Pathologic (Мор.Утопия)

A project in Moscow, Russia by Ice-Pick Lodge

Funding Successful

12 days in a town devoured by plague. It's an enemy you can't kill. It's the game where you can’t save everyone
Backers: 7138
Average Pledge Per Backer: $47

Funded: $333,027 of $250,000
Dates: Sep 4th -> Oct 7th (33 days)
Project By: Ice-Pick Lodge
casualrpgvideo gameconsoleadventureindiebooksmagicmusiclinuxmachorrorsuspensesurvivalartaction rpgpc3dpost-apocalypticfirst person shooterfictionsandbox gamexbladrm-freeps4maps +Suggest

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Last Updated: October 7 @ 07:01 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Pathologic 2 Trailer: Watch it here

August 31st - via:
Ice-Pick Lodge has released the first trailer for Pathologic 2, a surreal survival horror game set for release in 2018 (Read More)

Pathologic remake launches teaser trailer series, Kickstarter demo due Friday

November 30th - via:
Demo will be a "vertical slice" of full release for those who pledged $80 or more. (Read More)

Pathologic: saving the virtual world from a Russian plague

November 3rd - via:
The creators of the video game Pathologic have wrapped up a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter that netted them more than $333,000 exceeding their $250,000 target. They have begun the development of an enhanced version of the game and promise that this time foreign players will easily understand the narrative. (Read More)

The Beginning

October 7th - via:
It has been a long month.  This Kickstarter campaign has been the most engaging public project we’ve done. We’ve tried to stay online 24/7 following your discussions, and it has paid off in spades. Pathologic has been successfully funded with... (Read More)

Pathologic Remake Ends Kickstarter Campaign Far Surpassing its Funding Goal

October 7th - via:
After reaching its funding goal 10 days ago, the Kickstarter campaign for remake of the award-winning survival gem, Pathologic, has officially came to a close, amounting $333,127 against its original goal of $250,000. (Read More)


October 6th - via:
Hi, Nikolay Dybowski with you once again. I’m here not as a writer today, but as the director of our game. Most of the updates we’ve published during the campaign were personal. All the Ice-Pick Lodgers have marched before your eyes, each of them... (Read More)

Synecdoche, Gorkhon

October 6th - via:
And so The Town is growing. We’ve hit our first stretch goal, The Town Extended. That’s great news. One of our major goals with this project is ensuring every step you make becomes a story—your story. But that’s something that can technically... (Read More)

Localizing “The Void” — and what I learned for “Pathologic”

October 3rd - via:
This is an update from our German translator and localization manager, producer, and dearest friend, Wolfgang Walk. He’s the one we’re thankful to for making the German version of The Void so great. Some of you may have noticed his witty and... (Read More)

Ice-Pick Lodge Reddit AMA Live Now

October 3rd - via:
Our AMA has gone live! Here it is. We’re doing our best to answer your questions here, but there’s no doubt some of them are slipping through our fingers. This Kickstarter page is also not the most appropriate place to talk about our previous... (Read More)

The Art of… Pathologic

October 3rd - via:
It’s the month of spooks! And what better way is there to celebrate the spookiness of October then to look at some creepy concept art? Today I’m going to introduce you to some of the concept art (and other art) made for the Pathologic remake by Ice Pick Lodge. This game and art surely fits the all dark and horrifying theme of the Halloween month. (Read More)

Sound and Music

October 2nd - via:
Hello dear friends, My name is Vassiliy Kashnikov. I’m also known as Mushroomer—the funny alias is a testament to my love for mushrooms as a life form. I’ve got my first degree in Biology, you see, and it has influenced everything I’ve done... (Read More)

Pathologic, an Open-World Survival Adventure, Achieves Kickstarter Goal

October 2nd - via:
Billed as a first-person "plot-driven survival open-world adventure game", Pathologic has achieved its Kickstarter goal with four days still to go, meaning it'll be making its way to PlayStation 4. You'll find yourself amid a town ridden with disease, as a highly infectious and deadly plague sweeps through its citizens. (Read More)

The Reverse Side of the Coin

October 1st - via:
Hi, My name is Peter Potapov, and I’m in charge of everything that has to do with 3D here at Ice-Pick Lodge.  Click to find the ice-pick 3D visuals are a two-edged sword. On one hand, you have to stay within the stylistic bounds set by the Lead... (Read More)

