Darkest Dungeon by Red Hook Studios

A project in Bellingham, WA by Tyler Sigman

Funding Successful

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring. Descend at your peril!
Backers: 9639
Average Pledge Per Backer: $33

Funded: $313,337 of $75,000
Dates: Feb 10th -> Mar 14th (32 days)
Project By: Tyler Sigman
rpgvideo gamezombiesstrategy gameadventureactionindiesimulationillustrationdungeon crawlersoftwarehandcraftedmagicanimationmonstersmachorrorlovecraftfantasysuspensedogssurvivalartaction rpgpcroguelikehistorictabletop gameturn-basedgraphic designfictioncampingdrm-free +Suggest

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Last Updated: March 14 @ 03:01 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

[COMING SOON] Darkest Dungeon Board Game Details at Gen-Con 2020

August 9th - via: gamerant.com
Mythic Games reveals brand new details for the Darkest Dungeon Board Game, including playable characters, skills, gameplay, and more. Fans of the difficult, Lovecraftian inspired Darkest Dungeon were delighted to hear the news last week of Red Hook Studios and Mythic Games partnership to deliver a board game adaptation. While the video game is primarily a single-player experience, this board game version is aimed at up to 4 players working cooperatively. To maintain that randomly generated feeling of the video game, the Darkest Dungeon Board Game will have players choose dungeon cards at random to determine the various dungeon designs. While players will surely be excited to back the board game when its Kickstarter goes live this fall, others are anticipating when the next batch of details will be delivered for Darkest Dungeon 2. (Read More)

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Tomorrow's Darkest Dungeon Update Adds Town Events and Completes Kickstarter Stretch Goals

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The new Darkest Dungeon update not only adds Town Events, it represents the fulfillment of the last of the Kickstarter game feature stretch goals. (Read More)

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From Kickstarter, through Early Access and onto a timely release, Darkest Dungeon is spectacularly unforgiving game staying true to its roots and ideas. (Read More)

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$285k Stretch Goal Unlocked - The Ancestor's Trinkets, plus StarCrawlers / Beatdown City Redux!

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$285k Stretch Goal Unlocked! The Ancestor's TrinketsWhat a day! Thanks to the (beginning of the) end rush, we've hit that new stretch goal already! As a special thank-you to all of you who have contributed so much passion and support to our project,... (Read More)

Final 36 Hours! New Stretch Goals including a $350k MEGAGOAL! Can we get there?

March 10th - via: kickstarter.com
The End Times (of this Kickstarter) Are Upon Us!Chris, Kelvin, Keir and I cannot believe that there are only 1.5 days left. Its has been an incredible ride, and we'll write more about that tomorrow. But today's order of business is: New Stretch... (Read More)

Final 3 Days to Pledge! Reddit AMA Today and Art Livestream on Tuesday

March 10th - via: kickstarter.com
Final 3 Days to Pledge!The campaign ends this Thursday at Midnight PST! It's hard to believe 28 days have flown by already. If you've been following Darkest Dungeon but haven't decided to pledge yet, we hope you'll consider taking the plunge! As... (Read More)

Darkest Dungeon Interview

March 10th - via: rpgwatch.com
Darkest Dungeon is a new roguelike RPG from a new studio called Red Hook Studios. The goal of the project was $75,000, but the game has managed to get over $250,000. (Read More)

Town Events Unlocked, The World of Darkest Dungeon, Reddit AMA Monday March 10th

March 6th - via: kickstarter.com
 $250k Stretch Goal Unlocked: Town EventsOur PayPal pledges are now above $2,000, which means the project has exceeded the $250,000 stretch goal! Battle-weary or proudly triumphant, each time that you return to town after a quest, there is a chance... (Read More)

Add On an Art Book, Diorama, Art Print, or Soundtrack! Only 1 Week Left!

March 5th - via: kickstarter.com
Have you considered adding on to your pledge?  There are several things you can purchase to enhance your Darkest Dungeon experience and support us in developing the game. How to Add On1) Decide what items you want and calculate the total 2) Click... (Read More)

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Tyler Fights: Get a look at Darkest Dungeon’s pre-alpha gameplay | BitPulse

February 28th - via: thebitpulse.com
We're pretty big fans of Red Hook Studios’ psychological horror fantasy game Darkest Dungeon. Now you can get to see a bit more of the game in action. (Read More)

Darkest Dungeon Smashes Kickstarter Goal with 14 days Left

February 27th - via: horriblenight.com
Red Hook Studios’ Darkest Dungeon has not only achieved its Kickstarter goal, it’s done so in spectacular fashion. With 14 days left, the “challenging gothic roguelike RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring” is already 300% funded, a testament to its intriguing take on the genre as well as its unique art direction. (Read More)

DRM-Free! Humble Widgets! Paypal! "Tyler Fights" Combat Overview, New Wallpapers

February 24th - via: kickstarter.com
DRM Free Option Confirmed!Good news! As many of you have requested, we now can confirm that all backers will have the option to choose whether to get a Steam key OR a DRM Free download for the full game release. This will be handled via Humble... (Read More)

Q&A with Stuart Chatwood, Darkest Dungeon's Composer

February 24th - via: kickstarter.com
Meet Stuart Chatwood, Composer for Darkest Dungeon Tell us a little bit about yourself... I am a "lifer" when it comes to video games. I have been fortunate enough to be a video game composer/rock musician/music producer who has been active on the... (Read More)

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February 21st - via: kickstarter.com
This Campaign Ain't Over!Things have settled down a bit (very typical for Kickstarters after the first week), which is giving us a chance to catch our collective breath! While we'd love to be knocking out stretch goals every 24 hours, we're still... (Read More)

New Dungeon Unlocked: the Cove, Jester Wallpaper and Stream, Plague Doc - Beatdown Style!

