal in 7 hours, but blew through our first Stretch Goal in 24 hours!  That means EVERYONE gets the Ares Class Development Patch as a perk!  The Prelude to Axanar... (Read More)

We hit our base goal in 7 hours!

March 1st - via:
We hit our minimum goal of $ 10,000 in 7 hours!  THANK YOU!   Now we are hoping to hit our stretch goal of $ 20,000.  We set $ 10,000 as the goal as we really didn't know how much we could raise and we wanted to make sure the amount was low... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!