WINDFALL (Trading Card Game)

A project in Indianapolis, IN by STEELE Games

Funding Successful

Windfall is a strategic trading card game that pins Guardians (players) against one another in an epic battle of survival.
Backers: 77
Average Pledge Per Backer: $83

Funded: $6,387 of $1,800
Dates: Feb 6th -> Mar 8th (30 days)
Project By: STEELE Games
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Last Updated: March 8 @ 19:03 -0500 GMT


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Latest News

What Happens After?

March 7th - via:
So you've made your pledge.  You have told everyone you know about Windfall. You have abrely slept, because like us you have been watching the page so closely your eyes are starting to burn. You've done your part. Almost. On Saturday, when the... (Read More)

New Stretch Goal!

March 7th - via:
Hey guys, We want to see just how even more awesome everyone can be, so we are adding a new stretch goal that we may or may not meet in the next 28 hours. BUT we are sure going to try!If we meet $2400 we will add a velvet dice bag to every $10 backer... (Read More)

49 Hours left! $5000? HOLY MOLY!

March 6th - via:
Hey guys? Want to know how we feel right now after just reaching $5000? Kind of like this:  However, the pledging should not stop here! The more funding we get, the more we can do! This means we can print more copies, put them in more stores, and... (Read More)

70 HOURS LEFT - Basically 2 days

March 5th - via:
We are so pleased to see that we are over the $4300 mark which means we WILL be adding 8 more cards! With that being said, we only have 70 hours left to back WINDFALL and reserve your first edition print. First our initial print runs we will be going... (Read More)

Intro Decks for Kickstarter Backers and Packing!

March 3rd - via:
Remember how I promised you to see the intro decks we are handing out to kickstarter backers? Well here we go! Let me explain each starter deck first. For each deck you receive in a reward tier, you will get to choose which intro deck you want based... (Read More)


March 1st - via:
You heard me, we are shelved. Local store Comic Book University is the first to sign on to sell WINDFALL.  They will be on shelves soon after printing so stay tuned! We are still in talks with other local retailers, so stay tuned! Here are some... (Read More)

Want to see some Summons? We have them!

February 26th - via:
Check out some of the summons we have planned. Obviously the text is blurred out, well, because that is a suprise :)!  (Read More)

Test Print of Intro Deck Box

February 24th - via:
Thought we would share the test print of one of the intro deck boxes. Ignore the text on the back as this is not final. It is merely for test print purposes. The only issue we really have is we need to move the logo on the front of the box u a little... (Read More)

Female Guardian Voice Audio

February 22nd - via:
Hey Windfallians! Okay, maybe a corny name, but you get it! Anywho, We have our first batch of Guardian voices from the lovely and talented Elspeth Eastman - again, yes this is her real name. She is linked to on our main project page so seriously... (Read More)

NEW STRETCH GOAL +1/-1 Tokens!

February 18th - via:
Hello everyone! We just reached our 7th stretch goal. This means with every starter deck we reward our backers with, each one will rcieve 5 +1/-1 tokens. Remember this is PER DECK not per backer. So if you are rewarded 4 decks, you got a total of 20... (Read More)

Coffee & Update

February 16th - via:
Coffee.....I like it a lot. And it helps me write this update! Anywho, we wanted to take the time to thank all of our backers. Without you this would not be possible and we want to make sure we are giving you the best product possible. So please keep... (Read More)

Update #17 New Stretch Goals!

February 15th - via:
Hello everyone!No video this time because sadly I am under the weather, BUT, we are still hard at work making Windfall one awesome game! So a little bit of news. We reached our fifth stretch goal at $2800. This means we have voice acting in the... (Read More)


February 14th - via:
That is so right! We have TWO video's now showing how to play WINDFALL. The first video explains the mechanics of the game ( This is a replacement video for the podcast with video footage so please watch). The second video is of Brendon and myself... (Read More)

Test Tshirt Print?

February 12th - via:
Let's all look at the Shirt and say it. Oooooo.....Ahhhhhh!  (Read More)

We hit 2400! Way to go!

February 12th - via:
You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play 00:00 00:00 I am at work, don't make fun of me :D  (Read More)

Indy Pop Con Demo Day - JOIN US

February 11th - via:
 Click here -> for more information!  (Read More)

Listen to Brendon talk about the card structure and mechanics.

February 10th - via:
Brendon is talking about the card types structure and mechanics in prep for our demo video releasing this weekend! You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play 00:00 00:00 Listen to Brendon talk about the card structure and... (Read More)

Image updates

February 10th - via:
There are a few new images added to the main project page. You can see them below as well.  (Read More)

Video Update #1 - WE MADE GOAL + Stretch Goals

February 10th - via:
You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content. Play 00:00 00:00  (Read More)

94% to GOAL

February 10th - via:
Wow, we are exactly $100 from goal! Keep that support coming and please keep sharing the project with your friends, family and communities. Even when we reach the goal, there are still stretch goals to get that will help us make this project even... (Read More)

First Creature

February 9th - via:
Our first creature has its art complete. Creatures are our last art issue and will all be done by February 28th. However, we wanted to share the first one with you! We like to imagine him going, "MEEP!"  (Read More)


February 9th - via:
Hello! Look what we are doing today!  We also want to remind everyone that we will have a DEMO video up later this week on how to play the game. If you are unsure whether to back the project or not because of this, we encourage you to at least back... (Read More)

Sneak Peak

February 8th - via:
Up until now we have not shown you any summon cards because we are still hard at work on them. However, I thought you would want a sneak peak!  (Read More)

Starter Deck Reward update

February 8th - via:
We have received a message about why the reward decks are random, and that it would be better if players got to choose.  Hey, we agree! So we are making it so that if your reward tier gives you a starter deck, you will now get to choose which... (Read More)

Mock Card Preview

February 8th - via:
We wanted to give everyone a better sneak peak at the cards. Now, these are just are mock-ups. The final versions will come next week with a few minor graphic changes, but overall here you! This is a small sampling of the cards so hopefully we are... (Read More)

New $35 REWARD listed!

February 7th - via:
Some people want to pledge more than 25$, but not $50 and still want some cards so we are creating a booster card pack just for you all. These booster packs will house 15 cards which includes 1 Guardian - plus all previous prizes listed! We hope this... (Read More)

We just broke $600 on Day One!

February 7th - via:
Thank you all so much. We could not be more proud of our backers for being so generous and supportive. We wanted to make an update to show you guys our love and ask that you continue to support us by sharing the campaign with your friends, family,... (Read More)


February 7th - via:
A lot of people have been asking about seeing the Guardians in their full glory. While I cannot give you high resolutions since those are reserved as prizes. However, here is a shot of the lineup of Guardians so you can see their whole bodies. Each... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!