Epic Heresy 2: Outpost Estarn

A project in Blackburn, UK by Dark Art Miniatures

Status: Active

3d printable files of miniatures and terrain in epic 8mm scale!
Backers: 111
Average Daily Pledges: £202
Average Pledge Per Backer: £42

Funding: £4,646 of £500
Dates: Jun 4th -> Jul 3rd (30 days)
Project By: Dark Art Miniatures
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Latest News

Stretch Goal targets decreased. 50% off

June 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all! This has been a steady campaign which had a great start.  With little over a week to go I'm thinking the stretch goal targets may have been too much of a stretch.  I'd really like to see everyone get these goals unlocked so, I've decreased... (Read More)

Double unlock!

June 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all.  I hope everyone had an amazing weekend.  We are only £4 away from reaching the next goal so, I've tempted fate and unlocked it now for my Backers. :) This a double unlock which now allows you to build larger rooms for your complex. Thank... (Read More)

Halfway stretch goal now unlocked! Wraith Mk1 Drone

June 18th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi all! So we are now at the halfway mark on this campaign.  To celebrate and show my appreciation, I've created this killer drone for you all as a bonus unlock.  This will now be added to the core set. Thank you for the support! If you haven't... (Read More)


June 16th - via: kickstarter.com
Many thanks to Karl Johnson for printing these out on a FDM printer. And without supports too! Loving how the paint job fits well with his battle mat. These are just a few of the file's I've designed for this project. For those that don't have a... (Read More)

Cyber Grunt's unlocked!

June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
Backers have now unlocked one of my favourite goals.  I love these bulky dudes.  This a double unlock so you also get the bases for them too.   Thank you soo much! Next up is the large room expansion pieces to allow you to make larger defensive... (Read More)

32mm bases unlocked!

June 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Another day, another unlock.  Thank you everyone!  These bases will now be added to the core set. The Cyber Grunts are next, which is one of my favourite units in this campaign. Also please check out the 'unlock the wolf' update to help unlock the... (Read More)

Things are heating up! Flamer unit unlocked

June 8th - via: kickstarter.com
Flamer unit has been unlocked  Thank you! Remember to check out the update 'Unlock the Wolf'.  All you need to do is share the FB post to help unlock those mechs. ;)  (Read More)


June 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Social Stretch Goal  25+ SharesTo unlock the Wolf Mk1 unit, help spread the word about this KS by sharing my post over on facebook.  If it's shared 25 or more times then the Wolf Mk1 unit will be added to your core set.  You can check out the post... (Read More)

2 more goals unlocked!

June 6th - via: kickstarter.com
Your Command unit now has a base of operations. Two variants for a reinforced room or for the open trenches. You can now protect your defence lines from enemy fire and environmental hazards with these shields projectors. Thank you for the support... (Read More)

Command unit unlocked!

June 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Morning everyone.  Great news, overnight you have helped unlock the command unit! You can now direct your troopers in battle and lead the charge into the fray! Thank you :)  (Read More)

Missile rooms unlocked!

June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Wow!  We already hit the first unlock.  Thank you.  This has two variants, safe mode and ready to launch mode, each with its own topper piece which are open and closed spiral hatches.  These are designed to go into the middle of the 'room' tiles... (Read More)

Funded in 15 minutes! Thank you everyone!

June 4th - via: kickstarter.com
Yes YOU did it!   You smashed through the first goal in 15 minutes.  Thank you soo much for your support.  It mean's a lot. Now we can look forward to unlocking a bunch of stuff for your pet printer! :)  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!