BLOOD & STEEL - Mythological Series

A project in Madrid, Spain by Crisanto Lorente Gonzalez

Cancelled by Creator

Very fast game and easy to play, no more than 10-15 minutes. ---- Juego rapidísimo y fácil de jugar, de no más de 10-15 minutos.
Backers: 110
Average Pledge Per Backer: €41

Funded: €4,543 of €16,000
Dates: May 4th -> May 29th (25 days)
Project By: Crisanto Lorente Gonzalez
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Last Updated: May 19 @ 19:05 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Blood and Steel will return .../ Blood and Steel volverá...

May 19th - via:
Hello everyone! Feeling a lot this will be the last update of the campaign. Despite the struggle, hard work and enthusiasm, we have not achieved the minimum necessary to finance, although this does not mean that the project is forgotten.... (Read More)

New social stretch goals

May 11th - via:
I have uploaded new challenges for the social stretch goals Share if you like it. Thank you. ---- He subido nuevos retos para los social stretch goals compartid si os gusta. Gracias. Twitter Facebook BGG instagram  (Read More)

New Strech Goals - Nuevos Strech Goals

May 8th - via:
Dear Friends, we have listened to the backers who have asked us to change the Strech Goals, so that now we can more easily get the miniatures that everyone is so fond of. A huge effort has been made in costs for this. We hope it is an attraction for... (Read More)

Early Bird extended - Arachne free again / Early Bird extendido - Arachne gratis de nuevo

May 7th - via:
We have detected that many people have not had occasion to participate in the early birds of 24 hours due to the problems we had when leaving the campaign.  For this reason we extend until next Sunday (day 13 at 24hrs in Spain) that Arachne is free... (Read More)

Rules in English Beta version

May 6th - via:
English version En unos días subiremos las reglas en español, pero con los vídeos podéis entender con facilidad cómo se juega Blood and Steel, el juego. Saludos... (Read More)

Video explanation rules and game example/ Vídeo explicativo y ejemplo de juego

May 5th - via:
We have uploaded another video with explanation of rules, mechanics of the game and example of game (in Spanish, but it is understood very well) ------- Hemos subido otro vídeo con explicación de reglas, mecánicas del juego y ejemplo de juego.  (Read More)

Entrega de juegos

May 5th - via:
Hemos alcanzado un acuerdo con la tienda que nos apoya para los mecenas de Madrid. Para no tener costes de envío se pueden recoger en la tienda "La Comarca de los Juegos". Esperamos conseguir más acuerdos con otras tiendas para facilitar a todos la... (Read More)

Tiendas que apoyan

May 5th - via:
Iremos subiendo al final de la página de la campaña los logos de las tiendas que apoyen el proyecto. La primera ha sido "La Comarca de los Juegos" de Madrid -------- We will go up the brands of stores that support the project at the end of the... (Read More)

Video-components / Vídeo de componentes

May 4th - via:
Vídeo de nuestro amigos de MeepletopíaPinchar en el link! Explanation of components, mechanisms and Kickstarter campaign (only in Spanish) ------ Explicación de componentes, mecanismos y campaña de Kickstarter.  (Read More)

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