Toejam and Earl: Back in the Groove
A project in Albany, CA by Humanature Studios000days
Funding Successful
Toejam and Earl is finally back! We're goin' indie, and old skool like GAME ONE, with a fun retro-comics style, and plenty of funk!
Backers: 8872
Average Pledge Per Backer: $57
Funded: $508,578 of $400,000
Dates: Feb 25th -> Mar 27th (30 days)
Project By: Humanature Studios
Backers: 8872
Average Pledge Per Backer: $57
Funded: $508,578 of $400,000
Dates: Feb 25th -> Mar 27th (30 days)
Project By: Humanature Studios
current pledge level
Last Updated: March 27 @ 15:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
March 27th - via:
When I was young -- and I mean young, around six or seven -- my extended family would get together at my grandmother's house nearly every Sunday. And often on those days, for at least an hour or two, my cousin and I would play on her Sega Mega Drive (aka Genesis) together. Our go-to game was ToeJam & Earl, I think mostly because we needn't fight over one controller and it was co-operative, rather than competitive. Though my memories of the game are fond, the sequels released over the following decade completely passed me by. That's why I've had my eye on ToeJam and Earl: Back in the Groove -- an homage to the '90s classic that secured initial funding on Kickstarter in 2015. As it turns out, though, some memories are better being just that. (Read More)
HumaNature Studios
December 6th - via:
ToeJam & Earl rose to prominence alongside the success of the Sega Mega Drive (Sega Genesis in North America), sadly falling out of the public eye following the failure of Mission to Earth in 2002. Developer HumaNature Studios is set to revive the series in March, 2019, following a successful Kickstarter campaign. (Read More)
Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove Set to Launch This Fall, Closed Beta Arrives Next Week
June 28th - via:
HumaNature Studios and its founder, Greg Johnson, have posted a Kickstarter update for Toejam & Earl: Back in the Groove, stating the revival is set to launch later this fall and that a closed beta will be arriving next week.
The update elaborates that the Nintendo Switch version of the title is (Read More)
Toejam & Earl: Back In The Groove Delayed To 2018
November 7th - via:
The crowdfunded game won't make its target date of 2017. "Game development is an inexact science and it's our priority to deliver the best, most solid game we can," wrote Johnson. (Read More)
Adult Swim is helping bring back ToeJam & Earl
August 24th - via:
You were aware that a new ToeJam & Earl game is currently in production, right?
If not, I'm happy to be the bearer of good news. (Read More)
Toejam and Earl Devs Ahead of Physical Rewards Curve
June 29th - via:
Cliqist looks at how Toejam and Earl : Back In The Groove developers Humanature Studios are handling their physical rewards. (Read More)
[FORUM POST] Post-Kickstarter Toejam and Earl Picks Up Stretch Goal Composers
May 14th - via:
Although the Toejam and Earl: Back In The Groove Kickstarter has been finished for almost two months, it continues to raise money. And with those extra funds comes a team of star studded composers to contribute some funky fresh jams. (Read More)
Latisha is in the HOUSE!!! Stretch Goal MADE in final few minutes!!!
March 27th - via:
Latisha Wow! Ok we did not expect to get here in these final few minutes, or we would have made some better concept art for Latisha, and Earl's Mom, and ToeJam's Cousin. YAY!!! I was so hoping for this!! In addition to the art, we're going... (Read More)
20 more minutes! THIS IS CRAZY EXCITING!!!
March 27th - via:
This is unbelievable! The racehorse is now sprinting for the finish line at insane speed!! WOOHOO!! Hang on!! We might go sailing past our $500K stretch goal! It's going to be a close one! Here is some information that people have been asking... (Read More)
March 27th - via:
We are getting SO close!! Things have really heated up!! We really didn't expect this but it looks like we may even break through that $500K Stretch Goal!!! We will be making one or two more updates to keep you informed in these final hours...... (Read More)
March 26th - via:
We just passed the $450 Stretch goal!! We're totally making the Hyperfunk Zone!!! art by Nekoiichi (For anyone who was wondering - this is what you would look like if viewed through the Fuuunk Dimennsionnnnn!) This is just so awesome!!! Woohoo!!... (Read More)
The Twitch Stream
March 26th - via:
We are just about to get going with the Twitch Stream. Here is the link again: We will ask questions on Twitch, and then specify whether that question is to be answered on Facebook or on Twitter. Facebook:... (Read More)
Old School Skins Stretch Goal REACHED!!!
