Adventure on the edge of extinction in a war between worlds

A project in Barnsley, UK by John Dodd

Funding Successful

Centuries of war between the Viahem and the Mesohem left the world broken. In the aftermath, Invaders from space begin the war anew.
Backers: 175
Average Pledge Per Backer: £16

Funded: £2,792 of £1,000
Dates: Feb 10th -> Mar 11th (29 days)
Project By: John Dodd
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Last Updated: March 11 @ 08:04 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

And the last day...

March 10th - via:
It's difficult sometimes when you spend all your time organising conventions, that you get to play games, even rarer when you get to run them.   I've spent the last two days at Airecon and it's been great, showed Quest to a load of people, and that,... (Read More)

And for those who missed the #RPGnet Q&A session

March 7th - via:
The link for the whole session is Really good session, covered a lot of things I haven't got into on here yet.  (Read More)

Follow up to earlier post, RPG Chat tonight on #rpgnet

March 7th - via:
Thanks to Dan Davenport for having me over at #rpgnet this evening (or tomorrow morning early if you're on uk time) for a live Q&A session about Quest. For those interested, the link are below and we're due to start at 19:30 CST, which is 01:30... (Read More)

RPGnet Chat tonight

March 7th - via:
Thanks to Dan Davenport for having me over at #rpgnet this evening (or tomorrow morning early if you're on uk time) for a live Q&A session about Quest.  For those interested, the link is here and we're due to start at 19:30 CST, which is 01:30... (Read More)

Quickstart now available

March 5th - via:
The only thing missing from it is the spells for one of the characters that they've already learned, and that will be there tomorrow when I've conferred with the person whose character it is. The PDF of the adventure can be found at my website Click... (Read More)

Not today's real update, but Fatpob asked if you could play the bad guys...

March 5th - via:
And actually...  Not yet... This is the Dark side of the world, where the Mesohem chose to live after the war. It's not what I'm doing on this kickstarter, because I know the volume of material is more than I can put together in time for delivery. ... (Read More)

Quickstart coming tomorrow, and more updates

March 4th - via:
Many say it's a rollercoaster doing a kickstarter, and I understand now what they meant, there's so many ups and downs that you have trouble keeping track of everything. But it's the last week starting tomorrow, and while the updates have been slow... (Read More)

And the adventure is out to those who offered to help

March 2nd - via:
But my website appears to be having a split personality, allowing some to access and not others, so if you haven't got the details yet, please get in touch at john at thedodd .com and I'll send the pdf adventure and the maps to you directly. All... (Read More)

Magic In Quest - Unlimited, Unrestricted, Unbound

February 26th - via:
There’s a lot to take in for this update, so get a drink before you start… First of all, huge thanks to everyone who offered to help, if I could ask you to send me your email addresses either via KS message or to, I'll send the... (Read More)

So we're going looking for Geven on the top of Insai...

February 25th - via:
And interestingly enough, the location played as much a part as the creature name itself in the results that came over on messages, so, I'll be writing that up in the next few days, but I'm conscious that I won't really have time to check it through... (Read More)

On Quickstarts within Kickstarts...

February 23rd - via:
One thing I wanted to have ready for the Kickstarter was a quick start game with a few characters and a simple adventure to work with. With time constraints, I had to start the Kickstarter before I was entirely ready to ensure I could make the print... (Read More)

What makes a monster, Monstrous...

February 19th - via:
There was a story a long time ago, of Tuckers Kobolds, a group of very low level monsters that wiped out an entire mid level party of adventurers because they were played smart, rather than simply piling on so that the players could wipe them out... (Read More)

Sometimes the day gets busy.

February 17th - via:
And I haven't had time to prepare the update that deals with creatures in Quest, because I was late out of work and had to do the Expo games, so as with all things Kickstarter, it's a learning curve. Todays lesson is to make sure that I don't try and... (Read More)

Characters in Quest

February 16th - via:
Who remembers endlessly generating characters when they first got into roleplaying? I did, but there was only really one game out at the time, so I got used to rolling up those characters as a result.  As time went on, I found other games and other... (Read More)

Who doesn't love throwing dice... The Quest System.

February 15th - via:
When we built the Quest game system, we were looking for something that was fast and easy to pick up. We went through several different ideas, worked through the idea of using success numbers of dice, worked on target numbers for each die rolled, but... (Read More)

Stretch Goal One Passed - More Artwork

February 15th - via:
As of this morning, we've passed the first stretch goal, and more artwork is being added to the book, talking to the artists now, but it's likely to be between fifteen and twenty new pieces added to the work we've already got. A week ago, I was just... (Read More)

And I want to tell everyone everything, but not all at once...

February 14th - via:
I've had quite a few messages asking for sneak peeks at the system, the monsters, the world, the setting, and while I'll share everything in time, I'm aware that huge infodumps are not the way forwards, so a question to all those helping me live my... (Read More)

Day two and more questions.

February 12th - via:
Morning all And the question was "If the hardcover stretch goal is reached, do the First Contact backers get a free hardcover upgrade?" Yes they do, that reward was set up to thank the people who supported the campaign early on. The Archiver reward... (Read More)

End of Day One, and Stretch goal Clarification

February 11th - via:
It's been a brilliant first day, and I've had a lot of questions, particularly with regards to the rewards and stretch goals. To be clear, and I'll be editing the rewards to remove ambiguity: All reward levels receive the pdf stretch goals that are... (Read More)

It's like 98% excited, 2% scared, or maybe it's 98% scared, 2% excited, but that's what's so intense...

February 11th - via:
There are few things worse than having to get up at five in the morning to go to work every weekend... There are few better things than to wake up and find out that your first kickstarter funded in just under seven hours... Thanks to everyone who got... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!