The Steppe Alphabet

September 29th - via:
It’s finally time to show you one of our physical rewards—The Brand! The Brand is a 35mm-high and 2mm-thick metallic item wearable around your neck (although you can find a different use for it). It’s produced in several designs. If you choose... (Read More)


September 27th - via:
We’re there! Or rather “here”, seeing how we we’ve moved to the Land of Funded Projects overnight and are currently looking at its inhabitants curiously. The requirements for entering the place are a feverish glint in the eyes and cheering... (Read More)

Tall Poppy Syndrome

September 26th - via:
Hello everybody, I hope you are well. I am Gabriel also known as Meethos, and I am the art director of Pathologic. Every time I see what your pledges amount to I am overwhelmed with emotion. On the one hand I want to climb an electricity pole,... (Read More)

In Hindsight

September 25th - via:
Let’s talk pledges. A lot of the things that have happened during this campaign were quite unexpected for us. We never thought we’d have such a spectacular launch, and it never even occurred to us that all the $3,000 rewards will be taken in the... (Read More)

A Fine Line

September 23rd - via:
Hi, My name is Alexandra “Alphyna” Golubeva. Our previous backers may remember my Knock-Knock update. I work for Ice-Pick Lodge full-time now; I’m a linguist, a translator, and a writer, and I’ll be the one in charge of translating... (Read More)

Ice-Pick Lodge Discusses the Pathologic Remake

September 23rd - via:
Pathologic is one of those games that when mentioned to a group of gamers will cause at least one person to yelp with excitement, berate everyone else for not playing it, and lead to a seemingly endless story of how awesome the game is. That little scene has been repeated endlessly since Pathologic was first released nearly ten years ago. Although never a major seller, fans of the game are rabid; and rightfully so, the game is that good. When Ice-Pick Lodge, the developers behind Pathologic, launched a Kickstarter to remake their cult classic a lot of people got excited; including us. (Read More)

Creepy New Pathologic Trailer Is Creepy

September 23rd - via:
A creepy new trailer emerged at the tail end of last week for the Kickstarter version of Pathologic, a trailer which I sadly missed at first, otherwise you would have seen me talk about it much sooner. The Kickstarter for Pathologic is 13 days from closing at just under $20,000 away from being funded, and the project is bringing back all sorts of memories of when I was starting out with writing about games. Hit the break for more details and that creepy new video. (Read More)

As a Player I Want

September 22nd - via:
Hi! My name is Ivan Slovtsov, and I am a game designer at Ice-Pick Lodge.  Since the launch of the Kickstarter campaign there’s been a lot of discussion about how the new Pathologic might turn out gameplay-wise. The subject has piqued the interest... (Read More)

Stretching Our Goals

September 19th - via:
We’re 86% and more than 4,500 backers in! Thank you all so much—that’s wonderful news. it also means that we finally feel comfortable announcing stretch goals. If you’re not interested in our babbling on how we believe they are supposed to... (Read More)

Pathologic stretch goals tease a trip to the "Termitary and Abattoir"

September 19th - via:
The Kickstarter for the Pathologic remake is going well enough that developer Ice-Pick Lodge now feels comfortable adding a few stretch goals. Each of them will allow the team to deepen the experience by expanding existing areas or adding brand new ones, some of which promise to lead to some very bizarre places. (Read More)

Making Tragedian

September 15th - via:
Hello everybody, I hope you are well. This is the Wednesday issue of Pathologic Kickstarter Updates, presented by me: Gabriel-Meethos. There is a peculiar kind of anxiety known as Pediophobia. A vapid, colourless word used to describe the sickening... (Read More)

Yet Another Miracle

September 15th - via:
Hi. My name is Ayrat Zakirov, and I’m the managing director/chief technology officer at Ice-Pick Lodge. Click to see more than just the eyes When we started working on the original Pathologic, the only experience any of us had making games was a... (Read More)

Ice-Pick Lodge on the many lives of Pathologic

September 15th - via:
Pathologic hasn’t quite left our brains since we reported on the remake’s Kickstarter campaign last week. After perusing articles and Let’s Plays of the original, cult survival horror game, we approached Ice-Pick Lodge’s Ivan Slovtsov to talk a little about how their game has mutated from play to video game to tabletop game to… book? Read on… (Read More)

Scriptwriting: Gap #1

September 12th - via:
Hi, My name is Nikolay Dybowski. I’m the person behind the plot, the setting, and the script of Pathologic. The story of Pathologic is not fictional. Or rather not entirely fictional: it’s based upon artistically adapted facts and phenomenons... (Read More)