March 26th - via:
For all of you TJ & E purists out there - it's time to get down and PARTY!!! We've just passed the $425k Stretch Goal!! It looks like you'll be able to play the new game with skins of TJ & E that make them look like their old-school... (Read More)
A New Digital Only Tier - More on Our Twitch Stream and Art Give-Away
March 25th - via:
Phew! What a whirlwind ride this whole thing is!! I wish you could all be here at the center of the storm for this crazy exciting view! (My office would get a bit too crowded though). So here is our regular update for today.... but first some... (Read More)
March 25th - via:
WOOHOO!!!!! This game is going to get made!!! Thanks to all of you, we have made it! Prepare for the FUNK!!!! From here, with lightened hearts and much less stress we catch our breathes, and then continue up this mountain towards our... (Read More)
We can do this!
March 24th - via:
We are getting close everyone! This may end up being a photo-finish. Don't forget to tune in today if you can at 2:00 to GameSpot's channel. Here is a link to them on twitter: Here is a little more fan art for you... (Read More)
ORIGINAL concept art Give-Away! ... TJ&E Twitch Party! ... GameSpot Live Interview!
March 23rd - via:
Yes, it's true. You don't have to spend any more money. We are giving away ORIGINAL, one of a kind ToeJam and Earl concept art..... for free! Our campaign ends at noon this coming Friday the 27th. So... we have dubbed Thursday the 26th... (Read More)
Kickstarting a cult classic: Can fan love bring back 'ToeJam and Earl'?
March 23rd - via:
Creators — and their fans — almost take the Internet for granted at this point. Social media and instant communication can lead to a never-ending feedback loop; see something you love, and immediately send praise out into the ether. (Read More)
ToeJam Needs You! 4 days to go!
March 22nd - via:
So many of you have already done so much! Both with your pledges, and with helping us spread the word. What we need is still more people to know about us. If you have social networks you haven't accessed yet, or next door neighbors who you... (Read More)
Early Access VIP status for anyone who pledges $60 or up!!!
March 21st - via:
Here is some good news! We've decided to open up the VIP Early access status (this includes being part of the design feedback forum) to anyone who pledges, or has pledged, $60 and up - even if that's with add-ons. So there is another reason to... (Read More)
Add-Ons and Shipping...Vinyl Figures.....and some hecka cool bass.
March 20th - via:
First, before we get into answering your questions... check out this ultra funky bass riff... This is a live, free-form riff by an extremely talented bassist named Cody Wright. Cody says he got into playing bass because of his early experience... (Read More)
March 19th - via:
NEWS FLASH!! (Does anyone ever still say that?) Due to lots of fan requests we have added a new reward item. This will be available BOTH as part of a new "Spin Master DJ" tier ($300) and as an add-on ($40). For all backers who have backed... (Read More)
March 18th - via:
Woohoo! We're 3/4 of the way there!! 8 days left to go! GO! GO! GO! Here is a compilation of the fan videos that were sent in. We did our best to cut it down, but the videos were so great and heartfelt, it was really tough to cut many of... (Read More)
The "Making Of" video for the ToeJam & Earl Animation by James Farr
March 17th - via:
Greetings Fellow Funkotronians! We're just 10 days away from the end of our KickStarter campaign! This means you will most likely be seeing an update from us everyday as we make our final push. We'll try and make them fun and keep them short.... (Read More)
The GameInformer Interview With Greg
March 16th - via:
Hi everybody, We'll make this a very short Update! The recent Game Developers Conference (GDC) was a great chance to meet with some reporters from gaming sites. If you are interested in hearing more behind the scenes info about ToeJam &... (Read More)
You Can Help!
March 14th - via:
Hey there funky backers! We have 12 days left to go and are still about $118k short of our goal. Things seem to be picking up though. We have gotten ton of really heartwarming, silly, and highly funky video clips from fans and our deadline is... (Read More)
Appreciating The Fans!
March 11th - via:
We have been enjoying and appreciating a lot of really awesome fan art. We thought we might share a little of it with you. When you watch this video by April King, it might look familiar but pay close attention to the dialogue. By April King... (Read More)
March 11th - via:
Once again we’d like to say: “We Hear You!” It has been our plan all along to build this game for all platforms, but as you know we were holding back from announcing these as stretch goals. We've been getting SO many requests from fans for... (Read More)
Want to be in our Video?
