Digital Chapter 3: Dead Kid. On The Run. Lost in Space
A project in Wakefield, UK by Rich Watkin000days
Funding Successful
As the crew try to come to grips with the ramifications of Eve's fall, new threats loom on D'Carrd and from Earth.
Backers: 190
Average Pledge Per Backer: £23
Funded: £4,359 of £3,500
Dates: Aug 27th -> Sep 26th (30 days)
Project By: Rich Watkin
Backers: 190
Average Pledge Per Backer: £23
Funded: £4,359 of £3,500
Dates: Aug 27th -> Sep 26th (30 days)
Project By: Rich Watkin
current pledge level
Last Updated: September 26 @ 07:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

(loading your very own snazzy kicktraq chart)

Latest News
Stretch Goal One Unlocked!
September 25th - via:
Hey Everyone, Hope you’re all safe and well! Just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know that we passed £4k yesterday and means all physical backers will receive an A5 Bear art print by Flaviu Pop with their rewards! Again digital backers,... (Read More)
September 16th - via:
Hey Everyone, We’ve done it! As of last night we’ve passed our target! Digital Chapter 3 is getting made! Just want to say a HUGE thank you to all of you helping us achieve this. All backers will now receive a digital copy of the extremely... (Read More)
Chat With Us Tonight at 8PM
September 15th - via:
A last minute reminder that we will be on the Killer Comics Show tonight at 8pm BST / 10PM CET / 3PM EST. We’re also offering the chance to win one of our Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con Exclusive 4th Print copies of Digital Chapter 1!... (Read More)
Hang Out & Win!
September 13th - via:
Hi Everyone! Just £136 to 100% - we’re so close! Just a reminder that we will be on the Killer Comics Show this Thursday at the amended time of 8pm / 10PM CET / 3PM EST Not only will you have the chance to ask us about Digital and the comic book... (Read More)
Come Chat With Us
September 9th - via:
Hi Everyone! (Apologies if you’re getting this for a second time) Hope you’re all well. First off a HUGE thank you to everyone for backing Digital Chapter 3, we’re now just £511 from hitting our target and making the next part of the story for... (Read More)
Comic Book Club Tonight!
August 30th - via:
Hey Everyone, Hope you’re all good! Firstly, we’re already 2/3rds of the way to hitting our target!!!! You are all incredible - but don’t stop now, we’ve still got some way to go PLUS we want to start unlocking stretch goals! Just wanted to... (Read More)
Best First 24 Hours Ever!
August 28th - via:
Hey Everyone! Hope you’re all doing great. Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all of you for getting involved so far and to let you know, we have raised the most in the first 24 hrs of any of our campaigns which is incredible! We still have a... (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!