THE 7th CONTINENT - Explore. Survive. YOU are the hero!

A project in Paris, France by Serious Poulp

Funding Successful

Lift curses or die trying in the first “choose-your-own-path” exploration board game. 1000+ minutes of adventure for 1 to 4 players.
Backers: 12103
Average Pledge Per Backer: €101

Funded: €1,224,221 of €50,000
Dates: Sep 29th -> Oct 27th (29 days)
Project By: Serious Poulp
card gamedicediceminiaturescooperative gameboard gamestrategy gameadventurelovecraftfantasysurvivalart3dtabletop gamesandbox gamemapsnature +Suggest

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current pledge level
Last Updated: October 27 @ 17:01 -0400 GMT


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funding period ended


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Latest News

7 Upcoming Kickstarter Board Games - September and Fall Round-Up

September 10th - via:
Mythic Games is cooperating with Red Hook Studios to bring a beloved video game called Darkest Dungeon to our tables. The 7th Continent was already an incredible adventure game that kept pushing the boundaries of its genre. Its younger brother called The 7th Citadel will be a completely separate game, set in a dark fantasy themed city-state called Kel Protectorate. A new Kickstarter campaign for Machina Arcana will allow backers to get their hands on the third edition of the game and all of the related, previously released products. (Read More)

The 12 Most Funded Kickstarter Campaigns Ever, And Some Interesting Stats

August 17th - via:
Kickstarter is a brilliant way to turn your dreams into reality - something which happened to these 12 campaigns over the last ten years. (Read More)

The exquisite torture of Kickstarter exclusives

January 24th - via:
A "Kickstarter exclusive" trend has been on the rise in recent years. After some initial research, this strikes me as a phenomenon that seems relatively specific to tabletop games, due largely to three factors: the high cost of manufacturing, the niche audience that they serve and the fact that a lot of the companies who make them are small, independent outfits. (Read More)

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Kickstarter. The land of angel investors, niche markets and (at least in one point in time) the world (Read More)

The Biggest Kickstarter Campaigns of 2017

December 8th - via:
The Biggest Kickstarter Campaigns of 2017 have shown how crowdfunding on an online platform is one of the fastest ways to launch new ventures. (Read More)

Once more, with feeling.

October 27th - via:
Ok then folks, you’ve almost done it, you’ve almost bled us dry. Can you go all the way though? The final Stretch Goal we have for you, our backers, is not something game related, Serious Poulp have literally run through everything they had one... (Read More)

The end is in sight.

October 26th - via:
Congrats guys, those were the last of the random events we had planned for the campaign! You will truly each be able to have a unique adventure whilst also ensuring that the replayability of the game is as high as we could possibly have gotten it! So... (Read More)

Stretch Goat unlocked!

October 26th - via:
Well congrats guys, this one was a lot of fun to do! Once again, a big shout out to all the users in the comments section for their enthusiasm and (slightly weird) sense of humor! What we have next is the final set of random encounter cards! With... (Read More)

I should stay out of the comments section.

October 26th - via:
The 7th Curse Stretch Goal is now unlocked and the mysteries within the box are yours to unravel! Now, you can thank the folks in the comments section for this one. I don't know HOW we got to talking about goats but it seemed to be a fan favorite.... (Read More)

State of affairs

October 25th - via:
The "Hungry" State cards are now unlocked giving you access to the full range of State cards! You still have the 7th Curse to unlock though!  (Read More)

The 7th Curse of the 7th Continent

October 25th - via:
Well, we've been building up to this, a lot of you have been anticipating it and we couldn't wait any longer to show it to you as we close in on the final 48 hours so here it is: The 7th Curse! The final curse all revolves around this mysterious box... (Read More)

Hungry for more?

October 24th - via:
I bet that last SG was music to your ears? Ok, I'll stop with the puns. Coming up next we have a new game play element: The “Hungry” State card. An additional State that could be put on you after particularly long or difficult actions, hungry can... (Read More)

Riders of the storm.

October 24th - via:
May I present the final optional add on for The 7th Continent Kickstarter. Something a lot of you have requested but we already had the idea floating around for a while: Weather. Yes, because as every good explorer knows: the elements can kill you as... (Read More)

Music to your ears

October 23rd - via:
The mystery locked cages are now unlocked, well at least their Stretch Goal is. Now a new strange tune catches your attention... and it's not coming from a cage. This tune is none other than the next stretch goal: a sound effects pack for the 7th... (Read More)

Burn Baby, burn.

October 22nd - via:
In the wake of the explorers that we showcased in a previous update there’s one other model (or 4 to be more precise) included in the base box: The Fire token. Now this seems like a pretty insignificant element but fires, or campsites as some call... (Read More)

The notorious P.N.P.

