Crisis: 1914
A project in Virginia Beach, VA by Worthington Publishing000days
Funding Successful
Crisis: 1914 puts 1 - 5 players in the shoes of the top diplomats in the July Crisis leading to World War I. Can you stop this tragedy?
Backers: 507
Average Pledge Per Backer: $81
Funded: $40,864 of $1,914
Dates: Jul 8th -> Jul 28th (21 days)
Project By: Worthington Publishing
Backers: 507
Average Pledge Per Backer: $81
Funded: $40,864 of $1,914
Dates: Jul 8th -> Jul 28th (21 days)
Project By: Worthington Publishing
current pledge level
Last Updated: July 28 @ 20:03 -0400 GMT
of goal

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Latest News
On This Day In 1914
July 28th - via:
In the July Crisis, on this day, July 28 1914 (a Tuesday), Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, and the Kaiser proposes a ‘Halt in Belgrade’ plan in an attempt to de-escalate the crisis. Maurice (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 27th - via:
On this day in WWI, in the July Crisis, July 27 1914 (a Monday), German ambassador Pourtalès tells Russian Foreign Minister Sazonov that any Russian preparations aimed at Germany will be met by German mobilization. Maurice (Read More)
On this day in 1914…
July 26th - via:
n the July Crisis, on this day, July 26 1914 (a Sunday), chief of staff, General von Moltke returns to Berlin and drafts an ultimatum to Belgium in preparation for war. Maurice Suckling (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 25th - via:
On this day in the July Crisis, July 25 1914, Serbia replies to the ultimatum, surprisingly meeting most of the demands. Nonetheless, Austria-Hungary breaks off diplomatic relations. Grey proposes a four power mediation scheme. Maurice (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 24th - via:
On this day in the July Crisis, July 24 1914 (a Friday), Serbia mobilizes, Russia issues a partial mobilization directive. Maurice (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 23rd - via:
On this day, in the July Crisis, July 23 1914, Austria-Hungary issues the ultimatum to Serbia, allowing 48 hours to reply. Sir Edward Grey calls it “The most formidable document I have ever seen addressed by one state to another that was... (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 22nd - via:
On this day in the July Crisis, July 22 1914 (a Wednesday), alliance negotiations between the Ottoman Empire and Germany begin, but without initial success. (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 21st - via:
On this day, in the July Crisis, July 21 1914 (a Tuesday), Poincaré spends time with the Czar at the Summit in St. Petersburg, which had begun the following day. They are in agreement about standing firm if the situation with Serbia develops... (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 20th - via:
On this day, July 20 1914, in the July Crisis, in Paris the trial of Madame Henriette Caillaux begins. She shot and killed Gaston Calmette, editor of Le Figaro on March 16, who had exposed details of Joseph Caillaux’s duplicity as Minister of... (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 19th - via:
In the midst of the July Crisis, on this day, July 19 1914 (a Sunday), George V summons a conference to discuss issues relating to the festering (erupting?) Home Rule Crisis. Is there a way to avert civil war in Ireland? Maurice (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 18th - via:
On this day in the July Crisis, July 18 1914 (a Saturday), Sazonov meets Szapary, the Austrian ambassador in St.Petersburg, and warns him that Russia will not tolerate an encroachment on the independence of Serbia. Maurice (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 17th - via:
On this day, in the July Crisis, July 17 1914, Berchtold meets the Italian ambassador, who is left with the impression that Austria will not make unreasonable demands on Serbia. This will not help relations between the two countries in the weeks to... (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 16th - via:
On this day in the July Crisis, July 16 1914 (a Thursday), the French Diplomatic Mission leaves Dunkirk aboard the Battleship ‘France’, bound for St. Petersburg. Berchtold attempted to time the issuing of the ultimatum to Serbia (which he termed... (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 15th - via:
On this day, in the July Crisis, July 15 1914, Count Lutzow, a retired senior Austrian diplomat, lunches with British ambassador Maurice de Bunsen and reveals that a note is being drawn up , and if Serbia doesn’t immediately cave in, Austria will... (Read More)
On This Day in 1914
July 14th - via:
In the July Crisis, on this day, July 14 1914 (a Tuesday), Count Tisza agrees to war against Serbia, provided the Hapsburg Empire doesn’t claim any additional territory in the process. Tisza has no love of Serbia, but is concerned over how narrow... (Read More)
On This Day In 1914
July 13th - via:
In the July Crisis, on this day, July 13 1914, (a Monday) an Austrian dossier reassures Berchtold that Serbian guilt will be sufficiently evident to make a case for war. In the game the card Assassination Investigations increases in value from 2,... (Read More)
On this Day in 1914
July 12th - via:
On this day in the July Crisis (a Sunday), July 12 1914, Rasputin is taken to hospital after an assassination attempt. After surgery he survives. But he had been a strong voice against any involvement in a European, or even a Balkan war, and now his... (Read More)
On this day in 1914
July 11th - via:
In the July Crisis, on this day, July 11 1914 (a Saturday), Berchtold meets with German ambassador Tschirschky in Vienna, asking his opinion on terms Serbia would be forced to reject so that they might be added to a planned note to justify a... (Read More)
On this day in 1914:
July 10th - via:
Historical Note of the Day: In the July Crisis, on this day, July 10 1914 (a Friday), Baron Nicholas Hartwig, the Russian ambassador to Serbia, visits the Austrian ambassador Baron von Giesl in Belgrade, and dies of a heart attack in circumstances... (Read More)
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