The Fall: dark, story driven exploration in an alien world
A project in Vancouver, Canada by Over The Moon000days
Funding Successful
Descend into a dark world where action platforming meets traditional adventure gaming to create something new for you to explore.
Backers: 1189
Average Pledge Per Backer: $32
Funded: $38,155 of $17,000
Dates: Sep 9th -> Oct 9th (30 days)
Project By: Over The Moon
Backers: 1189
Average Pledge Per Backer: $32
Funded: $38,155 of $17,000
Dates: Sep 9th -> Oct 9th (30 days)
Project By: Over The Moon
current pledge level
Last Updated: October 9 @ 12:45 -0400 GMT
of goal
(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)
Latest News
Crowdfunding Episodic Games: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
February 21st - via:
There's a history of episodic games being crowdfunded, and while some turn out well, and others turn out poorly; and still others never happen. (Read More)
29 Great Crowdfunded Games for Less Than $5 via Steam's Exploration Sale
November 28th - via:
Steam is having its annual pre-Holiday sale. Lets take a look at some of the best crowdfunded games available! (Read More)
Steam Sale? Pshaw. How About a Steam Giveaway?
June 25th - via:
It’s time for our next game giveaway, and this time we’re going a little crazy. See, we’re in the middle of some great sales from Steam and where gamers can get lots of games for very little money. So, why not have this week’s contest be equally dramatic? (Read More)
The Fall – Reviewed
May 30th - via:
I had some very high expectations for The Fall, a moody platformer developed by Over The Moon Games. For those unfamiliar with it, Over The Moon pitched The Fall via a Kickstarter campaign back in September of 2013, aiming to raise only $17K but raised more than double of their goal, thus meeting multiple stretch goals. The reception for The Fall at the time was great and anticipation has been increasing rapidly since the campaign’s conclusion, as evident from our previous coverage. (Read More)
Review: The Fall
May 30th - via:
The 21st century is no stranger to the rise of artificial intelligence. While we’re exploring the uncanny valley with robots that can provide facial expressions, we tend to forget that we’re actually talking to our phones to find the nearest gas station. Heck, we’re getting self-driving cars soon, aren’t we? That’s pretty insane, but it’s also important because we’re starting to depend on our computer programs for our own safety: we’re literally trusting our computers with our lives. That relationship drives the story of the new game The Fall, the first episode of a new series by Over the Moon Games that got funded on Kickstarter last year. With its eerie atmosphere, excellent puzzle design, and constantly intriguing story, The Fall manages to overcome its faults with gusto, providing an indie game with some serious guts to spill. (Read More)
Test - The Fall
May 29th - via:
Un petit crash sur une planète inconnue, ça vous dit ? On peut même offrir un supplément robots agressifs, aliens étranges et dilemmes moraux si ça vous chante. Intéressés ? Alors lancez-vous avec nous dans la véritable aventure qu’est The Fall, un titre mixant metroidvania et point & click d’une manière si subtile qu’il en devient ardu de les différencier. (Read More)
Suits You, Siri: The Fall
May 22nd - via:
In The Fall you play an item of clothing. Surprisingly, with this being PC gaming and all, you’re not a hat, a monocle or a different hat. You’re a futuristic combat suit, or at least you’re the artificial intelligence that has been loaded on-board the suit. When the suit’s occupant loses consciousness under mysterious circumstances, you must all of your simulated smarts to find safety and possibly discover a few home truths about your protocols and programming along the way. The first episode of the side-scrolling atmospheric point and click platformer is out on May 30th and a new trailer lays down some ground rules. Listening to music and wearing clothes is cause for suspicion. (Read More)
The Struggle Of An AI
April 1st - via:
Jack isn’t moving, he’s rendered unconscious. It must’ve been one harsh, fierce fall to knock him out. (Read More)
GamingOnLinux - The Funding Crowd 21 (Oct 4th-13th)
October 14th - via:
Welcome back to The Funding Crowd, issue #2 ACS (After the Crowd Sourcing). You may notice that the amount of content has been somehow reduced, but we're always for quality before quantity. Moreover, in this new epoch of the column we'll try to go back to one of its original goals: focusing on the true Hidden Gems, those worthy projects lacking the necessary attention and coverage for becoming big hits. (Read More)
Last 24 hours! Also, PayPal support added
October 8th - via:
Hey all, We're moving into our last 24 hours and we've got one last big push to make before this campaign is over, and I'll be back hard at work making The Fall awesome. We've got one more stretch goal to reach. Can we reach it, I wonder? Well, one... (Read More)
Art Upgrade Achieved! Next Up: Design Upgrade.
October 7th - via:
The art upgrade stretch goal has been reached! The Fall will look much better as a result. I can't wait to see what a few additional artists can bring to the table! We've got 44 hours to go at the time of this posting and a few more stretch goals to... (Read More)
Details on the art polish stretch goal.