October 21st - via:
Ok guys here it is, what you’ve been waiting for: your first taste of The 7th Continent! As promised we have rendered it down from 25 pages to 8. It doesn't contain nearly as much depth as the main game but, we're hoping, it should give you a... (Read More)


October 21st - via:
One more step in the right direction and a snowy region of the continent just got snowy…er? Snowier? I didn’t think that was an actual word until I looked it up.  Now the title of the update may seem a bit misleading at first BUT I assure you... (Read More)

Lucky number 7

October 20th - via:
Well we promised you the Action Deck Discard card, the one that we were giving out at conventions. In the end though, we wanted to go one step further and make it a bit more… special. So here’s what we came up with! It fits together easily and... (Read More)

Surprises on the Horizon

October 19th - via:
With the last Stretch goal unlocked, there are plenty of new adventures for you to discover as you make your way through The 7th Continent! Next up we have some new map and events card that will make a certain snowy region of the map even more vast!... (Read More)

Meet the Explorers

October 18th - via:
Meet the 4 explorers contained within the base box. You know where they're going, but not where they came from! FERDINAND LACHAPELLIÈRE This French adventurer has been exploring the yet undiscovered territories of the world for over thirty years and... (Read More)

A Roll of the Dice

October 17th - via:
A new add-on, something a lot of people have been asking for: Special 7th Continent dice! This add-on includes 8 plastic dice made to look like they’ve been carved out of chunks of bone! These are about 12mm tall and can replace the standard black... (Read More)

Leave no stone unturned

October 16th - via:
With this Stretch goal unlocked you can literally be whoever you want to be on The 7th Continent! Now, we all know at least one person that, when they play RPGs, they never go straight for the storyline quests, they wonder around the continent... (Read More)

Barry Doublet video preview!

October 15th - via:
Now Barry is not known for making... conventional video reviews so to speak. There's always a fun little twist in their somewhere. So may I present what may be the worlds first "Choose your own video review" Take it away Barry!  (Read More)

YOU are the Hero.

October 14th - via:
Now the last SG is down you guys have some extra advanced ideas to add to your arsenal! Next up a funky little stretch goal that a lot of you have been asking for. We’ve said multiple times that in The 7th Continent YOU are the hero (including in... (Read More)

Poisonous thoughts

October 13th - via:
Beans acquired: Check Beans planted: Check Watered: Check Monsters avoided until they’ve grown? We’ll see! With that one now behind us we can move on to some rather… dangerous ideas. This set of Advanced Idea cards is all about upgrading and... (Read More)


October 13th - via:
Fear the Devourers is the second gameplay add-on for The 7th Continent. Once again using ideas and mechanics that we were very fond of but didn’t make the final cut, we’re now bringing these hungering beasts to you in this unique expansion!  It... (Read More)

Board Game Brawl review and Community update N°4

October 13th - via:
We have a moving picture double whammy for you today. First up another video review from our friends at Board Game Brawl! Enjoy! And then we have the 4th community update for your viewing pleasure. Subjects for today are: The infamous (but now... (Read More)

Beans, beans, beans!

October 12th - via:
First of all, we have JUST returned from Essen. Four amazing days. We were very happy to meet some of you In Real Life and thank the players who tried the 7th Continent demo there for their enthusiasm ;) Now, the shore reaches further than before... (Read More)

Once more into the breach!

October 10th - via:
There is now a flock of insects with no concept of personal space added in for all you backers!  With the next SG, the continent continues to grow. This time it's the coastline that stretches off into the distance... and even further soon enough!  (Read More)

Hello from Essen (live)

October 10th - via:
 Rahdo says hi too ;)  (Read More)

Your new best friends

October 8th - via:
With Mary fully on board we can get back to the adventure!  Next up we have a rather... unusual new companion card. These rather friendly stick insects will give you quite the advantage when it comes to around discreetly! They can also make a rather... (Read More)

Undead Viking video review!

October 7th - via:
The traps are set! Watch your step! Next up Mary Kingsley gets her own exclusive KS figurine! The reviews continue! This time we have Mr. Undead Viking himself!  (Read More)

Community update #3

October 6th - via:
A fairly short video this time as we are very busy with last minute prep work for Essen! Today's subjects are: A small error in the Kickstarter page Add-ons: what and why? Essen Also the video is on YouTube this time so you can all get in on it ;)  (Read More)

Keep guessing

October 6th - via:
Now that you have the magnifying glass you'll be perfectly equipped for the next Stretch Goal! Some of you have already seen the now infamous "trapped" card. Some of you have probably figured it out. Well, with the next few cards you'll still be... (Read More)

I spy with my little eye...

