Tank Chess (reprint)

A project in Belgrade, Serbia by Forsage Games

Funding Successful

Outsmart your opponent and destroy their forces in this diceless tactical tank battle game!
Backers: 535
Average Pledge Per Backer: $60

Funded: $32,244 of $2,023
Dates: May 30th -> Jun 29th (31 days)
Project By: Forsage Games
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Last Updated: June 29 @ 18:02 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

A big THANK YOU + Stretch goal announcement!

June 29th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, everyone! Since the Kickstarter campaign has just finished, we wanted to thank you all for the amazing level of support you showed during this project!  We will do our best to handle the production in the most efficient way and to start... (Read More)

Add-ons: preliminary list

June 27th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, everyone, Here is the preliminary list of the add-ons that will be offered during the pledge manager. There might be some slight changes, as the estimated quantities played a significant role in what you see here. Feel free to let us know what... (Read More)

Production announcement + earlier shipping!

June 26th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, everyone, Not much to go until the end! While we are eagerly waiting to see the results of your vote for the next stretch goal in hope it would be reached before the end of the Kickstarter campaign, we have some important news: after some talks... (Read More)

The reference cards stretch goal has been reached! Now, it's time for another vehicle: VOTE NOW and get your favorite at $32000!

June 25th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, everyone! If nobody told you lately, you are awesome! We can't thank you enough for your tremendous support, and for helping us make this game even better! Thanks to you, individual piece reference cards have become a part of the set! As for the... (Read More)

Fun Set

June 24th - via: kickstarter.com
The Fun Set expansion keeps a special place amongst the Tank Chess expansions and add-ons. It was originally featured during the first Kickstarter campaign, where it was in great demand, it received excellent feedback afterward, and has been a... (Read More)

Tank Chess: Extended - preview

June 15th - via: kickstarter.com
As you know, in this reprint campaign, we are also presenting new Tank Chess content. In the Update #4, we presented the travel-friendly TC: Portable set, while this update will be dedicated to its opposite, Tank Chess: Extended. The main features of... (Read More)

Another stretch goal reached! But, it's a TIE?! Next one: REFERENCE CARDS at $26000!

June 13th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, everyone! With your help, we have reached the stretch goal limit of $20000! Thank you so much once again for believing in us and supporting this game! However, after multiple recounts, we’ve established that your voting for the next piece that... (Read More)

Tank Chess: Portable - preview

June 9th - via: kickstarter.com
As you probably already know, Tank Chess can be played on a variety of boards of different sizes, with different, unique, obstacle setups, and with a different number and types of pieces involved. All this makes the game extremely versatile in terms... (Read More)

The third stretch goal has been reached! Thank you! Now get ready for another vote: next stretch goal at $20000

June 2nd - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, all! Thank you for helping us reach the third stretch goal! As a result of your vote, the Amphibian Howitzer has made it into the Fun Set Plus set! The next stretch goal is set at $20000 and, again, it is you who decide which piece can become a... (Read More)

Another stretch goal reached! Thank you! Now, get ready for the first poll!

May 31st - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, all, Thank you so much once again! Soon after the initial one, the second stretch goal was reached, so now all the TC Extended sets will come with a smaller custom setup printed on the insert cardboard. Now, it is time for stretch goals that... (Read More)

Funded in 27 minutes! THANK YOU!

May 30th - via: kickstarter.com
Hi, all, Thank you so much for you support!  The project has been funded in less than half an hour, and not only that, we have just reached the first stretch goal, which means that all Standard sets will be getting an additional booklet with... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!