February 19th - via: kickstarter.com
$200k Stretch Goal: New Dungeon Unlocked! THE COVE Inspired by the Shadow Over Innsmouth and the crossover of things maritime and ancient: the Cove. Expect a challenging, sickening, and wet dungeon environment filled with blasphemous rituals to... (Read More)

Kickstarter Pick of the Week: Darkest Dungeon from Red Hook Studios

February 18th - via: slimgamer.com
Generally we don’t run any ‘pick of the week’ articles on a Tuesday, but every once in a while you come across a game that’s just too cool for school. This week that game is Darkest Dungeon from Red Hook Studios, and it’s our Kickstarter Pick of the Week. (Read More)

LiveStream Drawing Tonight! Forum Art! Change Your Kickstarter Password!

February 17th - via: kickstarter.com
Change Your Kickstarter Password!On the weekend, Kickstarter.com was hacked, but NO credit card data was obtained. You should have received an email from Kickstarter about this. Kickstarter is recommending that you immediately change your... (Read More)

Into Darkest Dungeon With Chris Bourassa

February 17th - via: cliqist.com
If you haven’t heard of Darkest Dungeon from Red Hook Studios yet then you must not pay attention to crowdfunding. Since launching on Kickstarter on February 10th with a total funding target of $75,000, the creepy looking RPG has gone on to get press everywhere and is nearing $200,000 in pledges. (Read More)

Darkest Dungeon dev Tyler Sigman: ‘Our game is about true heroism’

February 17th - via: thebitpulse.com
We’ve already reported on the launch of Darkest Dungeon last week — and this dark fantasy RPG that places as much attention on managing the state of your party’s mental health as attentively as you manage their gear has certainly captured our imaginations. It seems to have captured yours, too — at the time of writing, Darkest Dungeon has received $187,960 worth of funding via Kickstarter and they’re halfway through their stretch goals. (Read More)

2 New Heroes Unlocked, Official Trailer Scripts, Upcoming Art LiveStream!

February 15th - via: kickstarter.com
New Heroes Unlocked: BRAINS & BRAWN! Thanks to all of your incredible support, we've unlocked two new classes! We can't believe we're here after only 5 full days of the campaign! OCCULTIST Some have always felt the twinge of knowledge just out... (Read More)

Happy <3 Day: A Postcard of Love, Add-On Extra Game Copies, Class Recap and HOUNDMASTER Art

February 14th - via: kickstarter.com
 Show Your Love by Adding-On Extra Game Copies!Many of you have been asking about the ability to add-on extra copies of the game, so you can purchase copies as gifts for friends, or to help friends who don't have a credit card. Good news: you can!... (Read More)

Kickstarter Weekly: Darkest Dungeon and Hot Dog Heartache

February 13th - via: thekoalition.com
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The Kickstarter Compendium

February 13th - via: gameinformer.com
Welcome to the Kickstarter Compendium, a gathering of games and game-related projects that we’ve come across that deserve your attention. The crowd-funding model for video games has resulted in some interesting new game ideas, and new projects are going up on a weekly basis that deserve your attention. The only problem is keeping track of it all – what’s worth watching, and what are these different projects about? (Read More)

YASGC - Enhanced Town Activities, Exclusive Class Update, and a Short Graphical History of DD!

February 12th - via: kickstarter.com
YASGC - Yet Another Stretch Goal CRUSHED!Thanks to your generosity, we have bloodied another Stretch Goal! RELEASE THE HOUNDS! Wait, that was yesterday. RELEASE THE (enhanced) TOWN! Yes, that's right! The Hamlet has always been a critical part of... (Read More)

Brigands and Bosses, Meet the Dungeon, GameTrailers Interview Upcoming!

February 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Stretch Goals Crushed: Brigands and Bosses!Thanks to all of you, we are already slaying stretch goals! HOUNDMASTER ($90k): We put this guy as the first stretch goal because we personally really wanted him in the game! He's too awesome not to do. ... (Read More)

Darkest Dungeon Crushes Kickstarter After a Single Day

February 12th - via: technobuffalo.com
Red Hook Studios must have struck a chord with its first round of media because Darkest Dungeon came, saw and conquered Kickstarter after a single day. (Read More)

Day 1 Recap - FUNDED! New Trailer, Mighty 1100 Explained, and More!

February 11th - via: kickstarter.com
Funded in 24 Hours!Thank you so much for your support! We smashed the $75k ask in less than 24 hours, and have been racing to keep pace with the torrent of comments, emails, and tweets. It's an incredible feeling to have our dream project inspire... (Read More)

Darkest Dungeon plumbs new psychological depths on Kickstarter

February 11th - via: thebitpulse.com
Have you ever wondered what kind of psychological toll dungeon delving takes on your average adventurer? Well, wonder no more, as Red Hood Studios’ Darkest Dungeon will, if funded, balance classic dungeon-crawling gameplay with management of your party’s ever-tenuous mental state. (Read More)

Risk Emotional Destruction In Darkest Dungeon

February 10th - via: cliqist.com
I’m about to tell you the most depressing story you’ll likely hear all week. Sorry. (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!