WOR Catalog Two: 3D Printable Tabletop Terrain for 28mm

A project in New London, CT by Eric Askue

Funding Successful

New & Expanded Worlds Over Run 3D printable tabletop terrain! Take your 28mm adventures to fantastic new worlds! OpenLOCK compatible.
Backers: 110
Average Pledge Per Backer: $83

Funded: $9,076 of $100
Dates: Mar 13th -> Mar 28th (15 days)
Project By: Eric Askue
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Last Updated: March 28 @ 14:03 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

What a ride.

March 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Wow, the outpouring of support was amazing! With only a couple of hours to go, so many people reached out to me about the work I'm doing and about the things they will do with the new terrain. From flocking Scorch with sand to painting sigils on the... (Read More)

License Holders!

March 27th - via: kickstarter.com
For those of you with resellers licenses, I'm going to be giving you an emblem for your websites and prints.    (Read More)

70 hours to go!

March 25th - via: kickstarter.com
With just 70 hours to go, I'm thrilled at all the backers who have reached out to me, it seems like it was double what I got from the first KS. Everyone is so excited and sharing both there prints but their studios and stories, how they plan on using... (Read More)


March 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
These are sometimes the most telling images and one of my favorites to look at.   (Read More)


March 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
A lot of the work needs to have fairly tight measurements made, and not just to fit onto your printers. So go along with that train of thought I added a measurement bar to these images. 150mm gold bar.    (Read More)


March 23rd - via: kickstarter.com
For those of you who can flip a model. The Random growth is one of those bits that really take advantage of this. If you have two, one left and one right it can feel like the rib cage of some colossal beast.   (Read More)

Thorn Prime Mini!

March 22nd - via: kickstarter.com
Today I sent out the Thorn Prime Mini that I started sculpting for you (my backers). The support has been amazing and we're growing WOR every day. So here is something that I think all of you will enjoy.   Front side.  Inside the back of the Thorn... (Read More)

Prime Mini!

March 21st - via: kickstarter.com
 I started the Prime Mini the other day in a live video for my backers. Once we run it through a quick review I'm going to release this to all of the backers for this KS. If you believe in what I'm doing I hope you share this with others who play... (Read More)

Just about half way!

March 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi everyone,  you're all so surprisingly quite this Kickstarter. I'm thrilled with all the support, thank you.  If you guys want to get in touch feel free. ^_^ ~Eric   (Read More)

Live! Sculpting a new assets!

March 19th - via: kickstarter.com
Tonight I'm going to create a new asset for this KickStarter! Come hang out, talk shop and see what I'm going to be making. This is a good chance to get a close look at how assets are made and talk to me about it.  I'll be starting at about... (Read More)


March 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Greg Genung put up an amazing video for the test prints for this Kickstarter! Please take a look, Scream, cry, faint, run around in exuberant excitement.  Then share it with your friend, you know to make them jealous. ^_^ ... (Read More)

These storms won't stop me!

March 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Looks like I'm going to get hit with another big storm, but the KickStarter is up!  We're funded and people are excited about the content and OpenLOCK tiles. Just as long as we don't lose power for another three plus days. If you guys can share and... (Read More)

plans and stuff!

March 15th - via: kickstarter.com
I'd like to do a live podcast as I work on the stretch goal asset, how would you guys like to see some of that? I'm also hoping my backers are helping me get the word out. I've got more plans for guys and some surprises too. keep talking to me and... (Read More)

there and backed again!

March 13th - via: kickstarter.com
The Kick Starter is backed within minutes of its launch! Thank you all!  I can't wait to see all of your prints, paint jobs and battles with the new terrain! Now I have to go battle my old enemy snow, 12 inches of snow. thank you all again!   (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!