A project in Melbourne, AU by Turbo Pixel000days
Cancelled by Creator
Reflex is a competitive Arena FPS that combines modern tech with the speed, precision and freedom of a 90s shooter.
Backers: 1150
Average Pledge Per Backer: $71
Funded: $81,321 of $360,000
Dates: Sep 19th -> Oct 19th (30 days)
Project By: Turbo Pixel
Backers: 1150
Average Pledge Per Backer: $71
Funded: $81,321 of $360,000
Dates: Sep 19th -> Oct 19th (30 days)
Project By: Turbo Pixel
current pledge level
Last Updated: October 10 @ 08:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Reflex Arena Australian Developer Arena Shooter Retail
March 9th - via:
After a failed Kickstarter, Reflex Arena devs Turbo Pixel didn't give up, taking their game to Steam Early Access, and finally, full launch. (Read More)
Reflex developers shutting down their Kickstarter campaign, moving to Early Access
October 10th - via:
Arena shooters have enjoyed a small resurgence of late, even if most of the hope is centred around titles still in progress. Reflex, which is being developed by Turbo Pixel down in Melbourne, is one of those hoping to re-stoke the fires of old. (Read More)
Pulling the plug on Kickstarter (but not Reflex)
October 8th - via:
So as even our most optimistic fans are starting to realize, our Kickstarter isn't going to hit its target (barring some very wealthy miracles). This update will be entirely dedicated to explaining why we're not upset and why you shouldn't be... (Read More)
Everything you wanted to know about map editing (and then some).
September 29th - via:
For today's update, Ben (our resident pixel pusher) has created a video to give everyone an in-depth look at our map editing tools. If you want to find out more about how our tools work and what you can already do with them, click the video: If... (Read More)
The movement update
September 25th - via:
We've had a lot of questions about the movement in Reflex so for this update I thought I would create a short video that demonstrates the basic movements and how they can be combined into increasingly complex trickjumps. The tricks shown above... (Read More)
Turbo Pixel Reflex Arena FPS Kickstarter Australia
September 25th - via:
Turbo Pixel's Reflex has AUD $38,000 of its $360,000 goal. (Read More)
The World Needs This Australian Made Arena Shooter
September 25th - via:
This morning I literally tweeted the following: The world (read: me) needs a simple, well balanced, arena shooter that is properly fair and competitive. That game doesn’t exist right now. (Read More)
Let's talk game modes.
September 23rd - via:
Hello backers and people-trying-to-decide-about-backing (do it, Reflex is brilliant). First of all, we just want to thank everyone for the huge amount of support and excitement there has been about Reflex. We've put a lot of time and money into... (Read More)
Reflex bunny-hops onto Kickstarter, seeks funding for arena FPS action
September 23rd - via:
Yesterday I mentioned how Toxikk describing itself as a rare return to the old-school FPS was somewhat disingenuous. Soon after, an email proves my point—alerting me to Reflex. It's another old-school FPS, this time on Kickstarter. Could this be the start of a new FPS-off; the Quake vs UT of post-2010 gaming. Only if the game raises $360,000 AUD (£194,500/$318,230) in the next four weeks. (Read More)
Reflex Kickstarter to bring back the Quake 3-style arena FPS
September 23rd - via:
Just yesterday Adam wrote about Toxikk, a multiplayer arena FPS that aimed to take the genre back to its roots by invoking Unreal Tournament. Hey Adam! That’s not the root of the arena FPS! (Read More)
Weekly Launchpad. What Kickstarters Launched Sep 14 – 20?
September 23rd - via:
Every week we take a brief look at all of the Kickstarter campaigns that launched in the previous week. This isn’t to say that all of these projects are worth your hard earned cash, but with any luck having all of them in one place will make it easier to educate yourself on the projects you’d like to back, and which ones to run from. You’ll find two types of campaigns listed, “featured” and “the rest“. Featured campaigns are those that contain a significant amount of game information, are from known developers, or are significant in some other way. The rest of the games are usually smaller campaigns that are lacking in information, are from unknowns, have unanswered questions, or have not yet stood out for one reason or another. (Read More)
Melbourne developers launch Kickstarter for a new arena FPS, Reflex
September 23rd - via:
It was only yesterday that Liam wrote about shiny new competitive arena shooters. I’m a fan of them myself, having grown up on a steady diet of UT99 Instagib and CTF battles in Quake 3 (which you can enjoy now that Quake Live has launched on Steam, incidentally), so understandably this comment from ImyNairn caught our attention. (Read More)
Slaughter Your Friends Arena-Style in Reflex
September 22nd - via:
Back in High School, I used to play Halo Custom Edition with my fellow Animation peers on the school computers. Honestly, it’s probably the most fun I had back in those days and it taught me a little something about classic arena games. Classic arena and multiplayer shooter games are fun and killing your friends in a video game is an appropriate stress release. (Read More)
Reflex is Setting up as the Next Big Arena Shooter
September 22nd - via:
Kickstarters can be very risky, and very ambitious. It’s all the more impressive to see an Australian team of three asking for a large sum to develop a competitive arena shooter on par with the Quake games, and yet Turbo Pixel wants to deliver just that with Reflex. (Read More)
Now on Steam Greenlight!
September 20th - via:
We're excited to announce that we are now on Steam Greenlight! Head over to to Reflex Greenlight Page to vote now and show your support! We're really excited about the worlds response to Reflex these first few days. We want to thank everyone for... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!