March 10th - via:
Share the Love!!! Do you love ToeJam and Earl? Do you have a good (short) story about what TJ & E meant to you growing up? If you email us a 5 to 30 second video of yourself saying something about what TJ & E meant to you in the past, or... (Read More)
March 9th - via:
Hello friends of ToeJam & Earl! GUESS WHAT! Santa has some surprises for you! 1) ADD-ONS! : If you have backed at any level, you can now purchase additional items (like more Vinyl Figures!). Check out the catalog of items on the main page.... (Read More)
We Hear You!! We'll be making some announcements VERY soon!
March 7th - via:
Hello, people to whom we are very grateful... :) This post is to let you know that we hear all of the great comments and suggestions you are making, and we have been crafting some new plans as a result. We will be making some BIG announcements on... (Read More)
The Kickstarter Videogame Campaigns of March 2015 (Video)
March 4th - via:
We take a look at the noteworthy Kickstarter videogame campaigns that are ending in March; lots to choose from here! (Read More)
A few photos of the film shoot.
March 3rd - via:
For those of you who haven't seen this on our Facebook Page, here are a few photos of the Live Action Film shoot that we did in Point Richmond. It was a blast! A REALLY big thanks to Jacory and Nick of 2 Dark Dudes studios. They did all the... (Read More)
Working on a modified look - want feedback!
March 3rd - via:
OK, so... We've been getting a lot of feedback and suggestions. Many of you have suggested that you feel the 2D sprites and the 3D landscape don't seem unified enough in the prototype we've been showing (which as a reminder is just an early... (Read More)
It's a Funky Celebration!
March 3rd - via:
HOLLER!!!! We passed the halfway point to funding! To celebrate, we are posting our Live-Action music video of Tonez the Prince and Greg Brown performing the Theme Song for our new TJ & E game!! This video is now on the main page but we'll... (Read More)
What Kickstarter Video Game Campaigns Launched Feb 22 - 28?
March 1st - via:
Every week dozens of Kickstarter Video Game campaigns are launched, we check out all of the Kickstarter Video Game campaigns! (Read More)
News Flash! New Video of the Prototype!
February 27th - via:
We have just added a NEW video to the Kick Start page that shows more footage of our prototype. PLEASE keep in mind that his is all VERY early and under construction. We appreciate all of the feedback we’re getting about the look of the world and... (Read More)
Back in the Groove Comic: Part 1
February 27th - via:
Guess what! We decided it would be fun to have a continuing comic strip as part of our backer updates, so here is the first one. (let us know if the updates get too frequent, or annoying). by Nathan Shorts (Read More)
An interview with Greg by Polygon's Phil Kolar
February 27th - via:
Hi everyone! I though you might enjoy this interview by Phil Kolar. It's in Polygon. It has more details about the upcoming game that you might find interesting, and some history about the early ToeJam and Earl games.... (Read More)
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
February 26th - via:
We passed $100K! Thank You, Thank You Thank You! To all of our amazingly generous and supportive backers so far. You have gotten us off to such a tremendous beginning. We're trying not to get too excited because we don't want to get ahead of... (Read More)
Toejam and Earl: Back in the Groove looks to Kickstarter for funding
February 26th - via:
Humanature Studios, headed by the franchise's co-creator, needs $400,000. (Read More)
Sega classic 'ToeJam and Earl' hopes to Kickstart an indie reboot
February 26th - via:
'ToeJam and Earl' is getting a reboot 24 years later, if its Kickstarter campaign reaches its funding goal. (Read More)
'ToeJam and Earl' sequel brings funk to Kickstarter
February 26th - via:
Classic Mega Drive game ToeJam and Earl is grooving its way back, with a planned sequel from the original creators in development (Read More)
Thanks for a great first day!
February 25th - via:
This has been a crazy, exciting, overwhelming, hopeful, and informative day. We're already getting so much feedback in the form of comments and questions, and so much great enthusiasm and excitement. Thank You to all of our backers, no matter... (Read More)
Toejam & Earl co-creator turns to Kickstarter to bring series back
February 25th - via:
Wants "two years" of development, speaks out about fans' Molyneux-related worries. (Read More)
ToeJam and Earl Return via Kickstarter
February 25th - via:
ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove is the return of the glassic Sega Genesis series via Kickstarter (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!