Color Warz : Dark Threat
A project in Paris, France by Devil Pig Games000days
Cancelled by Creator
Dark Threat si a new asymetrical boardgame for 2 players taking place in the Color Warz universe. Strategy black paint and white magic.
Backers: 131
Average Pledge Per Backer: £126
Funded: £16,469 of £30,000
Dates: Sep 12th -> Oct 28th (46 days)
Project By: Devil Pig Games
Backers: 131
Average Pledge Per Backer: £126
Funded: £16,469 of £30,000
Dates: Sep 12th -> Oct 28th (46 days)
Project By: Devil Pig Games
current pledge level
Last Updated: October 8 @ 17:01 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
Campaign reboot
October 8th - via:
Hello Backers, These last 27 days, we worked hard to propose you the best campaign we can. We did a huge start with £10,000 in one day but only £8,000 in the following 26 days. We count today 135 backers but we have lost around 30 of you. As you... (Read More)
[Miniature] Kung Fu Oak
October 8th - via:
Hello all, Today we present you our new Oak miniature. This is Kung Fu Oak Valentin Zak (Ammon Miniatures) began the sculpture last saturday at our presentation to Ukronium 1828, a french retailer based in Lyon. More informations through this link... (Read More)
Additional optional stuff
October 7th - via:
Hello all, Today we propose to you additional optional stuff : You will find there new crossover miniatures issued from partnerships with famous french publisher : Ammon Miniatures (Muay Thai Ronin), Skulls Mini (54mm Ronin torso) and Blacksmith... (Read More)
Color Warz : Dark Threat WIP cover and TGN review
October 3rd - via:
Hello all, Today, we want to show you a Work In Progress (WIP) of the illustration of the Color Warz : Dark Threat game box cover. We have chosen to represent the final battle between the Bright Chosen One and the Ultimate Bane. 1°/ A first rough,... (Read More)
[Cartoon Box Challenge] winners
October 1st - via:
Hello all, Today we want to show you illustations made by winners of the 1st Cartoon Box Challenge. The subject was to design an Oak follower. Sorann, the Hermit by Anne C. "Sorann is a kind of hermit who uses painting as à whip. She moves it in and... (Read More)
Funded project gift
September 30th - via:
Hello backers, We decided to make something great, something incredible for our backers. This is a special gift for all that have invested £35 or more in our campaign. This extra gift will be added to your pledge if we reach our goal. We hope that... (Read More)
Gameplay videos #2
September 30th - via:
Hello backers, Today we propose to you new gameplay videos. We have made 2 new short videos presenting the Cleric (Gaia player) and the Doomed Chief (Kaos player). These videos will introduce you easily on basic principles of moves and attacks. We... (Read More)
Color Warz : Artworks
September 27th - via:
Hello backers, Today, we propose to you some artworks of the characters issued from the Color Warz universe. Oak and his followers Powerfull Avatars The Chosen One and Ancients The Threat Doomed Khromaz Bane evolutions Color Warz : Paint... (Read More)
Asmodee distributes Color Warz : Paint Brawl
September 26th - via:
Hello backers, Today marks our second week on Kickstarter and it is also a great day ! That is official : Asmodee is the distributor of Color Warz : Paint Brawl ! See news on their website We delivered the first 200 game boxes this morning. Shipping... (Read More)
Gameplay videos
September 25th - via:
Hello backers, Tonight we propose to you our gameplay video. It will present to you in 12 turns (6 Kaos turns /6 Gaia turns) the principal actions of the Color Warz : Dark Threat characters. To begin, you can watch this introduction video And now,... (Read More)
New Temples and Sanctuary tiles
September 24th - via:
Hello Backers, Today we want to show you the new design of Temples and the Sanctuary. Ancients are guardians of Temples. The Temple of Force It is protected by the Warmaster. It gives the Hammer of Light to the Chosen One . The Temple of Wisdom It... (Read More)
Additionnal tokens
September 23rd - via:
Hello backers, As some of you has asked by email or through forums like Tric Trac, we choose to propose to you the tokens contained in the Color Boxes and in the Gamer Box separately. So you have two options in the Optionnal stuff : x150 coloured... (Read More)
Two new scenarios pack
September 19th - via:
Hello backers,To celebrate our first week on Kickstarter, we have added two new stretch goals. 1°/ mini scenarios pack This is a Color Warz : Dark Threat box update (stretch goal lvl 1). It contains 3 new quick scenarios with no need of additional... (Read More)
Something for our VIPs
September 17th - via:
Hello VIP backers, As you had noticed previously, we have launched a new set of "Early" pledges to achieve our goal as fast as possible. At the same time, we would like to thank our premium backers (VIP). Therefore, we will offer to all of our VIPs... (Read More)
New "Early" formula
September 17th - via:
Hello backers, As you know, we have a lot of stuff to unlock and no time to loose. The "VIP" pledges were a success. The first formula of the "Early" pledges was a fail. No backers on each of them in the last 3 days so we decided to make something... (Read More)
New stretch goals : Doomed Followers
September 17th - via:
Hello backers, Today, we propose to you 2 new stretch goals 1°/ Doomed Followers (Box update) 2°/ Doomed Followers (Stretch Goal Miniatures) We hope that you will enjoy it ! Best regards, Fabien [FLUO Games] (Read More)
About Color Warz : Paint Brawl 1st edition
September 16th - via:
Hello backers, We are currently in discussions with famous distributors on Color Warz distribution. We have only 500 units of Color Warz : Paint Brawl 1st edition to propose to our backers for the campaign. So, the Color Warz : Paint Brawl 1st... (Read More)
How to choose the best pledge according to my needs
September 14th - via:
Hello Backers As you may know, we have made many pledges to try to satisfy most of you. Below, we had selected 5 pledges (on the 14 currently proposed) depending to the popular needs : => If you want to play to Color Warz : Dark Threat AND Color... (Read More)
Goodbye "VIP" and welcome to "Early" pledges
September 14th - via:
Hello Backers, So this is too late now for the VIP offers :( But do not worry ! we have made for you a new set of pledges for our « Early Backers ». Below, you will find these new offers : Early Silver Early Gold Early Platinium These offers are... (Read More)
New Box Update : German Rulebook
September 14th - via:
Hi Backers, Today we will propose to our german friends an new stretch goal that they should enjoy :The Color Warz : Dark Threat german rulebook. Note : we will also add for free download the Color Warz : Paint Brawl German rulebook on out website.... (Read More)
New Pledge : Miniatures 4 Collection and FLUO Shop
September 13th - via:
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read. (Read More)
If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!