October 5th - via:
The amulet, or rather the pieces of it, are now safely stowed in you shoulder bag. Next, for the 500k mark we thought we'd give you two types of content! The magnifying glass will soon be present both inside and outside of the game. For you, the... (Read More)

The Path of repentance

October 5th - via:
The Path of Repentance is the first add on pack for the 7th Continent and will contain 30 or so cards that will allow you to manage an adversary that not even the most proficient adventurer can escape: Time itself. It all starts with a beat up old... (Read More)

Rebuilding the past

October 4th - via:
Ms. Kingsley is now on board with the rest of the group.  Now we can turn our attentions to a curious trinket that has seen better days. This amulet is our next stretch goal and, as you can see, has seen better days. The amulet holds a precious... (Read More)

Now on Kickstarter from Serious Poulp, The 7th Continent

October 4th - via:
Most everyone is familiar with choose your own adventure books where, as the story unfolds, you have to make decisions for the hero, and when you make a choice you flip to a different page and continues the story from there. Now imagine if that same system was put into a adventuring game. You would have something akin to The 7th Continent. (Read More)

After the beast…The lady

October 3rd - via:
The Frankenstein miniature is unlocked and now the good doctor is ready to take his slightly deranged experimentations on the road! A lot of you have been asking for this one and I did say it was coming so here we go: a new Character joins the... (Read More)

Ricky Royal – Box of Delights video review!

October 3rd - via:
Once again, with your help, the continent will get bigger! With this pack you'll unlock several new rooms (and events) for an ancient temple! We promised you videos from all your favorite reviewers and here’s the second one! Take it away M. Royal!... (Read More)

Community Update #2

October 2nd - via:
Well the first video was such a success that I’m back for your viewing pleasure! On the agenda today are: The Campaign - General state of affairs. SGs a bit lackluster? The Card Sleeve issue Standees: Yay or nay? EB and shipping price... (Read More)

Man & Beast

October 2nd - via:
That mysterious piece of music is now safely tucked away in your shoulder bag! Following hot on its heels is the miniature for Mr. Frankenstein. Victor is the “mad scientist” of the expedition, an intelligent yet slightly deranged individual, the... (Read More)

A traveller’s tune

October 1st - via:
Adventurers beware, the Terrified State is now unlocked! Be EXTRA careful when trying to remove a “frightened” condition now or you could be in a lot of trouble! Next up we have another “mini-adventure”: A mysterious piece of sheet music.... (Read More)

Terrified of the unknown

October 1st - via:
As yet another stretch goal falls, and now that I finally have a bit more time to write these, I thought it would be good to go into a bit more detail on what these SGs actually mean for you, the players. We’ll start with the latest ones but I’ll... (Read More)

Community update #01

September 30th - via:
Another Stretch goal down, you guys will get to test your mettle against some new Random Events! Next up we have another new character: the infamous Victor Frankenstein! Also, I’ve decided to experiment with a new way of communicating with you all.... (Read More)

First light

September 30th - via:
Well well well, you guys have been busy, not that I’m surprised! We’ve unlocked the mysterious Tribal Stool “mini-adventure”, some more Kickstarter Exclusive cards specially designed for you, the backers, 10 more cards to make the continent... (Read More)

The 7th Continent wants you to choose your own adventure

September 30th - via:
Growing up I cut my teeth on Choose Your Own Adventure books. These tales offered me a way to step into a story on a plane on which ordinary, more linear books could not compete. The 7th Continent, a new Kickstarter project from French studio Serious Poulp (Steam Torpedo), aims to bring this same kind of dynamic storytelling adventure to the tabletop. (Read More)

Well what a night…

September 29th - via:
The support from you, the backers, the community, has been overwhelming. I don’t know if you can fully appreciate just how much this means to Ludovic and Bruno but, after two years of hard work, well… it means a lot. So thank you, all of you! In... (Read More)

Pushing ahead

September 29th - via:
So first of all you got a rather recognisable gentleman as a new character, then more map tiles (told you we were going to make this the biggest playing field ever!) and then a rather mysterious new "mini adventure"! Now how about some advanced ideas... (Read More)

The Adventure Begins!

September 29th - via:
Wow what a start! Barely 10minutes in and we’re already several Stretch goals down! We promised plenty of awesome surprises for you, the backers, the ones that made all this possible, so here’s the first batch! Enjoy them, you’ve earned it!!!  (Read More)


September 29th - via:
My name is Jamie and I will be your guide through the magical adventure that is a Kickstarter project!Feel free to ask away and myself and the Serious Poulp team will get back to you! Now lets get this show on the road!Ladies and gentleman I I barely... (Read More)

The 7th Continent: You wake up on an island...

September 29th - via:
...And your adventure Begins...The 7th Continent is now live on Kickstarter! Visit the project page and help them make it the biggest playing field ever created!What surprises have serious poulp got in store for us? Only one way to find out! (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!