Bring out your dead: the resurrection of cult game ‘Pathologic’

September 12th - via:
The world's most surreal survival simulator is coming back (Read More)

The Pathologic Kickstarter Proves Gamers Have Excellent Decision-Making Skills

September 10th - via:
Sometimes, even the most amazing-looking games can’t convince the denziens of Kickstarter to part with their hard-earned money. “What’s wrong with everyone? Why is this not funded?!?” I whisper to myself as I research selling organs on the black market. (Read More)

The Scissors

September 8th - via:
My name is Gabriel but you may call me Meethos.  This is the first time we meet each other, though, in all likelihood, not the last. I've brought you two scribblings today, something I did twelve years ago when the production of the original... (Read More)

Weekly Launchpad. What Kickstarters Launched Aug 31 – Sep 6?

September 8th - via:
Every week we take a brief look at all of the Kickstarter campaigns that launched in the previous week. This isn’t to say that all of these projects are worth your hard earned cash, but with any luck having all of them in one place will make it easier to educate yourself on the projects you’d like to back, and which ones to run from. (Read More)

In Pathologic, everything is terrible and it's all your fault

September 8th - via:
Joining a long cultural history of depressing and game-changing fiction, the Russian game Pathologic entered the scene in 2005 to a resounding "meh, where are the guns?" from American audiences. Described by some later on as "the single best and most important game that you’ve never played," Pathologic's fatal flaw was that it got made ten years ahead of its time. Its second most fatal flaw was an atrocious English translation that made it barely understandable to aforementioned reviewers. (Read More)

On Top of the Table

September 5th - via:
Hi,  I’m Liu Sukhinina, and my job is making Pathologic the tabletop game. It’s time to come out of the shadow and tell you a little bit more about what it looks like.  That's not a tabletop game. That's me. First of all, please keep in mind... (Read More)

Ambitious cult horror adventure Pathologic is getting a remake

September 5th - via:
Ice-Pick Lodge's 2005 horror game Pathologic is getting a remake, assuming its Kickstarter is successful. And given that it's made $127,217 of its $250K goal in a day, I see no reason to believe that it won't be. (Read More)

Pathologic takes to Kickstarter for remake of cult classic

September 5th - via:
Pathologic is incredible and the fact that it’s being remade for a potentially wider audience makes me giggle with glee. Let’s talk open world plague doctoring. (Read More)

Half the Path

September 4th - via:
We're halfway there. In a day and a half. Who could have thought. We actually had a neat and tidy update plan (an update every two days or so), but, well, seems like we'll have to change it and replace it with a huge text file that takes twenty pages... (Read More)

And Here The Path of Erratic Logic Begins

September 4th - via:
So, er, we kind of knew there are some people interested in our endeavours and possibly frustrated with some aspects of original Pathologic, but we're floored. We never thought we'd manage to collect more than $60,000 in our first few hours—more... (Read More)

Pathologic Kickstarter Campaign Underway, Screens Released

September 4th - via:
Bleak Russian survival adventure game about saving a plagued town is back (Read More)

Secrets Of The Ice-Pick Lodge: Pathologic Reimagined

September 4th - via:
I’ve been waiting for a Pathologic remake for years. My reaction to the announcement of a Kickstarter campaign to fund a remake was odd. I worried, I fretted. My concern was that a re-engineered version of the game would remove rough edges, sandpaper the strange angles and anomalies, and somehow expose the whole experience as more sterile, and less esoteric and unusual than the broken machinery of the original release. Now that the Kickstarter is live, here are details of a conversation with Ice-Pick Lodge about the project and the original game. Time to cast the major concerns aside, and to embrace the horror and the beauty. (Read More)

Critically-Acclaimed Pathologic is Being Remade

September 4th - via:
Have you heard of the game Pathologic before? In the West, the game isn’t massively well known, though there is a devoted following for it. This is in part because the 2005 game was never officially released in Western territories (outside of a more recent version). In either case, the experience deserves a wider audience which is why a remake of Pathologic is immensely exciting. (Read More)

Pathologic remake infects Kickstarter

September 4th - via:
Pathologic is now on Kickstarter. I've already explained why a remake of 2005 open-world adventure is a good thing, and now we're that one step closer to a game that could—if we're very lucky—do justice to Ice-Pick Lodge's weird, horrifying, innovative and ambitious debut. As you might expect, their pitch video is just the right amount of creepy. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!