Legends of the Hidden Force

A project in Nashville, TN by Whiskeyjack Toys

Cancelled by Creator

In a hidden mystical city beset by betrayers, conquerors, and terrors, 3 ninja factions vie for the fate of a power enhancing flower.
Backers: 134
Average Pledge Per Backer: $247

Funded: $33,086 of $50,000
Dates: Mar 26th -> Apr 25th (30 days)
Project By: Whiskeyjack Toys
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Last Updated: April 20 @ 01:04 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

We will be back. Promise.

April 20th - via: kickstarter.com
I realize that it’s been a few days of radio silence on our end. Matt, Chad, and I had to make some hard decisions. Tonight we are going to voluntarily end our kickstarter early. We thank each of you – sincerely + deeply. We know there’s a... (Read More)

Reduced MOQ and Some media...

April 12th - via: kickstarter.com
We've had some positive news from the factory - we can reduce the MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity). With us not being forced to produce a specific amount of each figure, we can reduce the overall amount we need to get to all 24 figures.  It doesn't... (Read More)

I'm humbled by your kind words.

April 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Thank you everyone for your support so far. And thank you so much for helping spread the word! It's incredibly heartwarming to see people enjoying Hidden Force as much as we do. Matt and I (Darren) were on the Audible Interlude podcast last night -... (Read More)

Toy Kennections - I think he's on to something....

April 3rd - via: kickstarter.com
I just wanted to thank Ken for getting behind us from the beginning. For us only having taken Legends of the Hidden Force public a week ago, he's already featured us 3 times. Ken you're the best! Check out his coverage here:  <iframe width="560"... (Read More)

Many great things to report...

April 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Earlier this week I quietly launched www.whiskeyjacktoys.com - it's not finished, but it's not unfinished. Lots of placeholder content is up there on purpose, until after the Kickstarter for Legends of the Hidden Force wraps up. But maybe you want to... (Read More)


March 30th - via: kickstarter.com
We've had many requests for what our packaging will be. This is the mock-up using stock images. A professional artist, known in our/your action figure fandom is doing a hand drawn version of this for the final package as we speak. Check out the newly... (Read More)

What's on Joe Mind livestream

March 30th - via: kickstarter.com
https://www.youtube.com/live/MU64AIR_i4A?feature=share Hey all! Mike, Mark, Rob and Joe invited us to their show to talk about our favorite ninjas - Legends of the Hidden Force! As a podcaster myself, it's rare to be given essentially an entire hour... (Read More)

You asked for mix and match, we provided!

March 28th - via: kickstarter.com
Due to some absolutely reasonable requests, we have added a mix and match ability for our Kickstarter (happening now!). You can now select 1 to 6 figures of your choosing (so long as they are unlocked) and not be gouged on shipping. But because... (Read More)

And we're off!

March 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Hey everyone! Thank you so much for believing in this project. Legends of the Hidden Force has been all we've breathed, slept and ate for three years now. We're so glad you're enjoying it as much as we do.Hey everyone! Thank you so much for... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!