October 5th - via:
Things are starting to pick up! We're just a few dollars short of $31K, after a large wave of support. Our position on Greenlight is continuing to improve as well; I believe we have officially passed "Fantastic" and are headed into "Amazing": I... (Read More)
Wii U and Linux Stretch Goal Achieved!
October 4th - via:
Woo Hoo! We have achieved our Wii U and Linux stretch goal, which means The Fall will be coming to the Wii U and Linux, and promptly too; without having to wait for PC/Mac sales, we'll be able to include Wii U and Linux in our initial launch. I'm... (Read More)
Kickstarter Spotlight - Projects You Should Pay Attention To 10/4
October 4th - via:
So, you may have noticed we didn’t use crowdfunding in the title this week. Well smartass, that’s because all our projects were pulled directly from Kickstarter. Allllrighty then. It’s time for another week of crowdfunding goodies from the throbbing loins of Kickstarter. Fun fact; Kickstarter projects have raised over $815M to date. That being said, projects like the one’s we’re covering this week are asking for a drop in the bucket, so come on, pledge! We’ve got a tasty mix of new games on hand this week AND some updates on projects we’ve talked about in the past. (Read More)
Podcast and Combat Teaser
October 2nd - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Moving into the last week.
October 1st - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
So we're kicking ass on Steam, by the way.
September 27th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Publicity, stretch goals, and shout outs.
September 25th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Audio stretch goal reached! Onwards and upwards!
September 23rd - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
When the guy in the suit isn't the protagonist, you get The Fall.
September 23rd - via:
Welcome back to another Kickstarter Conversation! Today I am joined by our Canadian friends from Over the Moon games to talk to us about their Kickstarter The Fall: dark, story driven exploration in an alien world. (Read More)
The Fall Is Officially Coming To Wii U After Meeting Kickstarter Goals
September 22nd - via:
Although Over The Moon’s alien world Metroid/Limbo mash-up The Fall has yet to meet its projected Wii U goal on Kickstarter, the company has announced that they have become an official Nintendo developer, and will therefore be bringing the title to Wii U regardless. The Fall has surpassed its main goal with over $21K funded out of only $17K necessary to meet it. The Wii U goal was originally set at $29K before the company made its latest announcement. (Read More)
Kickstarter project The Fall is sci-fi Limbo by way of Super Metroid
September 21st - via:
The Fall is a dark and moody cocktail currently seeking $17,000 (Canadian) on Kickstarter so that it can fall into your lap on PC, Mac and Wii U. The game draws inspiration from three classic titles, each representing a pillar of the game's own design: Super Metroid represents exploration, The Secret of Monkey Island represents interactivity, and Limbo represents atmosphere. (Read More)
On Reddit doing an AMA! Ask me anything!
September 19th - via:
Hi all, I'm on Reddit right now doing an AMA. Come by and ask me a question, any question -- I'll respond as best I can :) (Read More)
Wii U launch confirmed
September 19th - via:
As of yesterday afternoon, Over The Moon is now an official Nintendo developer. That means that The Fall will be coming to the Wii U, potentially around the same time as our initial PC/Mac launch, and probably just slightly after. I'm looking forward... (Read More)
The single best way that you can help The Fall - AMA!
September 17th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Gameplay footage
September 17th - via:
Finally! The first gameplay video is complete. This one focuses on story and puzzle design, which are the core elements of The Fall. I hope you find it interesting :). Make sure to watch in HD. (Read More)
The Fall exceeds initial Kickstarter goal, next stretch goal is upgraded audio
September 17th - via:
Over The Moon’s platformer The Fall has exceeded its $17,000 Kickstarter goal with 535 backers pledging $19,088 toward the Asimov-inspired sci-fi game. The game, also up on Steam Greenlight, is still slated for Linux, Mac and PC yet the developer wants to also release it on “as many platforms as possible,” and is still investigating a possible Wii U release, but can’t promise one at this point until it is investigated further. (Read More)
We made it!
September 15th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Almost there! Also, Multi-Platform.
September 13th - via:
As I write this, we are at 97% of our base goal in a little under a week. Needless to say, I am blown away. If all goes well, we'll reach our goal soon, and smiles will be had by all. I wanted to post a quick update to account for the radio silence... (Read More)
Moving forward
September 12th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
Wii-U, and an in depth look at The Fall's art and how it's constructed.
September 11th - via:
The Fall has almost raised 10K in 3 days! I'm still floored with the amount of support and positivity surrounding the project. A lot of you have been asking some fantastic questions, and I'll be posting some good answers soon in the form of more... (Read More)
A great interview about the story of The Fall and how it's told.
September 10th - via:
Hi all, First of all, thank you to everyone for an absolutely fantastic launch day! I'm so delighted to see so much interest in the project and I'm doing my best to respond to emails and comments as they come. Feel free to reach out! One point of... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!